
Prefeitura de Roseira - SP

The text below is part of the Japanese tale “My Lord Bag of Rice”:

“Long, long ago there lived in Japan a brave warrior known to all as Tawara Toda or “My Lord Bag of Rice”. His true name was Fujiwara Hidesato and there is a very interesting story of how he came to change his name. One day he went out in search of adventures because he had the nature of a warrior and could not bear to be idle. So he picked up his two swords, took his huge bow, which was much taller than himself, in his hand, strapped his quiver on his back and started out.

He had not gone far when he came to the bridge of Seta-no-Karashi crossing one end of the beautiful Lake Biwa. As soon as he stepped on the bridge, he saw lying right across his path a huge serpent-dragon. Its body was so big that it looked like the trunk of a large pine tree and it took up the whole width of the bridge. One of its huge claws rested on the parapet of one side of the bridge while its tail lay right against the other. The monster seemed to be asleep, and as it breathed, fire and smoke came out of its nostrils.

At first, Hidesato could not help feeling alarmed at the sight of this horrible reptile lying in his path, for he must either turn back or walk right over its body.” 

In this part of the text “At first, Hidesato could not help feeling alarmed at the sight of this horrible reptile lying in his path”, what was the monster doing?

  • A questão cobra interpretação de um trecho de uma fábula Japonesa.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    In this part of the text “At first, Hidesato could not help feeling alarmed at the sight of this horrible reptile lying in his path", what was the monster doing?  
    Tradução - Nessa parte do texto “A princípio, Hidesato não pôde deixar de ficar alarmado ao ver aquele horrível réptil caído em seu caminho", o que o monstro estava fazendo?

    Vejamos o trecho em questão:

    As soon as he stepped on the bridge, he saw lying right across his path a huge serpent-dragon. Its body was so big that it looked like the trunk of a large pine tree and it took up the whole width of the bridge. One of its huge claws rested on the parapet of one side of the bridge while its tail lay right against the other. The monster seemed to be asleep, and as it breathed, fire and smoke came out of its nostrils. At first, Hidesato could not help feeling alarmed at the sight of this horrible reptile lying in his path, for he must either turn back or walk right over its body." 

    Tradução - Assim que pisou na ponte, ele viu deitado em seu caminho uma enorme serpente-dragão. Seu corpo era tão grande que parecia o tronco de um grande pinheiro e ocupava toda a largura da ponte. Uma de suas enormes garras repousava no parapeito de um lado da ponte, enquanto sua cauda estava encostada no outro. O monstro parecia adormecido e, ao respirar, fogo e fumaça saíam de suas narinas. A princípio, Hidesato não pôde deixar de se sentir alarmado ao ver esse réptil horrível caído em seu caminho, pois ele deveria voltar atrás ou passar por cima de seu corpo. "

    Podemos perceber pela tradução acima que o monstro não estava fazendo nada. Estava deitado, parecia adormecido e estava caído no caminho de Hidesato.

    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) Incorreto - It was ready to attack Hidesato;  = Estava pronto para atacar Hidesato;

    B) Incorreto - It was alarmed by Hidesato; = Foi alarmado por Hidesato;

    C) Incorreto - It was lying to Hidesato;  = Estava mentindo para o Hidesato;

    D) Correto - It was lying in Hidesato's path; = Estava no caminho de Hidesato;

    Gabarito do Professor: Alternativa D.