

                        Development must be less about growth,

                                      more about wellbeing

               Sustainable development will only succeed if politicians

               prioritise people’s needs over economic progress, says

                                               new report

      People and their wellbeing need to be at the centre of development, with less emphasis on economic growth, according to a new report, but this requires philanthropic and development organisations to challenge current thinking.

      “Development is political,” said the final report of the Bellagio Initiative, a six-month exploration into the future of philanthropy and international development. “Not everyone can be a winner at the same time, but if no one among the winners is prepared to give up just a little in order to reach politically sustainable solutions, then we will all lose out. The real wellbeing challenge is not just to find ways to live well, but for us to find ways to live well together.”

      Care work was cited as an example of an area that would receive greater attention under the new approach. Care for children and the elderly — work often done by women — is systematically undervalued and overlooked in the development agenda, said the report.

                                                     Internet:<www.guardian.co.uk> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The article states that life within a community requires people to make concessions so that the community as a whole prospers.

  • CERTO A chave para acertar está em "but if no one among the winners is prepared to give up a little...", o que reforça a ideia de abrir mão de algo em prol do coletivo

    “Not everyone can be a winner at the same time, but if no one among the winners is prepared to give up just a little in order to reach politically sustainable solutions, then we will all lose out

  • "O artigo afirma que a vida em uma comunidade exige que as pessoas façam concessões para que a comunidade como um todo prospere."

    A resposta pode ser encontrada no segundo parágrafo:

    “Not everyone can be a winner at the same time, but if no one among the winners is prepared to give up just a little in order to reach politically sustainable solutions, then we will all lose out."

    "Nem todos podem ser vencedores ao mesmo tempo, mas se ninguém entre os vencedores estiver preparado para desistir um pouco para alcançar soluções politicamente sustentáveis, todos nós perderemos"