Study Tips For Online Learners
By Christopher Pappas
You have just enrolled in your first online course, but are you ready to study for it? Does it need more, less or the same level of commitment with the traditional instructor-led class you are used to? What are the best strategies for studying in online learning? In this article, I'll share some study tips for online learners that will help you succeed while studying for your online courses.
(I) - ______
The first thing you need to realize is that online courses are not an easier way to learn, but rather a more convenient one. To successfully learn online, you need to dedicate a significant amount of your time, consistently attend the program, be concentrated while studying, and fully commit to your learning process, just as you would do for a regular course.
(II) - _______
Whether you decide to study in your office or in your living room, ensure that this place is quiet, organized, distraction-free, and available for use at any time. Your study environment should be one of your main concerns when you are an online leamner, so make sure that it enables your study routine.
To stay on track with your online course, make sure that you always keep in mind what you hope to accomplish by the end ofit.
(IV) - ______
Your performance will decrease if you are feeling tired or frustrated while studying. Integrate some personal time into your study routine and you will be able to work more effectively on your online course goals. A mild physical activity, such as a walk around the block, will help you maintain balance, renew energy, and go back to studying with a clear mind.
(V) - ______
Online learning doesn't necessarily mean learning in isolation. Connecting with your virtual classmates on social media or your online course's forum will enhance tremendously your eLearning experience.
Follow these study tips for online learners and you will be able to make your online learning a fun and enjoyable eLearning experience.
(Adapted from
The headings below were removed from the text. Number them to indicate the order they must appear to complete the text correctly. Then, mark the option that contains the right sequence.
( ) Identify your learning objectives and goals
( ) Participate in online discussions
( ) Have a dedicated study space
( ) Understand online learning practices and expectations
( ) Take study breaks