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A Catastrophe a Good Audit Trail Can Help You Avoid


      Ladies and gentlemen, reintroducing your old, but underappreciated friend: the humble accounting audit trail.

      Of course, the idea behind the audit trail is simple, really. When you make an entry or change to your accounting records, your accounting software automatically logs the details for future reference. Who did what, when, how, and for how much? It’s the job of the audit trail to make sure that story is always accessible.

      As straightforward as the audit trail is, maintaining and monitoring it properly can keep your business out of some complicated messes, including fraud.

      The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimates that 5% of organizational revenues are lost to fraud. That’s more than $3.5 trillion annually defrauded on a global basis. Brought down to the level of the individual organization, the average occupational fraud case amounts to $140,000 of lost revenue.

      The audit trail is the fundamental business tool for both identifying and preventing fraud.

      Fraud, of course, doesn’t just happen magically. It takes an accumulation of actions that will leave footprints. For instance, a common scheme involves entering a record into the AP ledger, printing a blank check, and then assigning a phony payee after the fraudster has made payment to themselves or someone else in on the scheme. This sort of fraud is relatively easy to detect − if there is an active audit trail being maintained and monitored.

      The audit trail doesn’t just provide a mechanism for fraud detection, ..I.. . The presence of a carefully maintained and frequently monitored audit trail also acts as a powerful deterrant, in precisely the same way as a video monitor, alarm system, or any other visible security measure.

(Adapted from: https://softwareconnect.com/accounting/4-catastrophes-a-good-audit-trail-can-help-avoid/

Segundo o texto,

  • GAB.: C

    That’s more than $3.5 trillion annually defrauded on a global basis. Brought down to the level of the individual organization, the average occupational fraud case amounts to $140,000 of lost revenue. (Trazendo [a informação] para a esfera da organização individual, o valor médio nos casos de fraude é de $140.000 dólares em perda de receita). 



    [...]a common scheme involves entering a record into the AP ledger, printing a blank check, and then assigning a phony payee after the fraudster has made payment to themselves or someone else in on the scheme. This sort of fraud is relatively easy to detect − if there is an active audit trail being maintained and monitored. - Somente este trecho eliminaria as assertivas A, B, E, que asseveram uma dificuldade ou inevitabilidade na contenção das fraudes, ao passo que seriam relativamente fáceis de detectar. 

  • The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimates that 5% of organizational revenues are lost to fraud. That’s more than $3.5 trillion annually defrauded on a global basis. Brought down to the level of the individual organization, the average occupational fraud case amounts to $140,000 of lost revenue.

  • A questão cobra interpretação de um texto sobre Trilha de Auditoria para detectar fraudes contábeis.

    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) ERRADO - um tipo de fraude mais difícil de ser detectado envolve emitir um cheque para si mesmo, mas lançá-lo com o nome de outro favorecido. 
    A resposta evidencia-se no trecho do 6o parágrafo: "This sort of fraud is relatively easy to detect − if there is an active audit trail being maintained and monitored." = Esse tipo de fraude é relativamente fácil de detectar - se houver uma trilha de auditoria ativa sendo mantida e monitorada.

    B) ERRADO - as fraudes contábeis estão cada vez mais sofisticadas, o que dificulta sua detecção. 
    Existem fraudes fáceis de serem detectadas como se verifica no trecho do 6o parágrafo: "This sort of fraud is relatively easy to detect − if there is an active audit trail being maintained and monitored." = Esse tipo de fraude é relativamente fácil de detectar - se houver uma trilha de auditoria ativa sendo mantida e monitorada.

    C) CORRETO - estima-se que, na média, uma empresa tenha uma perda anual de US$ 140.000,00 devido a fraudes contábeis.
    A resposta evidencia-se no trecho do 4o parágrafo: "Brought down to the level of the individual organization, the average occupational fraud case amounts to $140,000 of lost revenue." = Reduzido ao nível da organização individual, o caso médio de fraude ocupacional chega a US $ 140.000 de receita perdida.

    D) ERRADO - a ferramenta comentada possui mecanismos específicos para evitar fraudes contábeis.  
    A resposta evidencia-se no trecho do 7o parágrafo:"The audit trail doesn't just provide a mechanism for fraud detection." = A trilha de auditoria não fornece apenas um mecanismo para detecção de fraude.

    E) ERRADO - as fraudes contábeis são praticamente inevitáveis, mas um bom programa de monitoramento pode reduzi-las a 5% do faturamento de uma empresa. 
    As fraudes são evitáveis se a ferramenta certa for utilizada, como pode ser verificado no trecho do último parágrafo: "The presence of a carefully maintained and frequently monitored audit trail also acts as a powerful deterrant, in precisely the same way as a video monitor, alarm system, or any other visible security measure." = A presença de uma trilha de auditoria cuidadosamente mantida e frequentemente monitorada também atua como um poderoso dissuasor, exatamente da mesma forma que um monitor de vídeo, sistema de alarme ou qualquer outra medida de segurança visível.

    Gabarito do professor: Letra C.