

HNSA Ships

HMS Nordkaparen

This submarine was built at Kockums Mekaniska Verkstad in Maimo. The Dragon-class submarine was delivered in 1962 and differed from earlier boats primarily in that her aft part is streamlined and fitted with a rudder in the longitudinal form of a cross. Her single propeller is less noisy than the earlier twin propellers. A wire guided system steers her torpedoes, and a novel system of storage in a revolving device in her forward compartment simplifies and shortens the time for recharging her tubes. Her original equipment included radar, snorkel ventilation and a crane on her foredeck for recovering dummy torpedoes used in training.

Kalmaesund (M13)

The minelayer Kalmarsund, M13, was built at Orlogsvarvet in Stockholm in 1953. M13 was used in Karlskrona for repairs and maintenance of the Swedish Coast Defence minefields, and for training of officers and conscripts in navigation and mine service. In 1992 she was refitted at Oskarshamn naval yard when, for instance, the mine storage was converted into crew's quarters. In 2001 she was transferred to Gothenburg. Her main task was to serve as a support-and-quartering ship for the regiment.

HMS Smaland

The largest destroyer ship in Scandinavia preserved in a museum, HMS Smaland was launched in 1952 at Eriksberg’s Mekaniska Verkstad in Goteborg, and delivered to the Royal Swedish Navy in 1956. Before the destroyer was decommissioned in 1979, she had been modernized three times. On delivery, she and her sister vessel, HMS Haliand were the first destroyers armed with surface to surface marine missiles. Her propulsion machinery comprises 29,000 hp steam turbines, each driving a propeller. She may be said to be the result of the 80-year development of destroyers.

(Abridged from http ://www.hnsa.org/hnsa-ships)

According to the text, which option is correct?

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  • De acordo com o texto, qual opção está correta?
    A) O HMS Nordkaparen é um submarino da classe Dragon que é semelhante aos navios anteriores.
    B) A HMS Nordkaparen tem um novo sistema de armazenamento para manter seus torpedos na direção certa.
    C) Kalmaesund (M13) foi construído para um propósito diferente do que ele serviu em Gotemburgo.
    D) O HMS Haliand foi o primeiro navio destruído por mísseis marinhos de superfície na Escandinávia.
    E) Levou 80 anos para completar a construção do HMS Smaland, que agora está em um museu.
     M13 was used in Karlskrona for repairs and maintenance of the Swedish Coast Defence minefields, and for training of officers and conscripts in navigation and mine service.[...] In 2001 she was transferred to Gothenburg. Her main task was to serve as a support-and-quartering ship for the regiment.
    Tradução: O M13 foi usado em Karlskrona para reparos e manutenção dos campos minados da Swedish Coast Defense, e para treinamento de oficiais e recrutas em serviços de navegação e minas[...] Em 2001, ele foi transferido para Gotemburgo. Sua principal tarefa era servir como um navio de apoio para o regimento.
    Conforme tradução do segundo parágrafo, Kalmaesund (M13) foi construído para um propósito diferente do que ele serviu em Gotemburgo.
    Gabarito do Professor: C