

This text refers to items from 16 through 25.

1           Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
 velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
 images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
 7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
 Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
 Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
 10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
 with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
             In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
 13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
 tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
 that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
 16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
 society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
 base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
 19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
 words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
 22          The importance of mobile telephony has already
 surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
 because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
 25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
 widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
 formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
 28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
 areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
              The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
 31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
 increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
 generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
 34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
 and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
 cutting edge CDMA technology.
 Internet: (with adaptations). 

 Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The mobile phone system aims at reaching every Brazilian social class.

  • Correto!!O sistema de telefone móvel visa atingir todas as classes sociais brasileiras.Vejamos o texto:"The importance of mobile telephony has already surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system, because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of taking communication to all levels of the population.
  • Não concordo... quando fala "aims" dá a ideia de que isso não acontece ainda... que é algo que se quer chegar... sendo que o próprio texto fala que isso já acontece.

    The importance of mobile telephony has already surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system, because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of taking communication to all levels of the population.

  • c-

     The importance of mobile telephony has already surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system, because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of taking communication to all levels of the population.


    Lucas Micas, o cespe tem mais de 1 examinador por assunto. Isso gera o dilema de inferir coisa do texto ou levá-lo pelo sentido literal. Nao ha como afirmar, pelo texto, que telefonia móvel pretende fazer isso; somente sabemos que há o papel de levar comunicação para as camadas da sociedade e quem faz isso é o celular.

  • Linha 25  taking communication to all levels of the population.

  • Gabarito: CERTO

    O sistema de telefonia móvel pretende alcançar todas as classes sociais brasileiras.

    The importance of mobile telephony has already surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system, because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of taking communication to all levels of the population.

    A importância da telefonia móvel já ultrapassou a do sistema de telefone fixo tradicional, porque o telefone celular realmente cumpre a função de levar a comunicação para todos os níveis da população.

    every brasilian social class = cada classe social brasileira = all levels of the population = todos os níveis da população

    A assertiva usa um termo sinônimo para dizer a mesma coisa do texto, como você pode observar acima.