Unhappy Employees Outnumber Happy Ones By Two To One Worldwide
If you don’t like your job, you are not alone. According to a massive report released yesterday by Gallup, the Washington, D.C. -
based polling organization, there are twice as many “actively disengaged” workers in the world as there are “engaged” workers
who love their jobs.
Since the late 1990s, Gallup has been measuring international employee satisfaction through a survey it has been honing over the
years. In total it has polled 25 million employees in 189 different countries. The latest version, released this week, gathered
information from 230,000 full-time and part-time workers in 142 countries.
Overall, Gallup found that only 13% of workers feel engaged by their jobs. That means they feel a sense of passion for their work,
a deep connection to their employement and they spend their days driving innovation and moving their company forward.
The vast majority, some 63%, are “not engaged”, meaning they are unhappy but not drastically so. In short, they’re checked out.
They sleepwalk through their days, putting little energy into their work.
A full 24% are what Gallup calls “actively disengaged”, meaning they pretty much hate their jobs. They act out and undermine
what their coworkers accomplish.
Fonte: Forbes Magazine. Disponível em: http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2013/10/10/unhappy-employees-outnumber-happy-ones-by-two-to-oneworldwide/#60bdb6272f29. Acesso em: 28/set/ 2016 (adaptação).
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