

1 As the evidence and knowledge of the physical effects of climate change continue to grow, the world is starting to dissect how those physical changes (e.g. water scarcity, sea-
4 level rise, increased temperatures), both current and predicted, will intersect with society and economies and the potentially significant environmental and human impacts that will result.
7 Of emerging interest are the potential impacts of climate change on the enjoyment of human rights and wellbeing. Weather and environmental degradation have, as one of
10 multiple stressors, threatened lives and livelihoods throughout history, but what makes this interaction more relevant today is the growing evidence that greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions
13 have contributed and will continue to contribute to long-term or permanent changes to our ecosystems and landscapes and will increase the frequency and severity of extreme events. This
16 amplifies existing social risks and vulnerabilities and will therefore increase the pressures faced by many disadvantaged individuals and populations in Canada and abroad.
19 On January 15 2009, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) released a study on climate change and human rights in response to UN
22 Resolution 7/23 in which signatories expressed concern “that climate change poses an immediate and far-reaching threat to people and communities around the world and has implications
25 for the full enjoyment of human rights.” Internet: (adapted)

In the line 22, the pronoun “which" refers to “signatories".

  • Errado,
    "wich" refere-se a "study on climate change and human rights".
  • Concordo com o gabarito, mas estou com uma dúvida em relação ao comentário da colega acima:
     which refere-se:
    - ao Estudo em mudanças climáticas e direitos humanos (study on climate change and human rigths)
    - à Resolução 7/23 da ONU (UN Resolution 7/23) ???
     Como na sequência são mencionados os signatários (signatories) e, pelo que eu saiba, estudo não tem signatário - só resolução - fiquei com essa dúvida.
     Se alguém souber e for postar, por favor, deixe um aviso também em minha página de recados.
  • "in which" refere-se à resolução
    which atua como pronome relativo e retoma o antecedente. espero ter ajudado!
  • R: “which” refers to “UN Resolution 7/23”.
    "(...) em resposta à Resolução 7/3 NA QUAL os signatários expressaram (...)" basta traduzir para o portguês que fica bem claro.
  • On January 15 2009, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) released a study on climate change and human rights in response to UN Resolution 7/23 in which signatories (of UN Resolution 7/23) expressed ...

    Em 15 de janeiro de 2009, o Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Direitos Humanos (ACNUDH) divulgou um estudo sobre a mudança climática e os direitos humanos em resposta à resolução da ONU 7/23, na qual os signatários (da resolução da ONU 7/23) expressaram ....