Atenção: A questão se refere ao seguinte texto:
What makes determining the causes of project failure so tough are all of the variables involved. Companies, teams, and projects have different sets of requirements and environmental factors that can influence outcome. Small and seemingly harmless circumstances can be like a "snowball" and bring the whole project to a standstill. "Project failure", however, is not synonymous with "project death". There are varying degrees of failure. The most extreme case, of course, is total project cancellation, and perhaps a few broken windows and bruised egos. But a project can also be considered a failure if it deviates too far from original specifications, doesn't meet key user requirements, and is late or over budget. The list of reasons for project failure is a long one, but we can conclude that the main causes are: setting an overly ambitious project scope, absence of project methodology, lack of support from senior management and poor interpersonal skills.
Adaptado de: CHIN, Paul. Cold Case File: Why Projects Fail. Revista IT Management, 06/05/2003.