
Prefeitura de Cuiabá - MT

                                                    TEXTO I

                                   English for Specific Purposes

      English for specific purposes (ESP) refers to language research and instruction that focuses on the specific communicative needs and practices of particular social groups. Emerging out of Halliday, Macintosh, and Strevens’ (1964) groundbreaking work nearly 40 years ago, ESP started life as a branch of English language teaching, promising a stronger descriptive foundation for pedagogic materials. In the years since, ESP has consistently been at the cutting-edge of both theory development and innovative practice in applied linguistics, making a significant contribution to our understanding of the varied ways language is used in particular communities. Drawing on a range of interdisciplinary influences for its research methods, theory, and practices, ESP has consistently provided grounded insights into the structures and meanings of texts, the demands placed by academic or workplace contexts on communicative behaviors, and the pedagogic practices by which these behaviors can be developed.

HYLAND, K. “English for specific purposes: some influences and impacts”. In: Cummins, J. and Davison, C., (eds.) The International Handbook of English language education. Springer: Norwell, Mass, 2006.

De acordo com o Texto I, NÃO é correto afirmar que:

  • Item D.

    Drawing on a range of interdisciplinary influences for its research methods, theory, and practices, ESP has consistently provided grounded insights into the structures and meanings of texts, the demands placed by academic or workplace contexts on communicative behaviors, and the pedagogic practices by which these behaviors can be developed.

  • Vamos analisar as alternativas  e marcar a que NÃO está correta de acordo com os trechos traduzidos.

    A) ESP se refere à modalidade de instrução que tem como foco as necessidades e práticas comunicativas de grupos sociais particulares. (English for specific purposes (ESP) refers to language research and instruction that focuses on the specific communicative needs and practices of particular social groups. - O inglês para fins específicos (ESP) refere-se à pesquisa e instrução de linguagem que enfoca as necessidades e práticas comunicativas específicas de determinados grupos sociais. 

    B)  O ESP surgiu há cerca de 40 (quarenta) anos a partir do trabalho pioneiro de autores como Halliday, MacIntosh e Strevens. (Emerging out of Halliday, Macintosh, and Strevens' (1964) groundbreaking work nearly 40 years ago, ESP started life as a branch of English language teaching,[...] -  Emergindo do trabalho inovador de Halliday, Macintosh e Strevens (1964) há quase 40 anos, o  ESP começou a ser um ramo do ensino da língua inglesa,[...]

    C) Desde seu surgimento, o ESP tem consistentemente sido inovador no desenvolvimento teórico e metodológico da Linguística Aplicada.( In the years since, ESP has consistently been at the cutting-edge of both theory development and innovative practice in applied linguistics,[...]
    Desde então, o ESP tem consistentemente estado na ponta do desenvolvimento da teoria e da prática inovadora na linguística aplicada,[...]

    D) O ESP tem consistentemente se (afastado) de insights sobre estrutura e significação de textos, se aproximando das demandas de contextos específicos (ESP has consistently provided grounded insights into the structures and meanings of texts[...] - O ESP (forneceu consistentemente) insights fundamentados sobre as estruturas e significados dos textos,[...]
    Os excertos acima traduzidos nos apontam que a alternativa D está errada. Ela diz o oposto do que está no texto.
    Gabarito do Professor: D