
Questões de Adjetivos | Adjectives


Reducing the dependence on oil
Ildo Sauer, Gas and Energy Director, Petrobras.

Brazil's energy sector is following the worldwide
tendency towards greater diversification of primary energy
sources and the increased use of natural gas and
biofuels. There are several reasons for this change. The
most important are the environmental restrictions that
are gradually being adopted in the world's principal
energy-consuming markets and the need to reduce the
dependence on oil, set against a scenario of accelerated
depletion in oil reserves and escalating prices.
The share of gas in Brazilian primary energy
consumption has more than doubled in a short period,
increasing from 4.1% in 1999 to 8.9% in 2004, and this
share is forecast to rise to 12% by 2010.
Over the past two decades, the world gas industry
has experienced a structural and regulatory
transformation. These changes have altered the strategic
behaviour of gas firms, with an intensification of
competition, the search for diversification (especially in
the case of power generation) and the internationalisation
of industry activities. Together, these changes have
radically changed the economic environment and the level
of competition in the industry.
Brazil's gas industry is characterised by its late
development, although in recent years, internal supply
imports and demand have grown significantly - the
growth trajectory of recent years exceeds that of countries
with more mature markets, such as Spain, Argentina,
the UK and the US. And the outlook is positive for
continued growth over the next few years, particularly
when set against the investment plans already
announced in Brazil.
The country has a small transportation network
concentrated near the coast. The distribution network is
concentrated in the major consumption centres.
Domestic gas sources are largely offshore in the Campos
basin and Bolivia provides imports. Given the degree
of gas penetration in the country's primary energy
consumption, the industry is poorly developed when
compared with other countries. The industry requires
heavy investment in expanding the transport and
distribution (T&D) networks, as well as in diversifying and
increasing its supplies. Such investments are necessary
for realising the industry's enormous potential.
Another key industry highlight is the changing profile
of gas supply. A large part of the gas produced
domestically to date has been associated with oil
production. The latter diluting or even totally absorbing
the costs of exploiting the gas. In most cases, gas
production was feasible only in conjunction with oil
production activities. However, the country's latest gas
finds are non-associated. Thus, an exclusively dedicated
structure must be developed to produce this gas -
translating into a significant rise in production costs. This
is more significant when analysed against the high costs
associated with the market for exploration and production
(E&P) sector equipment. In recent years, the leasing costs
of drilling rigs and E&P equipment have been climbing in
parallel with escalating oil prices. This directly affects endconsumer
In a world of primary energy consumption
diversification, of greater environmental restrictions and
the reduced dependence on oil, Brazil has been seeking
to develop alternative energy sources - principally natural
gas and biofuels. The gas industry holds enormous
potential for Brazil, although there is still a long way to go
before it reaches maturity and major investment is

World Energy in 2006. copyright © 2006, World Energy Council.
p.29-31 (adapted)

Check the only correct option.

  • depletion - esgotamento
    forecast - previsão / backcast - revés, algo que trás má sorte
    set against - ficar contra / set forth - demonstrar, anunciar
    feasible - possível / unlikely - improvável 

  • Só complementando a Mayara.

    backcast pode ser algo como reverter, voltar um passo atrás.
    Não é sinonimo nem antonimo de forecast, simplesmente não tem nunhum ligação de significado apesar do final coicidente.
  • d- 

    to date: until now, heretofore, so far, hitherto, até o momento.


The oil and natural gas industry has developed and
applied an impressive array of innovative technologies to
improve productivity and efficiency, while yielding
environmental benefits. According to the U.S. Department
of Energy, "the petroleum business has transformed itself
into a high-technology industry."
State-of-the-art technology allows the industry to
produce more oil and natural gas from more remote
places - some previously unreachable - with significantly
less adverse effect on the environment. Among the
benefits: increased supply to meet the world's growing
energy demand, reduced energy consumption at oil and
natural gas facilities and refineries, reduced noise from
operations, decreased size of facilities, reduced
emissions of pollutants, better protection of water
resources, and preservation of habitats and wildlife.
With advanced exploration and production
technologies, the oil and gas industry can pinpoint
resources more accurately, extract them more efficiently
and with less surface disturbance, minimize associated
wastes, and, ultimately, restore sites to original or better
Exploration and production advances include
advanced directional drilling, slimhole drilling, and 3-D
seismic technology. Other segments of the industry have
benefited from technological advances as well. Refineries
are becoming highly automated with integrated process
and energy system controls; this results in improved
operational and environmental performance and enables
refineries to run harder and produce more products safer
than ever before. Also, new process equipment and
catalyst technology advances have been made very
recently to meet new fuel regulations requiring very low
levels of sulfur in gasoline and diesel.
Technology advances such as these are making it
possible for the oil and natural gas industry to grow in
tandem with the nation's energy needs while maintaining
a cleaner environment. The industry is committed to
investing in advanced technologies that will continue to
provide affordable and reliable energy to support our
current quality of life, and expand our economic horizons.
For example, we are researching fuel cells that may
power the vehicles of tomorrow with greater efficiency
and less environmental impact. We are investigating ways
to tap the huge natural gas resources locked in gas
hydrates. Gas hydrates are common in sediments in
the ocean's deep waters where cold temperatures and
high pressures cause natural gas and water to freeze
together, forming solid gas hydrates. Gas hydrates could
be an important future source of natural gas for our nation.
Some of our companies are also investigating
renewable energy resources such as solar, wind,
biomass and geothermal energy. By conducting research
into overcoming the many technological hurdles that limit
these energy resources, they hope to make them more
reliable, affordable and convenient for future use. Although
the potential for these energy resources is great,
scientists do not expect them to be a significant part of
the nation's energy mix for many decades. For this
reason, the industry must continue to invest in
conventional resources such as oil and natural gas. We
will need to rely on these important energy resources for
many decades to come.

