
Prefeitura de Cerquilho - SP

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      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

A teacher who understands adequately what the text says about the practice of coping strategies in an oral communicative activity will

  • A questão cobra interpretação de um texto sobre competência comunicativa em sala de aula.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    A teacher who understands adequately what the text says about the practice of coping strategies in an oral communicative activity will... = Um professor que entende adequadamente o que o texto fala sobre a prática de estratégias de enfrentamento em uma atividade comunicativa oral vai...

    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) ERRADO - emphasize pronunciation skills, offering as many drills as necessary so that students can be clearly understood in what they say. = enfatizar as habilidades de pronúncia, oferecendo tantos exercícios quantos forem necessários para que os alunos possam ser claramente compreendidos no que dizem.
    Nada é mencionado no texto sobre enfatizar as habilidades de pronúncia.

    B) ERRADO - ignore pattern practice, since communication is primarily about knowing how to say things in the foreign language. = ignorar a prática do padrão, uma vez que a comunicação consiste principalmente em saber como dizer coisas na língua estrangeira.
    Nada é mencionado no texto sobre ignorar a prática do padrão.

    C) ERRADO - prepare technology-based, even social media-based, activities as a motivation strategy to have students talk more freely. = preparar atividades baseadas em tecnologia, até mesmo em mídia social, como uma estratégia de motivação para que os alunos falem com mais liberdade.
    Nada é mencionado no texto sobre atividades baseadas em tecnologia, até mesmo em mídia social.

    D) CORRETO - worry about providing purposeful tasks which will elicit the use of the target language. = preocupar-se em fornecer tarefas com um propósito que elicitarão o uso do idioma em estudo.
    O texto fala em tarefas com significado, que é o mesmo que falar em tarefas com propósito.Veja o trecho do 1o parágrafo: Savignon (1972) adopted the term 'communicative competence' to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning. = Savignon (1972) adotou o termo "competência comunicativa" para caracterizar a capacidade dos alunos de línguas em sala de aula de interagir com outros falantes, de criar significado.

    E) ERRADO - facilitate interaction by prioritizing classroom conversation activities which can only be developed in pairs or groups. = facilitar a interação priorizando atividades de conversação em sala de aula que só podem ser desenvolvidas em pares ou grupos.
    Nada é mencionado no texto sobre atividades que só podem ser desenvolvidas em pares ou grupos.