

Dados os procedimentos abaixo que se referem ao processo de organizar um evento (pré-evento, evento propriamente dito e pós evento),

I. One procedure the person in charge should do is to gather essential information (contact information, checklist, logistical details, etc) that will be referred to on a continuous basis throughout the event planning process and organize it into a userfriendly system.

II. After organizing reference information, the person responsible for the event has to establish communication with the team. It is important to develop a support network and preventing duplication of efforts. The first meeting should bring all participants to the same page.

III. In order to follow up, it is important to have some sort of follow up in form of document for the purpose of evaluating the planned activities and determining whether the projected goals of the event were met.

IV. If the big day has arrived, make sure that you have checked and double checked to verify that all items. The best way to do this may be by using a checklist.

verifica-se que

  • Alternativa correta: A

    I - pré-evento
    II - pré-evento
    III - pós-evento
    IV- evento
  • a-

    como a colega notou, os 2 primeiros itens sao pre-evento. a descricao de procedures, checklist, meetings etc pode ser comparada à fase de concepção em modelos orientados a objetos: coleta de requisitos, use cases,definicao do escopo do projeto, decisao de como sera a comunicacao com os stakeholders etc.

    III- In order to follow up, it is important to have some sort of follow up in form of document for the purpose of evaluating the planned activities and determining whether the projected goals of the event were met. - a conotação de"follow up" é acompanhamento, como no grupo de procesos relacionados à monitoração. logo, é pos-evento

    IV- relaciona-se com a execução do projeto, ou evento, no contexto da questao