

    Remember the good old days, when you could have a heated-yet-enjoyable debate with your friends about things that didn’t matter that much — times when you could be a true fan of the Manchester United soccer team when you didn’t come from the city of Manchester?

    How things have changed.

    Now disagreements feel deadly serious. Like when your colleague pronounces that wearing a face mask in public is a threat to his liberty. Or when you see that one of your friends has just tweeted that, actually, all lives matter. Before you know it, you’re feeling angry and forming harsh new judgments about your colleagues and friends. Let’s take a collective pause and breathe: there are some ways we can all try to have more civil disagreements in this febrile age of culture wars.

1. ‘Coupling’ and ‘decoupling’

    The first is to consider how inclined people are to ‘couple’ or ‘decouple’ topics involving wider political and social factors. Swedish data analyst John Nerst has used the terms to describe the contrasting ways in which people approach contentious issues. Those of us more inclined to ‘couple’ see them as inextricably related to a broader matrix of factors, whereas those more predisposed to ‘decouple’ prefer to consider an issue in isolation. To take a crude example, a decoupler might consider in isolation the question of whether a vaccine provides a degree of immunity to a virus; a coupler, by contrast, would immediately see the issue as inextricably entangled in a mesh of factors, such as pharmaceutical industry power and parental choice.


    Most of us are deeply committed to our beliefs, especially concerning moral and social issues, such that when we’re presented with facts that contradict our beliefs, we often choose to dismiss those facts, rather than update our beliefs.

    A study at Arizona State University, U.S., analysed more than 100,000 comments on a forum where users post their views on an issue and invite others to persuade them to change their mind. The researchers found that regardless of the kind of topic, people were more likely to change their mind when confronted with more evidence-based arguments. “Our work may suggest that while attitude change is hard-won, providing facts, statistics and citations for one’s arguments can convince people to change their minds,” they concluded.

3. Just be nicer?

    Finally, it’s easier said than done, but let’s all try to be more respectful of and attentive to each other’s positions. We should do this not just for virtuous reasons, but because the more we create that kind of a climate, the more open-minded and intellectually flexible we will all be inclined to be. And then hopefully, collectively, we can start having more constructive disagreements — even in our present very difficult times.

(Christian Jarrett. www.bbc.com, 14.10.2020. Adaptado.)

It is an explicit opinion by the author of the text:

  • A questão cobra interpretação de um texto sobre desavenças na era de guerras culturais.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    It is an explicit opinion by the author of the text: Tradução - É uma opinião explícita do autor do texto:

    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) Incorreto - “Decoupling" is better than “coupling" because more factors in a situation are considered.
    Tradução - “Desacoplamento" é melhor do que “acoplamento" porque mais fatores em uma situação são considerados.
    A alternativa está incorreta de acordo com o trecho "those more predisposed to 'decouple' prefer to consider an issue in isolation."(aqueles mais predispostos a 'desacoplar' preferem considerar uma questão isoladamente.)

    B) Incorreto - Wider political and social factors have a decisive role in personal relationships
    Tradução - Fatores políticos e sociais mais amplos têm um papel decisivo nas relações pessoais.
    A alternativa está incorreta de acordo com o trecho "The first is to consider how inclined people are to 'couple' or 'decouple' topics involving wider political and social factors." (A primeira é considerar como as pessoas estão inclinadas a 'acoplar' ou 'desacoplar' tópicos que envolvem fatores políticos e sociais mais amplos.) O autor sugere que isso precisa ser considerado, ainda não é um fator decisivo.

    C) Incorreto - Respect and understanding is what can save us from all the difficulties we everyday face.
    Tradução - Respeito e compreensão é o que pode nos salvar de todas as dificuldades que enfrentamos todos os dias.
    A alternativa está incorreta de acordo com o trecho "let's all try to be more respectful of and attentive to each other's positions. We should do this not just for virtuous reasons, but because the more we create that kind of a climate, the more open-minded and intellectually flexible we will all be". (vamos todos tentar ser mais respeitosos e atentos às posições uns dos outros. Devemos fazer isso não apenas por razões virtuosas, mas porque quanto mais criarmos esse tipo de clima, mais teremos a mente aberta). Nada é mencionado sobre nos salvar de todas as dificuldades que enfrentamos todos os dias.

    D) Incorreto - Life has changed to the worse, as people have become more and more rancorous.
    Tradução - A vida mudou para pior, à medida que as pessoas se tornaram cada vez mais rancorosas.
    A alternativa está incorreta de acordo com o trecho "How things have changed. Now disagreements feel deadly serious." (Como as coisas mudaram. Agora, os desacordos parecem mortalmente sérios.) O autor apenas menciona que as coisas mudaram e que as desavenças parecem mortalmente sérios, mas não menciona que as pessoas se tornaram cada vez mais rancorosas.

    E) Correto - People's convictions tend to exert considerable influence on their appreciation of an issue.
    Tradução - As convicções das pessoas tendem a exercer uma influência considerável em sua apreciação de uma questão.
    A alternativa está correta de acordo com o trecho "Most of us are deeply committed to our beliefs, especially concerning moral and social issues, such that when we're presented with facts that contradict our beliefs, we often choose to dismiss those facts, rather than update our beliefs." (A maioria de nós está profundamente comprometida com nossas crenças, especialmente no que diz respeito a questões morais e sociais, de modo que quando somos apresentados a fatos que contradizem nossas crenças, muitas vezes optamos por descartar esses fatos, em vez de atualizar nossas crenças.)

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra E.