ID 5157742 Banca IPEFAE Órgão Prefeitura de Campos do Jordão - SP Ano 2019 Provas IPEFAE - 2019 - Prefeitura de Campos do Jordão - SP - Professor Ensino Fundamental II - Inglês Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Passado simples | Simple past Presente simples | Simple present Verbos | Verbs Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct. Alternativas How many girls are there at your party last week? Is there anybody in room 201 at the moment? Sarah said there is twelve people waiting. There is exercise bars so you can work out. Responder Comentários Letra B a) How many girls are there at your party last week? → How many girls were there at your party last week? c) Sarah said there is twelve people waiting. → Sarah said twelve people were waiting. d) There is exercise bars so you can work out. → There are exercise bars so you can work out.