

Leia os dois parágrafos a seguir para responder à questão.

    An international student who majors in engineering drops by the engineering department office and asks the secretary, “Can you tell me where the English department is?” The secretary smiles and responds, “I don’t know, actually. It’s probably somewhere in the Humanities Building. Do you have a campus map?” The student turns around and leaves. The secretary is taken aback and feels slightly uncomfortable. She wonders why the student left so abruptly.


    People who interact with ESL students have commented that some seem to express gratitude excessively for small considerations, even to the point of embarrassing the person they are speaking. Others seem downright rude because they do not say thank you when they are expected to.

(Celce-Murcia, M. 2001.)

The fragment “when they are expected to”, which ends the text, is an instance of passive voice. According to Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman (1999), there are semantic constraints that make the transformation from passive to active voice inadequate. Select the alternative which represents one such situation.

  • O certo seria: It is rumored that he WOULD become...

  • Essa questão n pede pra identificarmos erros gramaticais ou de escrita. Simplesmente pede que analisemos a estrutura das frases e saibamos qual delas não é possível passar da voz passiva para a ativa.

    • Precious stones(sujeito) are being mined close to the capital. - They are mining precious stones(objeto direto) close to the capital.

    • It is rumored that he will become the next manager. - frase sem sujeito paciente, sujeito é indeterminado, não há como passar para a voz ativa.

    • The poem(sujeito) was written by William Wordsworth. - William Wordsworth wrote the poem(objeto direto).

    • He(sujeito) was knighted by the Queen after rendering relevant services to the Crown. - The Queen knighted him(objeto direto), after he rendered relevant services to the crown.

    • The child(sujeito) was given a dog for her birthday. - The dog was given to the child(objeto indireto) for her birthday.

    Se houver algum erro avisem-me, por favor!