

Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo.

    The sole proprietor of a plumbing shop was sentenced to 13 months in prison, three years of supervised release for tax evasion and ordered to pay approximately $130,000 in restitution to the IRS. The business owner willfully attempted to evade paying his federal income taxes by skimming gross receipts of his plumbing business and paying personal expenses from his business accounts and claiming them as business expenses.

    As part of his tax evasion scheme, he instructed several of his employees to solicit checks from clients payable in his name, rather than in the name of the business. He then cashed these checks and did not deposit the monies into his business’ bank account. Since this money was not recorded on the books of the business, nor deposited into the business’ account, he did not include these gross receipts on his income tax return. He also deducted personal expenses as business expenses thereby substantially reducing his tax for tax years 2003 through 2006.

(Adapted from http://www.bizfilings.com/toolkit/sbg/tax-info/fed-taxes/tax-avoidance-and-tax-evasion.aspx)

Segundo o texto, o proprietário em questão

  • he instructed several of his employees to solicit checks from clients payable in his name, rather than in the name of the business. He then cashed these checks and did not deposit the monies into his business’ bank account.

  • Gab: E

    Para quem fez confusão com a letra "B":

    "(he) was sentenced to 13 months in prison, three years of supervised release for tax evasion and ordered to pay approximately $130,000 in restitution to the IRS."

    Ao meu ver, o trecho do texto não faz mensão a uma multa, mas sim ao valor da condenação, referente a aproximadamente o valor sonegado.

  • Victor Rodrigues, acredito que o problema da B seja por conta dele não prestar TODAS AS CONTAS para imposto de renda, mas prestava sim (só que um valor muito inferior ao que deveria).

  • O erro da B está na palavra 'multa', o que ele teve que pagar foi a restituição do imposto sonegado e não uma multa.

  • Trata-se de questão de interpretação de texto. O candidato deve assinalar a alternativa verdadeira a respeito do empresário mencionado no texto.

    Alternativa A.
    FALSA. Quando o autor menciona cheques é para explicar parte do esquema de evasão fiscal do empresário. "As part of his tax evasion scheme, he instructed several of his employees to solicit checks from clients payable in his name, rather than in the name of the business. He then cashed these checks and did not deposit the monies into his business' bank account."

    Alternativa B.
    FALSA. Ele pagará aproximadamente esse valor em restituição ao IRS e não a título de multa.
    Alternativa C.
    FALSA. Como vemos no trecho repetido na alternativa A, o que ele fez foi pedir que os Clientes pagassem com cheques nominais a ele (não à empresa) e, depois, sacou esses cheques e não os depositou na conta da empresa.

    Alternativa D.
    FALSA. Entre os anos de 2003 a 2006, o empresário deduziu despesas pessoais como despesas da empresa reduzindo, assim, seus impostos. “He also deducted personal expenses as business expenses thereby substantially reducing his tax for tax years 2003 through 2006."

    Alternativa E.
    VERDADEIRA. É o que lemos no seguinte trecho: “(…) he instructed several of his employees to solicit checks from clients payable in his name, rather than in the name of the business. He then cashed these checks and did not deposit the monies into his business' bank account."

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra E.