

Apresenta-se, a seguir, um artigo de opinião, seguido da resposta de uma leitora.


Last week, the World Health Organization upgraded burnout from a “state” of exhaustion to “a syndrome” resulting from “chronic workplace stress” in its International Disease Classification. That is such a broad definition that it could well apply to most people at some point in their working lives. When a disorder is reportedly so widespread, it makes me wonder whether we are at risk of medicalizing everyday distress. If almost everyone suffers from burnout, then no one does, and the concept loses all credibility.
By Richard A. Friedman

I'm sure the author's generation also experienced workplace stress. However, his generation also experienced real economic stability and socioeconomic gains. There was a light at the end of the tunnel. Currently, we are working tirelessly towards what ends? There doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. The burnout is psychological and existential as much as it is physical.
Anna B. – New York, June 4, 2019
(Adaptado de https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/03/opinion/burnout-stress.html. Acessado em 16/09/2020.)

Em seu comentário, a leitora Anna B. discorda do autor do texto quanto à

  • --> Por um lado, Richard A. Friedman critica a OMS por ter mudado a definição de burnout de "um estado" para "uma síndrome" afirmando que assim o conceito torna-se muito generalizado e perde a credibilidade: When a disorder is reportedly so widespread, it makes me wonder whether we are at risk of medicalizing everyday distress. If almost everyone suffers from burnout, then no one does, and the concept loses all credibility.

    --> Por outro lado, Anna B. discorda de Richard ao afirmar que a nossa geração atual, diferente da dele, encontra-se em uma situação econômica mundial extremamente grave e sem perspectivas de melhora em curto prazo, portanto, o burnout é sim real e pode sim acontecer a muitos indivíduos ao mesmo tempo e por diversos motivos isolados que estão conectados a essa nossa situação única, sem perder a importância e gravidade: Currently, we are working tirelessly towards what ends? There doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. The burnout is psychological and existential as much as it is physical.

    Gabarito: Em seu comentário, a leitora Anna B. discorda do autor do texto quanto à gravidade de burnout nas condições atuais.

  • Muito obrigada Ana, Jesus te ama