- ID
- 2817862
- Banca
- Órgão
- Ano
- 2018
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Literatura
- Assuntos
Considere o trecho:
“Este último capítulo é todo de negativas. Não alcancei a celebridade do emplasto, não fui ministro, não fui califa, não conheci o casamento. Verdade é que, ao lado dessas faltas, coube-me a boa fortuna de não comprar o pão com o suor do meu rosto. Mais; não padeci a morte de dona Plácida, nem a semidemência do Quincas Borba. Somadas umas coisas e outras, qualquer pessoa imaginará que não houve míngua nem sobra, e, conseguintemente, que saí quite com a vida. E imaginará mal; porque ao chegar a este outro lado do mistério, achei-me com um pequeno saldo, que é a derradeira negativa deste capítulo de negativas: – Não tive filhos, não transmiti a nenhuma criatura o legado da nossa miséria.” (ASSIS, Machado de. Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas. Obra completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994).
O trecho é um exemplar:
Januária, Bonito de Minas, Chapada Gaúcha, Arinos, Urucuia – O buriti que se mira no espelho d’água vai se firmando mais e mais como um traço do passado retido na memória de antigos moradores, em fotografias e na bela imagem literária de Guimarães Rosa. (...)
As veredas que mataram a sede do narrador da saga, de Diadorim e Zé Bebelo, hoje agonizam e perdem a capacidade
de armazenar o líquido no período chuvoso para alimentar córregos e rios ao longo do ano (...)
O veredito é trágico. Setenta por cento das veredas estão ameaçadas de desaparecer em curto prazo, continuamente maltratadas pelas mãos do homem, revela a pesquisadora do Departamento de Biologia da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (Unimontes) Maria das Dores Magalhães Veloso, a Dora, que há oito anos se debruça sobre o tema.
Disponível em: https://www.em.com.br/app/noticia/gerais/2016/10/16/interna_gerais,814549/veredas-de-guimaraes-rosa-agonizam-no-interior-deminas-gerais.shtml. Acesso em 28 abr. 2018. Adaptado.
Ao trazer a notícia, o jornalista Luiz Ribeiro evoca:
Considere o trecho do conto “Uma velhinha”, de Márcio Moraes.
“Hoje, revi, depois de quinze anos, uma velhinha, que há quinze anos já era velha. Naquele tempo ela vendia panos de prato bordados nas ruas da cidade. (...) mas nunca tinha fixado o meu olhar e coração em seu ser, com tanta intensidade, (...).
Sim, encontrei-me não apenas com uma velhinha que se fixara em minha memória desde o primeiro dia que a vi há quinze anos. Encontrei-me também com aquele Office boy que corria de um banco a outro. (...)
Hoje encontrei-me a mim mesmo. Estava perdido no tempo que me trouxe a velhinha de volta.(...)
Hoje, revivi”
(MORAES, Márcio Adriano. Tecidos do Imaginário: Ler-Se(R). Revista Literartes. São Paulo: USP. n. 01. p. 01 e 02, 2012).
Esse reencontro do narrador-personagem com a velhinha representa:
Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.
Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.
Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.
Global megatrends are affecting the business environment
Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.
Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.
Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.
“The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.
A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.
*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais
Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/news/business27208569. Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.
1 ManKind: Humanidade
2 Strain:Tensão
3 Plundering: Pilhagem
Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.
Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.
Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.
Global megatrends are affecting the business environment
Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.
Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.
Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.
“The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.
A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.
*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais
Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/news/business27208569. Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.
1 ManKind: Humanidade
2 Strain:Tensão
3 Plundering: Pilhagem
Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.
Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.
Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.
Global megatrends are affecting the business environment
Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.
Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.
Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.
“The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.
A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.
*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais
Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/news/business27208569. Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.
1 ManKind: Humanidade
2 Strain:Tensão
3 Plundering: Pilhagem
Observe as palavras destacadas no trecho a seguir.
“Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource depletion, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.”
Marque a alternativa que é classificada como um VERBO na sentença:
Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.
Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.
Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.
Global megatrends are affecting the business environment
Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.
Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.
Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.
“The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.
A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.
*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais
Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/news/business27208569. Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.
1 ManKind: Humanidade
2 Strain:Tensão
3 Plundering: Pilhagem
Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.
Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.
Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.
Global megatrends are affecting the business environment
Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.
Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.
Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.
“The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.
A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.
*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais
Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/news/business27208569. Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.
1 ManKind: Humanidade
2 Strain:Tensão
3 Plundering: Pilhagem