

The 'Queen's Gambit' Effect: Everyone Wants a Chess Set Now

    _______(1) for the past few years the most popular _______(2) on Netflix was undoubtedly Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, as portrayed by Claire Foy and Olivia Colman in The Crown, this fall another type of queen _______(3) her mark: Beth Harmon, the captivating protagonist of The Queen's Gambit, a Netflix original that became an overnight sensation and inspired a slew of discerning viewers to pick up _______(4).

    Call it the Queen's Gambit effect: Chessboards are flying off the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake of the show's hit season. Just ask Anthony Barzilay Freund, editorial director and director of fine art at vintage site 1stDibs: “The Queen's Gambit is driving an interest in the game of chess among new audiences and demographics,” Freund confirms: “At 1stDibs, in just the month following the show's release, we've seen a 100% increase in sales of chessboards, pieces, and tables as compared to this time period last year.”

    Of course, while it might be enjoying a renewed popularity at the moment, the game of chess dates back centuries and has long captivated players all over the world. It's believed to have derived from a 7th-century Indian game, then evolved as it spread across Asia and Europe in the following centuries. As a result, says Freund, “you can find a variety of vintage and contemporary chess paraphernalia from dealers all over the world.” Those who don't necessarily have the budget for pawns of precious stone have a myriad of options on the market at all price ranges. So light a fire, make a drink, and set up the chessboard – Beth Harmon would be proud.

Adapted from https://www.housebeautiful.com/design-inspiration/a34874207/queens-gambit-beth-harmon-chess-sets/ 

In the sentence “Chessboards are flying of f the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake of the show's hit season. (paragraph 2), the words fly off the rack mean

  • to be sold very quickly.to be sold very quickly.

  • ''Chessboards estão voando das prateleiras''

  • A questão cobra conhecimento de vocabulário, especificamente sobre expressões idiomáticas.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    In the sentence “Chessboards are flying off the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake of the show's hit season." (paragraph 2), the words fly off the rack mean ...
    Tradução - Na frase "Os tabuleiros de xadrez estão voando da prateleira (literal e virtual) em consequência da temporada de sucesso do programa." (parágrafo 2), as palavras "voar da prateleira" significam...

    Em Português, quando dizemos que algo está voando das prateleiras, isso significa que está vendendo muito depressa. Em Inglês, o significado é o mesmo.

    Voltando à questão e às alternativas, as palavras "voar da prateleira" significam:

    A) Incorreto - to put money in a bank account.
    Tradução - colocar dinheiro em uma conta bancária.

    B) Incorreto - to have no chance of succeeding.
    Tradução - não ter chance de sucesso.

    C) Correto - to be sold very quickly.
    Tradução - ser vendido muito rapidamente.

    D) Incorreto - to make a short sound.
    Tradução - fazer um som curto.

    E) Incorreto - to give or return a call.
    Tradução - fazer ou retornar uma chamada.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra C.

  • easy peasy