

Read the text below and answer the questions that

When is it time to stop studying?

It's 10 p.m. and six government employees are out checking the streets of Seoul, South Korea. But these are not police officers searching for teenagers who are behaving badly. Their mission is to find children who are still studying. And stop them.
Education in South Korea is very competitive. The aim of almost every schoolchild is to get into one of the country’s top universities. Only the students with the best grades get a place. The school day starts at 8 a.m. and the students finish studying somewhere between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. at night. This is because many go to private academies called hagwon after school. Around 74 percent of all students attend a hagwon after their regular classes finish. A year’s course costs, on average, $2,600 per student. In Seoul, there are more private tutors than schoolteachers, and the most popular ones make millions of dollars a year from online and in-person classes. Most parents rely on private tutoring to get their children into a university. 
With so much time spent in the classroom, all that students in South Korean high schools do is study and sleep. Some of them are so exhausted that they cannot stay awake the next day at school. It is a common sight to see a teacher explaining the lesson while a third of the students are asleep on their desks. The teachers don’t seem to mind. There are even special pillows for sale that fit over the arms of the chairs to make sleeping in class more comfortable. Ironically, the students spend class time sleeping so that they can stay up late studying that night.
The South Korean government has been aware of the faults in the system for some time, but now they have passed some reforms. Today, schoolteachers have to meet certain standards or take additional training courses. 
However, the biggest challenge for the government is the hagwons. Hagwons have been banned from having classes after 10 p.m., which is why there are street patrols searching for children who are studying after that time. If they find any in class, the owner of the hagwon is punished and the students are sent home. It's a strange world, where some children have to be told to stop studying while others are reluctant to start. 

Adapted from: LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina & OXENDEN, Clive. American English File 3 - Workbook. 2"“ edition. Oxford: OUP, 2014.

Notice the use of the article A in "... to get their children into a university." (second paragraph)

Choose the sentence in which the article wasn’t properly used.

  • Observe o uso do artigo "A" em "... para colocar seus filhos em uma universidade". (segundo parágrafo)
    Escolha a frase em que o artigo não foi usado corretamente.
    A)Todos os alunos devem ter uma carteira de identidade para estudar nas melhores universidades de Seul.
    B) Muitos estudantes vão a um hagwon quando as aulas terminam.
    C) Os alunos levam um guarda-chuva para a escola quando está chovendo.
    D) A maioria dos alunos usa um uniforme para ir à escola.
    E) Alguns alunos frequentam academias particulares após o término de suas aulas regulares.
     Usamos o artigo "A "(um, uma)  antes de som de consoante. Ex: A hagwon, a uniform (u com som de you), 
     Usamos o artigo "An " antes de som de vogal. Ex: an ID, an umbrella
    Private academies está no plural, portanto não podemos utilizar o artigo indefinido "A " or "An", uma vez que eles são artigos no singular. (Uma e um)

    Gabarito do Professor: E
  • A regra para o uso de A e AN é:

    AN - quando a palavra seguinte iniciar por SOM de vogal. Assim, tanto as vogais, quanto o H, pedirão em sua maioria a antecedência do AN.

    A - quando a palavra seguinte se iniciar por consoante.


    Ainda que seja vogal, ainda que tenha som de vogal, há hipóteses em que se DEVE iniciar com A.


    Se a vogal tiver som de "iu", "io", "uo".

    Por exemplo:

    A UNIFORM se fala "IUniform".

    A EUROPEAN se fala "EOropean"

    A WOMAN se fala "UOman"

    A WONDERFUL se fala "UOnderful"

    OBS: Não confundir com "umbrella" que tem som de U apenas, usa-se então o AN umbrella.

    OBS: informações retiradas dos sites abaixo:




  • Notice the use of the article A in "... to get their children into a university." (second paragraph) 

    Observe o uso do artigo "A" em "... para colocar seus filhos em uma universidade". (segundo parágrafo)

    Choose the sentence in which the article wasn’t properly used.

    Escolha a frase em que o artigo não foi usado corretamente.

    All the students must have an ID card to study in Seoul's top universities.

    A)Todos os alunos devem ter uma carteira de identidade para estudar nas melhores universidades de Seul.

    Many students go to a hagwon when their school classes finish.

    B) Muitos estudantes vão a um hagwon quando as aulas terminam.

    The students take an umbrella to school when it is raining.

    C) Os alunos levam um guarda-chuva para a escola quando está chovendo.

    Most students have to wear a uniform to go to school.

    D) A maioria dos alunos usa um uniforme para ir à escola.

    Some students go to a private academies after their regular classes finish.

    E) Alguns alunos frequentam academias particulares após o término de suas aulas regulares.


    Usamos o artigo "A "(um, uma) antes de som de consoante. Ex: A hagwon, a uniform (u com som de you), 


    Usamos o artigo "An " antes de som de vogal. Ex: an ID, an umbrella

    Private academies está no plural, portanto não podemos utilizar o artigo indefinido "A " or "An", uma vez que eles são artigos no singular. (Uma e um)

    Gabarito do Professor: E

  • e-

    you can either say "some" private academies or leave out the indefinite article altogether. at any rate, it doesn't qualify a noun with a plural modifier