- ID
- 263251
- Banca
- Órgão
- Ano
- 2011
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
Em uma das páginas eletrônicas de uma universidade americana, podemos encontrar as 3 recomendações transcritas abaixo e que foram escritas para os usuários dos computadores da universidade.
1. Student users have a responsibility to use University computer resources in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner.
2. The University has a right and a duty to protect its valuable computer resources and to restrict student access to uses that are strictly related to the students' university related programs as well as reasonably limited in time. The University reserves the right to define what are unauthorized student uses.
3. Violations of University computer policy which do not constitute an immediate, clear danger to the University computer systems or networks will be referred to the regular student disciplinary process.
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