Sobre as metas de combate à fome e pobreza, esse texto pode ajudar:
"This edition of The State of Food Insecurity in the World reveals that Brazil achieved both the MDG target of halving the proportion of its people who suffer from hunger and the more stringent WFS target of reducing by half the absolute number of hungry people. This achievement is consistent with the overall improvement in human development and reduction in inequality that the country experienced in recent years. Progress towards these internationally established targets was accelerated when ending hunger was put at the centre of Brazil’s political agenda. Ensuring that all people could eat three meals a day – as former President Luis Ignácio Lula da Silva said in his inaugural address – became a presidential and government priority in 2003, with the launch of the Zero Hunger programme. Between 2000–02 and 2004–06, the undernourishment rate in Brazil fell by half from 10.7 percent to below 5 percent."