
Prefeitura de Cerquilho - SP

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      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

A key expression in the text, ‘coping strategies’ refers to the

  • A questão cobra interpretação de um texto sobre competência linguística e comunicativa em Inglês.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    A key expression in the text, 'coping strategies' refers to the... = Uma expressão chave no texto "coping strategies" refere-se à...

    Vejamos o trecho em que se encontra a expressão: At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program.= No momento em que a prática padrão e a prevenção de erros eram a regra no ensino de idiomas, este estudo de aquisição de linguagem em sala de aula analisou o efeito da prática no uso de estratégias de enfrentamento como parte de um programa de instrução.

    A expressão COPING STRATEGIES significa "estratégias de enfrentamento, estratégias para lidar bem com algo". O verbo "cope" significa "lidar bem com".

    Até aqui tudo certo! Mas quais seriam essas estratégias? São descritas no texto logo em seguida:
    By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns. = Ao incentivar os alunos a pedir informações, buscar esclarecimentos ou usar quaisquer recursos linguísticos ou não linguísticos que pudessem reunir para negociar significado e cumprir a tarefa comunicativa em mãos, os professores estavam sempre levando os alunos a assumir riscos e falar de maneira diferente dos padrões memorizados.

    Portanto as estratégias eram recursos que os alunos poderiam utilizar para se comunicar sem ter que recorrer a padrões de gramática memorizados.

    Vamos analisar as alternativas:

    A) CORRETO - resources used by learners to compensate for their insufficiency of linguistic competence.= recursos utilizados pelos alunos para compensar a insuficiência de competência linguística. Mesmo sem saber a gramática aprofundadamente, os alunos conseguiriam se comunicar.

    B) ERRADO - strategies students make use of to try to avoid language structure mistakes.= estratégias utilizadas pelos alunos para evitar erros na estrutura da linguagem. Nada é mencionado sobre evitar erros.

    C) ERRADO - negotiation of meaning between language users in communicative contexts.= negociação de significado entre usuários de linguagem em contextos comunicativos. A negociação de significados é apenas um dos recursos mencionados.

    D) ERRADO - ability to overcome risks when speaking or learning a foreign language.= capacidade de superar riscos ao falar ou aprender um idioma estrangeiro. A superação de riscos é apenas um dos recursos mencionados.

    E) ERRADO - specific techniques which allow speakers of a language to communicate properly. = técnicas específicas que permitem que falantes de um idioma se comuniquem adequadamente. O texto não fala de técnicas específicas. Apenas de recursos linguísticos ou não linguísticos

  • ‘coping strategies’ refers to the:

    "encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand.."

    a)resources used by learners to compensate for their insufficiency of linguistic competence.