

No processo de abate de suínos, a escaldagem é extremamente importante tecnologicamente, pois amolece as cerdas facilitando a sua retirada na depiladeira. Quando feita por imersão, a escaldagem inevitavelmente resultará em excesso de matéria orgânica na água do tanque, que favorecerá uma proliferação excessiva de Salmonella ssp e, por conseguinte, contaminação cruzada aos animais que ali entrarem na sequência. O CODEX Alimentarius publicou em 2016 a CAC/GL 87, que trata dos procedimentos de controle de Salmonella ssp em carne bovina e suína durante os procedimentos de abate.

Na etapa de escaldagem de suínos, assinale, entre as opções abaixo, a que indica corretamente quais as medidas baseadas no perigo que constam do documento CAC/ GL 87-2016 para controle e até redução de Salmonella ssp em carcaças suínas.

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    8.5.1 GHP-based control measures As the cleanliness of the pigs and the microbiological status of the scald water are factors that are significantly associated with the presence of Salmonella on the carcasses at the end of the slaughter process, the following measures or equivalent processes should be considered: a) Sanitary conditions should be maintained. Ensure that the scalder is easy to clean and in good condition and repair. Accumulations of hair and protein in the scalder should be prevented where possible and should be removed before and during operations as needed to maintain sanitary conditions. Condensation should also be controlled as needed. Drain and clean the scalder at least once a day. Pay particular attention to seams weld sites and rough, scratched areas in the interior of the tank to ensure adequate cleaning. b) A clean supply of water should be maintained. Recirculation of water may result in greater accumulation of hair and residue and affect the control of temperature fluctuations. Re-use of the scalding tank water in multiple processing batches was associated with a higher Salmonella prevalence on carcass swabs. The scald water should be changed at least once a day to prevent organic load build up. Use counter current water flow (fresh or recirculated scald water that flows into the scalder in an opposite direction from that of the carcasses) to increase heating efficiency and water cleanliness. c) Vertical scalding using steam may improve the bacteriological quality of the meat and prevent bacterial contamination of lungs. A vertical steam scald at 100°C allows for a constant supply of clean steam and prevents the accumulation of organic load as opposed to a water system.

    8.5.2 Hazard-based control measures Scalding efficiently reduces Salmonella on carcasses. There is evidence of prevalence reduction from 35% of carcasses to 1.5% (range 8-1%). Scalding water temperature should be at least 61°C for 8 minutes or 70°C for 2-3 minutes or another combination of time and temperature that can achieve an equivalent Salmonella reduction.