- ID
- 3045163
- Banca
- Órgão
- Colégio Pedro II
- Ano
- 2015
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
Text II
Reading Comprehension Instruction
There are widespread and erroneous perceptions that children must know all of the words before they can comprehend a text and that they must comprehend it at the literal level before advancing to comprehension at the inferential level.
Recognizing some words is clearly necessary and central to reading. It is important for children to acquire a set of strategies for figuring out the meanings of words and apply these strategies so that words are recognized automatically. Four groups of strategies exist: (1) common graphophonic patterns (e.g., at in cat, hat, bat), (2) high‐frequency or common words used in sentences (e.g., the, a, or), (3) word building (e.g., morphemes, as play in plays, played, playing, playful), and (4) contextual supports gathered through the meanings of sentences, texts, and illustrations. These word recognition strategies are taught as children are engaged in reading and are considered effective in fluency instruction.
Vocabulary and reading comprehension growth occurs side by side even for beginning readers. They each require explicit instruction and lots of reading of stories including repeated readings to teach phonics, to develop sight vocabulary, and to teach children how to decode words; guided retelling using questions that prompt children to name the characters, identify the setting (place and time), speak to the problem, tell what happened, and how the story ended; repeated checking for information; and drawing conclusions. Teaching strategies to children early, explicitly, and sequentially are three key characteristics of effective vocabulary and reading comprehension instruction.
For those who are learning English as second or foreign language, take advantage of their first language knowledge to identify cognate pairs, which are words with similar spellings, pronunciations, and meanings in English. To identify the degree of overlap between the two languages is a strategy that has been demonstrated to be effective for Spanish‐ literate children: learn the words for basic objects (e.g., dog, cat, house, car) that English‐only children already know; review and practice passages and stories through read‐alouds in order to accelerate the rate at which words can be identified and read; and engage in basic reading skills including spelling.
(PHILLIPS, L.M, NORRIS, S. P. & VAVRA, K.L. Reading Comprehension Instruction (pp. 1‐10). Faculty of Education, University of Alberta. Posted online on 2007‐11‐20 in: http://www.literacyencyclopedia.ca)
An important strategy for understanding and interpreting meanings and intentions in texts is the knowledge of the reasons why the writer opted between active and passive constructions. In this respect, SWAN (2008:410) comments that: “In a passive clause, we usually use a phrase beginning with by if we want to mention the agent ‒ the person or thing that does the action, or that causes what happens. (Note, however, that agents are mentioned in only about 20 per cent of passive clauses.)”
In text II, the passive construction is employed several times, as in:
“[…] so that words are recognized automatically.” (§ 2)
“These word recognition strategies are taught as children […]” (§ 2)
“[…] a strategy between the two languages that has been demonstrated to be effective […]” (§ 4)
The explanation for the omission of the passive by‐agent in these sentences is found in: