Letra D falsa
WildFly supports the use of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. By default, WildFly is configured for use in an IPv4 network and so if you are running in an IPv4 network,
Letra b falsa. O modo Domain e usado em desenvolvimento e permite a visualização de várias instâncias no wildfly.
Aqui também inválida a letra A
domain mode can be helpful in some advanced development scenarios; i.e. those involving interaction between multiple WildFly instances.
Letra D incorreta
Por padrão a aba do admin console e
Letra E Correta
By default WildFly 13 launches in EE7 mode. In order to use these new capabilities you have to enable EE8 preview mode. This can be accomplished by passing the ee8.preview.mode property during startup:
./standalone.sh -Dee8.preview.mode=true
Fontes: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/WFLY10/Admin+Guide?_sscc=t#AdminGuide-RunningtheCLI