
Prefeitura de Cerquilho - SP

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      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

One common trait of courses which favor pattern practice and error avoidance is

  • One common trait of courses which favor pattern practice and error avoidance is:

    "At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching..."

    E) the stress on conformity to language rules.

  • A questão cobra interpretação de um texto sobre competência comunicativa em sala de aula.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    One common trait of courses which favor pattern practice and error avoidance is....= Um traço comum de cursos que favorecem a prática padrão e prevenção de erros é....
    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) ERRADO - the predominant use of formal written support material.  = o uso predominante de material de apoio formal por escrito.
    Nada é mencionado no texto sobre material de apoio por escrito.

    B) ERRADO - the preference for the recitation of texts and reading aloud. = a preferência pela recitação de textos e leitura em voz alta.
    Nada é mencionado no texto sobre leitura em voz alta.

    C) ERRADO - the disregard for oral language practice. = o desprezo pela prática da linguagem oral.
    Nada é mencionado no texto sobre desprezo pela prática da linguagem oral.

    D) ERRADO - very frequent quiz-taking and testing procedures.  = procedimentos de teste e preenchimento de questionários muito frequentes.
    O texto até menciona procedimentos de teste e preenchimento de questionários, mas não diz que são muito frequentes. Veja o trecho do 1o parágrafo:" ...to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge" = ......caracterizar a capacidade dos alunos de línguas em sala de aula de interagir com outros falantes, de criar significado, diferentemente de sua capacidade de recitar diálogos ou realizar em testes de pontos discretos de conhecimento gramatical.

    E) CORRETO - the stress on conformity to language rules. = a ênfase na conformidade com as regras de linguagem.
    Analise o seguinte trecho do 2o parágrafo:
    By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns. = Ao encorajar os alunos a pedir informações, buscar esclarecimentos ou usar quaisquer recursos linguísticos ou não linguísticos que pudessem reunir para negociar o significado e se ater à tarefa comunicativa em mãos, os professores invariavelmente levavam os alunos a correr riscos e falar de outra forma que não fossem os padrões memorizados.
    Esses padrões memorizados são as regras gramaticais, as regras de linguagem, um traço comum de cursos que favorecem a prática padrão e prevenção de erros,os chamados cursos tradicionais.