
Banco de Dados

Acerca de instalação, configuração e desempenho dos bancos de
dados comerciais Oracle, MySQL ou PostgreSQL, julgue os itens

Na realização do update de uma instalação do Oracle contendo um banco de dados constituído por menos de 15 tabelas, recomenda-se a utilização do método básico de instalação (basic installation method), em razão de suas características de interatividade, rapidez e simplicidade.

  • Unico detalhe estranho que vejo nesta frase é a palavra "interatividade". Telvez por isso esteja errado.

  • Interactive Installation Methods

    When you use the interactive method to install Oracle Database, Oracle Universal Installer displays a series of screens that enable you to specify all of the required information to install the Oracle Database software and optionally create a database. With Oracle Database 10g release 10.2 on Linux x86-64, Oracle Universal Installer provides two interactive methods that you can use to install Oracle Database:

    ? Basic Installation method:
    Select this installation method if you want to quickly install Oracle Database. This installation method requires minimal user input. It installs the software and optionally creates a general-purpose database using the information that you specify on the screen. It is the default installation method.

    ? Advanced Installation method:
    Select this installation method if you want to complete any of the following tasks:

    – Perform a custom software installation, or choose a different database configuration

    The Available Product Components installation screen automatically selects the components most customers need in their Oracle Database installation. It also lists several components that are not selected by default, but which you may want to include. To find the listing of available components, select Advanced, and then in the Installation Type screen, select Custom.

    – Upgrade an existing database

    – Select a database character set or different product languages
    – Create the EXAMPLE tablespace during the installation
    – Create a database on a different file system from the software
    – Configure Automatic Storage Management or use raw devices for database storage
    – Specify different passwords for administrative schemas
    – Configure automated backups or Oracle Enterprise Manager notifications

  • Também errei esta. O DETALHE: na realização do UPDATE UPGRADE. Opção que aparece no método avançado.
  • Ixe... o erro é só "update" mesmo?