
Prefeitura de Teresina - PI

What is English as a Lingua Franca
What students need most from their language classes affects how we teach. But to what extent do we consider students' needs when it comes to pronunciation? How often do we stop to consider the needs of students who are learning English to mainly communicate with other non-native speakers? In this situation, English is used as a Lingua Franca ( henceforth ELF) - a common language between people who do not share the same native language. So their needs are quite different to students who go to the UK, for example, and want to integrate within that culture and so may want to sound as much like a native speaker as possible. The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with. This does not necessarily mean sounding like a native speaker.
Source: adapted from https://www.britishcouncil.org/voicesmagazine/how-teach-english-lingua-franca-elf. Access: March 24th , 2016.  

The same type of underlined comparative of the excerpt taken from the text 05 "The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with." (lines 16 to 18), is:

  • -c

    A construção é as + adjective + as. As opções erradas contêm adverbios ou adjetivos em grau comparativo

  • Que questão nada haver

  • The answer right is letter c:
    The same type underlined comparative of the excerpt taken from the text 5 is: 

    as intelligible as
    as audible as

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre comparativos.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    The same type of underlined comparative of the excerpt taken from the text 05 "The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with." (lines 16 to 18), is: 
    - O mesmo tipo de comparativo sublinhado do excerto retirado do texto 05 "A prioridade para os alunos que usam ELF, por outro lado, é ser tão inteligível quanto possível para as pessoas com quem estão se comunicando." (linhas 16 a 18), é:

    O comparativo em negrito no enunciado é o comparativo de igualdade. Vamos relembrar:
    O grau comparativo de igualdade em inglês é formado com  as ________ as. Entre as ________ as devemos colocar um adjetivo ou um advérbio. Veja exemplos:

    • as expensive as (tão caro quanto)
    • as cheap as (tão barato quanto)
    • as quickly as (tão rapidamente quanto)
    • as wonderful as (tão maravilhoso quanto)
    • as clean as (tão limpo quanto)

    As alternativas erradas não foram traduzidas pois apresentam um Inglês incorreto. Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) Incorreto - She will be there as earlier as possible. 
    Alternativa errada pois a palavra entre "as_____as" já é um comparativo.

    B) Incorreto - Her home is as biggest as White House.
    Alternativa errada pois a palavra entre "as_____as" é um superlativo. 

    C) Correto - Is this radio as audible as the other one?
    Tradução - Este rádio é tão audível quanto o outro?
    Embora "audível" em Português soe estranho neste contexto, é um adjetivo e está usado corretamente.

    D) Incorreto - This game can be as so enjoyable as a day out.  
    Alternativa errada pois há duas palavras entre "as_____as".

    E) Incorreto - Luis come here as frequentlier as Mary.
    Alternativa errada pois a palavra entre "as_____as" não existe na língua inglesa.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra C.