- ID
- 5540605
- Banca
- Aeronáutica
- Órgão
- Ano
- 2021
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
Read the text and answer question.
Neil J. Anderson
Dear Soo Hyun,
Just a quick email to let you know that I’m not arriving in Korea until June 30. :( The travel agent here in the U.S. booked my ticket for that date instead of the 26th. Can you come to meet me at the airport on the 30th?
PLEASE, EMAIL ME and let me know. I’m *really* looking forward to meeting you again.
See you soon :)
BTW – my brother says ‘Hi!’
Active Skills for Reading - Book 3
According to the email, we can affirm that