

Too many third graders can’t read this sentence

9 Feb. 2017- Editor's Picks

      Two-thirds of U.S. third graders face challenges that will impact their future, including academic struggles that could lead to dimmer academic and career prospects. Sadly, only one in three U.S. students demonstrates reading proficiency at the end of third grade. This has alarming consequences for these children, and for our country.

      A report released today from the Business Roundtable (BRT) sheds light on this troubling trend in American education, and advises business leaders on how they can help put more children on a path to success.


      I’ve heard it said that before third grade, students are learning to read, while after third grade, they’re reading to learn. Grade three is a critical crossroads in a life's journey. If you’ve read this far, then you understand why this is so important. Not enough of our young learners can say the same.

      I encourage you to read the BRT report. As you read, please consider ways to help our schools and our teachers keep students on paths to bright futures.

Leave your comments below

Michel Jonas

      Really, all I read was blabla wa wa wa. Are you Charlie Brown’s teacher? If we can't understand our children who are crying out for help and direction, then there is something wrong with you. Please go back and check yourself! They are worth so much more.

Rick Shire

      Thanks for sharing. With two young children, I increasingly think about the importance of early childhood education. Pre-k care is far too inaccessible, ultimately magnifying inequality from the earliest stages of life.

Tom Franks

      What exactly is education? Academic education doesn't make someone a better person or even a better employee, I would guess that anything we learn in the education process is at the most 10% useful to us as people. Education should teach academia but also life skills such as budgeting, EQ skills, languages etc., all the elements to be a successful person and not necessarily a successful professional.

(Adapted from https ://www.linkedin.com)

Decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. Then choose the option that contains the correct sequence.

( ) Most kids in American schools cannot read well enough at third grade.

( ) The BRT report does not include suggestions on how to improve education.

( ) Michel Jonas posted a positive comment about the matter.

( ) Tom Franks believes schools do not prepare us for life.

  • (TRUE) Most kids in American schools cannot read well enough at third grade. 
    Sadly, only one in three U.S. students demonstrates reading proficiency at the end of third grade.

    (FALSE) The BRT report does not include suggestions on how to improve education.
    A report released today from the Business Roundtable (BRT) sheds light on this troubling trend in American education, and ADVISES business leaders on how they can help put more children on a path to success.

    (FALSE) Michel Jonas posted a positive comment about the matter.
    Really, all I read was blabla wa wa wa.

    (TRUE) Tom Franks believes schools do not prepare us for life. 
     I would guess that anything we learn in the education process is at the most 10% useful to us as people

  • Decida se as declarações abaixo são verdadeiras (T) ou falsas (F) de acordo com o texto. Em seguida, escolha a opção que contém a sequência correta.
    ( T ) A maioria das crianças nas escolas americanas não conseguem ler bem na terceira série.
    L. 1 e 2- Sadly, only one in three U.S. students demonstrates reading proficiency at the end of third grade.                                                                                                                                          Tradução: Infelizmente, apenas um em cada três estudantes dos EUA demonstra a proficiência de leitura no final do terceiro ano. 
    ( F ) O relatório do BRT não inclui sugestões sobre como melhorar a educação.
    L. 4 e 5 - A report released today from the Business Roundtable (BRT) sheds light on this troubling trend in American education, and advises business leaders on how they can help put more children on a path to success.                                                                                                                                    Tradução: Um relatório divulgado hoje pela Business Roundtable (BRT) mostra essa tendência preocupante na educação americana e aconselha os líderes empresariais sobre como eles podem ajudar a colocar mais crianças em um caminho para o sucesso.
    ( F ) Michel Jonas postou um comentário positivo sobre o assunto.
    Michel Jonas -  Really, all I read was blabla wa wa wa                                                                  Tradução: Michel Jonas - Realmente, tudo que eu li foi blabla wa wa wa
    ( T ) Tom Franks acredita que as escolas não nos preparam para a vida.
    Academic education doesn't make someone a better person or even a better employee, I would guess that anything we learn in the education process is at the most 10% useful to us as people.
    Tradução: A educação acadêmica não faz de alguém uma pessoa melhor ou até mesmo um funcionário melhor, eu diria que qualquer coisa que aprendamos no processo de educação é no máximo 10% útil para nós como pessoas. 
    Gabarito do Professor: E