

A poluição do ar em ambientes de trabalho associa-se a uma extensa gama de doenças respiratórias. Com relação à afirmativa acima atribua "V" para VERDADEIRO e "F" para FALSO e assinale a alternativa CORRETA, na sequência de cima para baixo: 

( ) O termo pneumoconiose refere-se às doenças causadas pela inalação de aerossóis sólidos e à consequente reação tecidual do parênquima pulmonar.
( ) A forma mais comum de silicose geralmente está associada a exposições maciças à sílica livre, por períodos que variam de poucos meses até quatro ou cinco anos, como ocorre no jateamento de areia ou moagem de pedra.
( ) Não existem relatos de associação entre silicose e tuberculose.
( ) A asbestose caracteriza- se clinicamente por dispneia de esforços, estertores crepitantes nas bases pulmonares à ausculta, baqueteamento digital, alterações funcionais e pequenas opacidades irregulares de predomínio basal ao radiograma de tórax.
( ) Os mesoteliomas malignos podem afetar pleura, peritônio e pericárdio e a maior parte dos casos está relacionada à exposição ocupacional ao asbesto. 

  • Pneumoconiosis is the general term for lung disease caused by inhalation and deposition of mineral dust, with asbestosis more specifically being pneumoconiosis caused by asbestos inhalation.

    Rales are the most important finding during examination. Persistent and dry, they are described as fine cellophane rales or coarse Velcro rales. The rales are best auscultated at the bases of the lungs posteriorly and in the lower lateral areas.

    Finger clubbing is observed in 32-42% of cases. This finding is not necessarily related to the severity of disease.

    Reduced chest expansion in advanced disease correlates with restrictive ventilatory impairment and reduced vital capacity. In advanced disease, patients may show the following signs associated with cor pulmonale: cyanosis, jugular venous distention, hepatojugular reflux, and pedal edema.

    A chest radiograph alone has only a modest positive predictive value for the condition, but when it is combined with abnormal signs (rales) and pulmonary function test results, the positive predictive value is markedly increased. Typical findings include diffuse reticulonodular infiltrates, which are observed predominantly at the lung bases. The diffuse lung infiltrates cause the appearance of shaggy heart borders.

    Silicosis is a fibronodular lung disease caused by inhalation of dust containing crystalline silica or its polymorphs. 

    The clinical picture of silicosis is variable; acute and chronic forms have been recognized. Acute silicosis follows a relatively brief exposure to silica dust. The more common chronic forms manifest after several years of exposure and may be asymptomatic (recognized by chest radiographic findings) or symptomatic, with indolent symptoms or progressive symptoms.

    Acute silicosis follows a large exposure to dust, often in unregulated environments. Symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, and pleuritic pain may develop in days to several weeks, followed by weight loss and fatigue in months to years.