

    The role of pronunciation in non-native language teaching has been in a state of constant change. In the earlier approaches, foreign language pronunciation was either the result of exposure to the target language or of approaches which used complex sets of drills and repetitions. As suggested, to a large extent, the importance of pronunciation has always been determined by ideology and intuition rather than by research. Teachers have intuitively decided which features have the greatest effect on clarity and which are learnable in a classroom setting. Saito claims that while the morphological and syntactical levels of languages are taught in contextualized meaningful exercises, pronunciation practice is decontextualized due to the use of drills and repetition.
    Pronunciation is one of the aspects of language both native and non-native teachers of English are not keen on teaching, and a lack of adequate teacher training results in an intuitive use of available materials and techniques. Setting pedagogical goals must be based on knowledge of pronunciation issues. Unqualified teachers may have misconceptions about phonological phenomena, cannot evaluate or use teaching materials accurately, and do not set realistic goals when teaching pronunciation. Furthermore, even teaching materials do not reflect the conclusions of current research, and they can be perceived as boring; however, Baker argues that teachers who complete a pronunciation course have, and apply, a wider range of pronunciation activities in their classrooms.

H. Vančová. Current Issues in Pronunciation Teaching to Non-Native Learners of English.
In: Journal of Language and Cultural Education, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2019 (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following item.

According to the first paragraph, when it comes to pronunciation, foreign language teachers have relied more on gut feelings than on scientific data.

  • então, eu também...por isso é bom fazer o máximo de questões

  • has always been determined by ideology and intuition rather than by research.

  • "has always been determined by ideology and intuition rather than by research. Teachers have intuitively decided (...)"

    Pelo uso da palavra intuition e intuitively percebe-se que os professores usam/confiam mais em sentimentos do que dados científicos.

    Questão CORRETA.

  • A questão se refere à interpretação do texto sobre pronúncia.
    Podemos usar nessa questão, a estratégia de leitura selectivity, a qual  selecionamos apenas o trecho necessário do conteúdo para encontrar a informação, por meio do uso de palavras-chave, palavras cognatas e um vocabulário específico. Nessa questão, selecionaremos apenas o primeiro parágrafo.

    De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo, quando se trata de pronúncia, os professores de línguas estrangeiras confiam mais em instintos do que em dados científicos.
    O item está correto, uma vez que no excerto destacado lemos que, em se tratando de pronúncia, os professores decidem, usando seus instintos, quais estratégias são melhores pare se usar.
    Teachers have intuitively decided which features have the greatest effect on clarity and which are learnable in a classroom setting. 
    Tradução: Os professores decidiram intuitivamente quais recursos têm o maior efeito na clareza e quais podem ser aprendidos em uma sala de aula.
    Gabarito do Professor: CERTO.