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Video Camera
Ensure you have a good-quality video camera. Generally, a higher-cost camera probably will be better quality, because a large part of the cost goes towards the lens and sensors. As far as resolution goes, there is no real reason not to record in HD at least in 720p (720 pixels tall) or maybe even 1080p (1,080 pixels tall).
Tip: the p stands for progressive, which means that each horizontal row of the picture is recorded and played in succession (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), as opposed to i, or interlaced, where every other horizontal row is recorded and played in an alternating pattern (1, 3, 2, 4, etc.).
You’ll also want to take care of all the creative details, including ensuring that there is enough light to get a good image. Too little light results in a dark or grainy video.
Tip: Ensure the camera is in focus before starting the recording.
(How to Record High-Quality Audio and Video, Andrew Minion, 3 Apr 2014. Disponível em: https://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ how-to-record-high-quality-audio-and-video-cms-19668)
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