- ID
- 199783
- Banca
- Órgão
- Ano
- 2010
- Provas
- FCC - 2010 - BAHIAGÁS - Analista de Processos Organizacionais - Administração
- FCC - 2010 - BAHIAGÁS - Analista de Processos Organizacionais - Análise de Sistemas
- FCC - 2010 - BAHIAGÁS - Analista de Processos Organizacionais - Contabilidade
- FCC - 2010 - BAHIAGÁS - Analista de Processos Organizacionais - Direito
- FCC - 2010 - BAHIAGÁS - Analista de Processos Organizacionais - Economia
- FCC - 2010 - BAHIAGÁS - Analista de Processos Organizacionais - Engenharia
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
Brazil is one of the world's fastest growing economies
with enormous energy requirements. The growing consumer
base coupled with rapid industrial development has infused the
overall energy demand and encouraged natural gas
consumption in the country. The volatile international crude oil
prices as well as the cheaper and environment-friendly nature of
natural gas have further boosted the use of natural gas
throughout the country. This has resulted in enormous demand
for gas flow measurement and supervision devices in the
country which is all set to uplift the sales and deployment of gas
According to our latest research report "Brazil Gas Meter
Market Forecast to 2013", Brazil gas meter industry is being
increasingly benefitted by surging piped natural gas
consumption in the residential, commercial, industrial and
automobile sectors. The natural gas distribution network
reached around 18,400 Km in 2009. In order to strictly supervise
the gas flow measurement and to accurately measure its
quantity, the utilities are rapidly deploying gas meter devices in
their transportation network. These utilities are not only installing
conventional gas meters, but also rapidly opting advanced
metering devices such as AMR and AMI to ensure accurate and
immediate information on gas consumption. This adoption has
enabled utilities to automate their gas distribution networks and
upgrade safety standards in their routine operations.
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