After you’ve installed binaries and created a database, you need to make the database accessible to remote client connections. You do this by configuring and starting the Oracle listener. Appropriately named, the listener is the process that listens for connection requests from remote clients. If you don’t have a listener started on the database server, then you can’t connect from a remote client.
Iniciando o processo
After you have a listener.ora file in place, you can start the listener background process with the lsnrctl utility:
➥ $ lsnrctl start
You should see informational messages such as the following:
Listener Parameter File
Listener Log File
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "O11R2" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "O11R2", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Testando o Listener
When the listener has been started, you can test remote connectivity from a SQL*Plus client as follows:
➥ $ sqlplus user/pass@'server:port/db_name'
Fonte: Pro Oracle Database 11g Administration - Darl Huhn