

Text 3A1-III

    For Stephen Krashen, the disruption to traditional education during Covid-19 may reveal some unexpected benefits. How teachers and parents can harness the opportunity to teach language — including heritage languages — during remote learning?
     Many parents and teachers are understandably anxious about remote learning, as instruction has become less traditional.
     However, Krashen notes, “We do not acquire language by study, or by speaking or writing. We acquire in only one way: by understanding what we hear or read. What we call ‘comprehensible input.’ The ability to produce language is the result of getting the right kind of input.”
     With less focus on traditional language education, i.e., practicing memorized rules and grammar through speaking until they become automatic, students are free to acquire language in a more effective way.
     According to Stephen Krashen’s theory of language acquisition, comprehensible input is language that can be understood by listeners even if they don’t fully comprehend all of the vocabulary and grammar in use. Input is essential to acquisition, as it informs learners’ subconscious understanding of a language.
     While online education may isolate students at home, it shouldn’t negatively impact language learning. “We don’t need massive amounts of interaction to acquire language. We need massive amounts of input,” says Krashen.

Internet: <languagemagazine.com> (adapted)

According to text 3A1-III, language teachers

  •  According to Stephen Krashen’s theory of language acquisition, comprehensible input is language that can be understood by listeners even if they don’t fully comprehend all of the vocabulary and grammar in use. Input is essential to acquisition, as it informs learners’ subconscious understanding of a language.

        While online education may isolate students at home, it shouldn’t negatively impact language learning. “We don’t need massive amounts of interaction to acquire language. We need massive amounts of input,” says Krashen.

  • Trata-se de uma questão de interpretação de texto. O candidato deve assinalar a alternativa verdadeira a respeito dos professores de idiomas.

    Em breve resumo, o texto traz a visão de Stephen Krashen a respeito dos possíveis benefícios do aprendizado remoto para o ensino de idiomas.

    FALSA. De acordo com o texto, não é necessária muita interação para adquirir um idioma. Veja: “We don't need massive amounts of interaction to acquire language."

    FALSA. De acordo com o texto, professores e pais não têm que trabalhar juntos para evitar o ensino remoto. O texto pretende, inclusive, apresentar estratégias para eles usarem de maneira eficiente a oportunidade do ensino remoto. Eis o trecho em questão: “How teachers and parents can harness the opportunity to teach language — including heritage languages — during remote learning?"

    FALSA. Pelo contrário, de acordo com o texto não adquirimos a linguagem estudando, falando ou escrevendo. A linguagem é adquirida a partir da compreensão do que ouvimos ou lemos. Às informações recebidas dessa maneira, Stephen Krashen dá o nome de 'comprehensible input.' Esses inputs são essenciais à aquisição de um idioma justamente por informar a compreensão subconsciente dos estudantes de uma língua.
    Eis o trecho que corrobora a questão: “Input is essential to acquisition, as it informs learners' subconscious understanding of a language."

    VERDADEIRA. Professores de idiomas devem encorajar os alunos a ler ainda que eles não compreendam todo o vocabulário, pois o “comprehensible input" essencial à aquisição do idioma é justamente aquela linguagem que o aprendiz é capaz de compreender a despeito de todo o vocabulário que ele desconhece.
    Veja: “According to Stephen Krashen's theory of language acquisition, comprehensible input is language that can be understood by listeners even if they don't fully comprehend all of the vocabulary and grammar in use."

    FALSA. Os professores não precisam garantir que os alunos compreendam toda a gramática ao ler um texto, pois não adquirimos a linguagem estudando, falando ou escrevendo. ““We do not acquire language by study (...)".
    Além disso, de acordo com o texto, com menor enfoque no ensino tradicional da língua, que promove memorização de regras e gramática, os alunos ficam livres para adquirir um idioma de forma mais efetiva: “With less focus on traditional language education, i.e., practicing memorized rules and grammar through speaking until they become automatic, students are free to acquire language in a more effective way."