

Catherine Fletcher, Tue 4 Feb 2020

The decision by a UK University to close history, modern languages and politics degrees in favour of more “careerfocused” courses has been widely criticised. The problem lies in reducing university education to what sells to employers. A society – and a world – urgently needs people who have the education to think about big issues, which aren’t only scientific or technological: they’re also about the ways that people have made, and continue to make, decisions. The humanities matter. And it matters that students from all backgrounds have the opportunity to join in these world-changing discussions.

Roger Brown, Mon 10 Feb 2020

Catherine Fletcher is completely correct to warn about the damage that current policies are doing to the humanities. But her warning comes much too late. As I and other scholars have shown, the problem started with a government green paper which declared that the fundamental purpose of higher education was to serve the economy. Until we recover the idea that higher education is as much about the public good as anything else, we will never be able to sustain the humanities as an essential component of a balanced curriculum. Unfortunately, there is very little sign that this has been grasped by any of our current policymakers.

(Adaptado de www.theguardian.com/education/2020/feb/10/humanities-are-notthe-right-courses-to-cut. Acessado em 22/05/2019.)

Os textos acima concordam quanto à identificação de um problema nos cursos universitários no Reino Unido, mas divergem quanto

  • Gabarito: Os textos acima concordam quanto à identificação de um problema nos cursos universitários no Reino Unido, mas divergem quanto ao momento em que esse problema se originou.

    Justificativa: "Catherine Fletcher is completely correct to warn about the damage that current policies are doing to the humanities. But her warning comes much too late."

  • A questão cobra interpretação de um artigo de jornal sobre cursos universitários no Reino Unido.

    A resposta se evidencia no início do parágrafo 2. Vejamos o trecho em questão:

    Catherine Fletcher is completely correct to warn about the damage that current policies are doing to the humanities. But her warning comes much too late. As I and other scholars have shown, the problem started with a government green paper which declared that the fundamental purpose of higher education was to serve the economy.

    Tradução - Catherine Fletcher está completamente correta ao alertar sobre os danos que as políticas atuais estão causando às humanidades. Mas seu aviso chega tarde demais. Como eu e outros acadêmicos mostramos, o problema começou com um livro verde do governo que declarava que o propósito fundamental do ensino superior era servir à economia.

    Podemos perceber que as duas pessoas concordam quanto à identificação de um problema nos cursos universitários no Reino Unido ("Catherine Fletcher está completamente correta").
    Porém, discordam quanto ao momento em que esse problema se originou. ("Mas seu aviso chega tarde demais. Como eu e outros acadêmicos mostramos, o problema começou com....")

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra B.