Most people know of the Karen people from television
documentaries, magazines and encyclopedias as the
“long-neck” or “giraffe” tribe. But the women who wear
these brass rings on their neck belong to a sub-group of
the Karen known as the Padaung. Whatever the origin of
the custom one of the more common reasons it continues
today, particularly in Thailand, is tourism. Although the
Padaung have migrated to Thailand in only the last ten
years, they have become the most popular “attraction”
for hill-tribe trekking tourists. Some have written of this as
exploitation of the Padaung; many westerners liken the
experience of visiting one of these villages to visiting a
human zoo. Some tour operators in Thailand now refuse
to take tourists into such villages, while some tourists
boycott those operators that do.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 dez. 2017.
O texto que versa sobre a prática do uso de argolas no
pescoço por mulheres de uma tribo que migrou para a
Tailândia tem por finalidade