

Read text I and answer question.


There's nowhere like Scotland. Scotland is a country in a country. It is part of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), and of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).

Scotland is in the far northwest of Europe, between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It is often cold and grey, and it often rains a lot. But the people of Scotland love their country, and many visitors to Scotland love it too. They love the beautiful hills and mountains of the north, the sea and the eight hundred islands, and the six cities: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness and Stirling. The country is special, and Scottish people are special too: often warm and friendly.

There are about five million people in Scotland. Most Scots live in the south, in or near the big cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Most of the north of the country is very empty; not many people live there.

A Scottish person is also called a Scot, but you cannot talk about a Scotch person: Scotch means whisky, a drink made in Scotland. Scottish people are British, because Scotland is part of Great Britain, but you must not call Scottish people English! The Scots and the English are different.

These days everyone in Scotland speaks English. But, at one time, people in the north and west of Scotland did not speak English. They had a different language, a beautiful language called Gaelic. About 60,000 people, 1% of the people in Scotland, speak Gaelic now. But many more want Gaelic in their lives because it is part of the story of Scotland.

Adapted from: FLINDERS, S. Factfiles Seotland. OUP, 2010.

Say if the following statements are T (TRUE) or F (FALSE) about Scotland. Then, mark the correct option, from top to bottom.

( ) It is part of Great Britain but not of the United Kingdom.
( ) It is located between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.
( ) The weather there is usually cold, grey, and rainy.
( ) There are 80 islands in the country.
( ) Tourists can see hills, mountains and the sea there.

  • Questão passível de anulação. Visto que o que diferencia a letra C da D é a quarta afirmativa, que afirma "There are 80 islands in the country". Bom, há 800 ilhas, e quem têm 800, tem 80. Conceito de lógica.

  • Diga se as seguintes afirmações são VERDADEIRAS ou FALSAS  sobre a Escócia. Em seguida, marque a opção correta, de cima para baixo.
    (   ) Faz parte da Grã-Bretanha, mas não do Reino Unido. Errado. A Escócia faz parte da Grã-Bretanha e do Reino Unido. Linhas 1-2 (It is part of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), and of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Faz parte da Grã-Bretanha (Inglaterra, Escócia e País de Gales) e do Reino Unido (Inglaterra, Escócia, País de Gales e Irlanda do Norte).
    (   ) Está localizada entre o Oceano Atlântico e o Mar do Norte. Correto, de acordo com o segundo parágrafo, linha 3. (Scotland is in the far northwest of Europe, between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.) A Escócia fica no extremo noroeste da Europa, entre o Oceano Atlântico e o Mar do Norte.
    (   ) O clima geralmente é frio, cinza e chuvoso. Correto, conforme segundo parágrafo, linha 3 e 4. (It is often cold and grey, and it often rains a lot.) Geralmente é frio e cinza, e chove muito.
    (   ) Existem 80 ilhas no país. Errado. São oitocentas ilhas. Linhas 5 -6. (They love the beautiful hills and mountains of the north, the sea and the eight hundred islands,[...]) Eles adoram as belas colinas e montanhas do norte, o mar e as oitocentas ilhas[...]
    (   ) Os turistas podem ver colinas, montanhas e o mar lá. Correto. Linhas 5 - 6. (But the people of Scotland love their country, and many visitors to Scotland love it too. They love the beautiful hills and mountains of the north, the sea and the eight hundred islands, and the six cities:) Mas o povo da Escócia ama seu país, e muitos visitantes da Escócia também o amam. Eles adoram as belas colinas e montanhas do norte, o mar e as oitocentas ilhas e as seis cidades:
     De acordo com os excertos acima, podemos inferir que a primeira e a quarta alternativas são falsas. 
    Gabarito do Professor: D