Observação sobre "information":
In English, the word information is uncountable (there is no plural form of it).
> correct: I don’t have enough information. / wrong: I don’t have enough informations.
Uncountability of the word “information” also implies that you can’t say “an information”. If you want to express that you are speaking about “one information”, you can use the expression “a piece of information”.
> correct: That’s an interesting piece of information. / correct: That’s interesting information. (notice no “an”) / wrong: That’s an interesting information.
And, of course, since information is a singular noun, we use singular verb forms after it (such as “is”, “does”, “has”):
> correct: The information is not correct. / wrong: The information are not correct.
Fonte: Jakub Marian's language learning, science & art.
Observação sobre "life":
Life as a general concept is uncountable. This is the case of the sentence "life is great!".
If the sentence gives an example of a person's life, then you can treat "life" as countable.
> correct: People develop courage with close friends in their lives. / wrong: People develop courage with close friends in their life.