


                                    When was the first computer unvented?

            The word "computer" was first recorded as being used in 1613 and was originally used to describe a human who performed calculations or computations. The definition of a computer remained the same until the end of the 19th century when people began to realize machines never get tired and can perform calculations much faster and more accurately than any team of human computers ever could.
            In 1822, Charles Babbage began developing the Difference Engine, which was considered to be the first automatic computing engine. It was capable of computing several sets of numbers and making hard copies of the results. Unfortunately, because of funding he was never able to complete a full-scale functional version of this machine. In June of 1991, the London Science Museum completed the Difference Engine Nº 2 for the bicentenni- al year of Babbage's birth and later completed the printing mechanism in 2000.

                                    Fonte: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htm Acesso em: 15/10/2013

The word it in “It was capable of computing several sets of numbers” refers to

  • Letra B

    É só voltar a ler a frase anterior e encontrar o sujeito do Wich/;  the Difference Engine, which was considered to be the first automatic computing engine. It wasOepet it é usado para retomar o termo sem ter que ficar repetindo a palavra , equivale ao "que" no portugues.

  • b-

    A única opção que faz sentido. "It" é usado para substantivos neutros (nem masculinos nem femininos). Porque Charles Babbage é um nome masculino, it nao forma anafora a ele. Quanto às outras opcoes, nao ha como uma marca de tempo ou museu executarem a ação descrita

  • (B)

     In 1822, Charles Babbage began developing the Difference Engine, which was considered to be the first automatic computing engine. It was capable of computing several sets of numbers and making hard copies of the results

    Tradução--> Em 1822, Charles Babbage começou a desenvolver o mecanismo de diferença, que foi considerado o primeiro mecanismo de computação automática. Era capaz de computar vários conjuntos de números e fazer cópias impressas dos resultados.