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    For years attention has been paid to so-called communicative tests – usually implying tests dealing with speaking. More recently, efforts have been made to design truly communicative tests of other language skills as well, such as reading comprehension.

    Canale (1984) points out that a good test is not just one which is valid, reliable, and practical in terms of test administration and scoring, but rather one that is accepted as fair, important and interesting by test takers (the teachers) and test users (the students). Also, a good test has feedback potential, rewarding both teachers and students with clear, rich, relevant, and generalizable information. Canale suggests that acceptability and feedback potential have often been accorded low priority, thus explaining the curious phenomenon of multiple-choice tests claiming to assess oral interaction skills.

    One example of a communicative test has been referred to as a “storyline” test. In such a test, a common theme runs throughout in order to assess the effects of context. The basis for such an approach is that the respondents learn as they read on, that they check previous content, and that the ability to use language in conversation or writing depends in large measure on the skill of picking up information from past discussion and using it in formulating new strategies.

    Swain (1984), for example, developed a storyline test of French as a foreign language for high school French immersion students. The test consisted of six tasks around a common theme, “finding summer employment”. There were four writing tasks (a letter, a note, a composition, a technical exercise) and two speaking tasks (a group discussion and a job interview). The test was designed so that the topic would be motivating to the students and so that there would be enough information provided in order to give the tasks credibility. There was access to dictionaries and reference material, and opportunity for students to review and revise their work. Swain’s main concern was to “bias for best” in the construction of the test – to make every effort to support the respondent in doing their best on the test.

(Andrew D.Cohen. Second Language Assessment. IN: Marianne Celce-Murcia(ed). Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston, Massachusstes: Heinle&Heinle. 2nd edition. 2001. Adaptado)

From the third paragraph we understand that a “storyline test” is one in which

  • A questão cobra interpretação de um texto sobre testes comunicativos no ensino de línguas estrangeiras.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    From the third paragraph we understand that a “storyline test" is one in which ... = Do terceiro parágrafo, entendemos que um "teste de enredo" é aquele em que...

    Vejamos o trecho em questão:

    One example of a communicative test has been referred to as a “storyline" test. In such a test, a common theme runs throughout in order to assess the effects of context. The basis for such an approach is that the respondents learn as they read on, that they check previous content, and that the ability to use language in conversation or writing depends in large measure on the skill of picking up information from past discussion and using it in formulating new strategies.


    Um exemplo de teste comunicativo é conhecido como teste de “enredo". Em tal teste, um tema comum aparece ao longo de todo o teste a fim de avaliar os efeitos do contexto. A base para tal abordagem é que os alunos aprendem à medida que vão lendo o teste, que verificam o conteúdo anterior e que a capacidade de usar a linguagem na conversação ou na escrita depende em grande medida da habilidade de obter informações de discussões anteriores e usá-las na formulação de novas estratégias.

    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) ERRADO - all test items refer to one same story being told. = todos os itens de teste referem-se a uma mesma história contada.
    O texto não menciona uma história sendo contada. Menciona apenas um tema comum.

    B) ERRADO - a variety of skills are tested at the same time, on the same test. = uma variedade de habilidades são testadas ao mesmo tempo, no mesmo teste.
    Isso não é mencionado no texto acima.

    C) CORRETO - a single thematic line of development is followed from start to finish. = uma única linha temática de desenvolvimento é seguida do início ao fim.
    Veja parte em negrito na tradução acima.

    D) ERRADO - students read some material and later write a story about what they have read. = os alunos leem algum material e posteriormente escrevem uma história sobre o que leram.
    Nada é mencionado sobre escrever uma história.

    E) ERRADO - is based on group work, which aims at stimulating conversations and discussions. = baseia-se no trabalho em grupo, que visa estimular conversas e discussões.
    Nada é mencionado sobre trabalho em grupo.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra C.

  • Um tema comum, diz o texto,

    Um único tema, diz a resposta certa, gabarito.

    Que prova horrível