

Companies in the rich world are confronted with a rapidly
ageing workforce. Nearly one in three American workers
will be over 50 by 2012, and America is a young country
compared with Japan and Germany. China is also ageing
rapidly, thanks to its one-child policy. This means that
companies will have to learn how to manage older workers
Most companies are remarkably ill-prepared. There was a
fl icker of interest in the problem a few years ago but it was
snuffed out by the recession. The management literature
on older workers is a mere molehill compared with the
mountain devoted to recruiting and retaining the young.
Companies are still stuck with an antiquated model for
dealing with ageing, which assumes that people should
get pay rises and promotions on the basis of age. They
have dealt with the burdens of this model by periodically
"downsizing" older workers or encouraging them to take
early retirement. This has created a dual labour market for
older workers, of cosseted insiders on the one hand and
unemployed or retired outsiders on the other.
But this model cannot last. The number of young people,
particularly those with valuable science and engineering
skills, is shrinking. And governments are raising retirement
ages and making it more diffi cult for companies to shed
older workers, in a desperate attempt to cope with their
underfunded pension systems.
Feb 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition [adapted]

According to the text, businesses

  • Trecho que auxilia na resolução da questão:
    "But this model cannot last. The number of young people, particularly those with valuable science and engineering skills, is shrinking. And governments are raising retirement ages and making it more difficult for companies to shed older workers, in a desperate attempt to cope with their underfunded pension systems."
    Tradução: mas esse modelo não pode perdurar. O número de jovens, particularmente aqueles com habilidades em ciências e engenharia, está diminuindo ("encolhendo"). E os governos estão aumentando as idades para a aposentadoria e tornando mais difícil para as companhias demitirem os trabalhadores antigos, numa tentativa desesperada de lidar com os sistemas de pensão com receitas (fundos) insuficientes.
    Quanto às alternativas:
    a) are fully prepared to deal with an ancient workforce. Tradução: estão totalmente preparados para lidar com uma força de trabalho envelhecida.
    b) cannot cope with an influx of elderly workers. Tradução: não podem lidar com um afluxo de trabalhadores antigos.
    c) are incapable of growing old gracefully. Tradução: são incapazes de permitir que os funcionários mais antigos cresçam com dignidade (graça).
    d) must get rid of older workers through streamlining operations. Tradução: devem se livrar dos trabalhadores antigos por meio da simplificação das operações.
    e) must learn to deal with the need to keep older staff employed. Tradução: devem aprender a lidar com a necessidade de manter empregados os membros da equipe mais velhos.
  • Gabarito: E.

    Acredito que a resposta esteja nas linhas 6 e 7 do texto:

    This means that companies will have to learn how to manage older workers better.

    (Isso significa que as empresas terão que aprender a gerenciar melhor os trabalhadores mais velhos.)

    Bons Estudos!

  • e-

    And governments are raising retirement ages and making it more difficult for companies to shed older workers, in a desperate attempt to cope with their underfunded pension systems.