In: http://api-ec.api.org/focus/index

The only pair of antonyms is:

  • c-

    accurate- free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model;precise; exact.




  • A) unreachable = inacessível

    Ou seja, a questão colocou um sinônimo, mas o que é pedido é o antônimo

    B) to meet = encontrar

    Um possível antônimo poderia ser mismatch


    accurately = precisamente

    Ou seja, algo oposto a preciso seria impreciso ou incorreto.

    D) recently = recentemente

    lately = ultimamente

    E) reliable = confiável

    dependable é um sinônimo, podendo ser traduzido como confiável, seguro.


This text refers to items from 16 through 25.

1           Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
 velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
 images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
 7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
 Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
 Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
 10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
 with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
             In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
 13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
 tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
 that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
 16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
 society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
 base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
 19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
 words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
 22          The importance of mobile telephony has already
 surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
 because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
 25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
 widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
 formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
 28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
 areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
              The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
 31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
 increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
 generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
 34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
 and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
 cutting edge CDMA technology.
 Internet: (with adaptations). 

 Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Japan and Korea are the two most important countries as far as mobile telephony market is concerned.

  • ERRADO!O texto diz que o Japão e a Coréia são mercados importantes em termos de avanços em telefonia celular no mundo, não que são os mais importantes, como afirma a assertiva.Vejamos o texto:Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms of the world’s advances in cellular telephony(...)
  • Japão e Coreia são os dois países mais importantes no que se refere ao mercado de telefonia móvel.
    "Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where multimedia applications have surged into feverish popularity."

    "Japão e Coreia são mercados extraordinários em termos dos avançosmundiais em telefonia celular, onde  aplicações de multimédia têm subido em febril popularidade."
    Conforme primeiro parágrafo do texto, apesar de mencionar que Japão e Coreia estão se superando no mercado de telefonia móvel, não podemos dizer que são os países mais importantes.
    O item está errado.
  • e-

    Outstanding - impressive, superb, impressionante

  • alguém pode me explicar o uso do AS FAR AS?

  • Gabarito: ERRADO

    Japan and Korea are the two most important countries as far as mobile telephony market is concerned.

    Japão e Coreia são os dois países mais importantes quando se é levado em conta o mercado de telefonia móvel.

    Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms of the world’s advances in cellular telephony, where cellular multimedia applications have surged into feverish popularity.

    Japão e Coreia são os mercados de destaque em termos de avanços do mundo em telefonia celular, onde celulares de aplicações multimídia subiram em febril popularidade.

    Observe que o texto fala que eles são mercados excepcionais, extraordinários, que tem importância, o texto não diz que eles são os dois MAIS importantes, não usa o superlativo como o enunciado expressa. 


          Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept
     is having an impact on the way people think about
     datacenters. Companies around the world are
     announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by
5   buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little
     guidance on how you can take action to control energy
     costs. In the past, electricity has been treated as an
     overhead expense, like the cost of space. But with rising
     power costs and issues regarding reliability, supply, and
10  capacity, electricity requires its own specific strategy.
          Projects regarding performance optimization and
     cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in
     nearly every area of business. So why not treat energy
     cost in the same way?
15      As Information Technologies (IT) pros, many of us
     make decisions about the configuration and setup of
     servers, the specifications on the equipment our
     organizations purchase, and the requirements for
     datacenter upgrades and construction. We even provide
20  early design input during application development. When
     it comes to these projects, we obviously have a golden
     opportunity to be green and influence the energy
     efficiency of any datacenter.
          The first part of any strategy is to know your current
25  energy usage. You need to know where your energy is
     used and by what specific equipment, as well as what
     usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter.
     Unfortunately, it's rare to find power-consumption
     metering in place that can break down usage to a level
30  where people can see the results of their actions. Most
     organizations typically only see a monthly power bill
     that rolls up consumption into an overall bottom line.
     This offers little incentive for saving energy since
     individuals never see the impact of their decisions, and
35  there is no way for them to prove that their changes
     have actually saved energy.
          One of the first issues people confront when
     considering a green datacenter initiative is whether they
     have executive support. For the purpose of the article, I
40  am going to assume the answer is "not yet." Executive
     support requires a serious commitment that provides
     resources and budget for your initiative. And while there
     is a lot of talk about green datacenters, the reality is
     that there is still often a lack of serious support at the
45  executive level. If you did already have such executive
     support, you would probably be running a green
     datacenter right now.
          Still, even assuming you are not getting the support
     you need, there is a great deal you can do to push your
50  green datacenter initiative forward. So how do you
     determine effective actions to take in achieving your
     goals? Fortunately, energy efficiency is not a new
     concept and there is a lot that IT pros can learn from
     other industries. [.]
55      Anyway, for whichever direction you choose,
     planning an energy efficiency program for your datacenter
     will require collaboration across groups in IT. Until
     recently, the typical approach to planning IT solutions
     has been to ignore power costs early on during the design
60  phase, focusing on the hardware and software being
     purchased, along with the labor and hosting costs of
     the solution. When power is buried in the overhead cost
     of running solutions in a datacenter, energy efficiency
     is a low priority. Exposing the actual power being
65  consumed by solutions is the first critical step in changing
     the behavior of your organization.

By Dave Ohara
TechNet Magazine, October 2007

The correct opposites for the words "hot" (line 1) and "wasteful" (line 27) as they are used in the text are, respectively:

  • hot no texto quer dizer assunto do momento - extra, redline - assunto popular, tópico principal , ''quente'' e o antonimo seria unpopular, desinteressante.Wasteful - desperdicioso, contrário de economical.
  • Os opostos corretos para as palavras "hot" (linha 1) e "wasteful" (linha 27) como são usados  no texto são, respectivamente:

    A) fora de moda - imprudente
    B) impopular - econômico.
    C) ultrapassado - excessivo.
    D) legal - desnecessário.
    E) na moda - econômico.
    "hot"- intenso, caloroso

    No texto -  "Green is the hot topic...", quer dizer : assunto popular, que está em evidência no momento.

    "wasteful" - desperdiçador, esbanjador

    Segundo o texto, as palavras "hot" e "wasteful" significam respectivamente "popular" e "esbanjador".
    Portanto os apostam são: impopular e econômico.

    RESPOSTA: Alternativa B.
  • b-

    hot - current, up-to-date, trending != unpopular

    wasteful - lavish, spendthrift != economical



    Fonte: Karla Branco

    A questão trata sobre antônimos. É preciso entender as intenções do autor do texto e confrontá-las com as afirmações de cada opção de resposta, após analisá-las. Para isso, é importante estar atento ao uso do vocabulário no contexto em que foi usado.

     No texto, hot (l. 1) significa “quente”, “atual, “importante”, “familiar”. Observe: 

    • Green is the hot topic these days (l. 1) 

    Wasteful (l. 27), por sua vez, significa “desperdiçador”, “esbanjador”, “desnecessário”:

    • […] what usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter. (l. 26-27)

    Assim, é preciso localizar a alternativa que traduz corretamente o sentido oposto dessas duas palavras.


    A - out of fashion – imprudent


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a expressão out of fashion significa “fora de moda” e a palavra imprudent pode ser traduzida como “imprudente”. 

    Sendo assim, no contexto de uso no texto, out of fashion até poderia ser considerada como antônimo de hot (l. 1). Contudo, imprudent wasteful (l. 27) NÃO são palavras antônimas.


    B - unpopular – economical.


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra unpopular significa “impopular”; “malquisto” e a palavra economical pode ser traduzida como “econômico”. 

    Sendo assim, unpopular e economical podem ser consideradas, respectivamente, como antônimos de hot (l. 1) e wasteful (l. 27), no contexto em que estas foram usadas no texto.


    C - outdated – excessive.


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra outdated significa “antiquado”, “obsoleto” e a palavra excessive pode ser traduzida como “excessivo”, “exorbitante”, “exagerado”. 

    Sendo assim, no contexto de uso no texto, outdated até poderia ser considerada como antônimo de hot (l. 1). Contudo, excessive wasteful (l. 27) NÃO são palavras antônimas.


    D - cool – unnecessary.


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra cool significa “fresco”, “tranquilo”; “arrojado”; “excelente” e a palavra unnecessary pode ser traduzida como “desnecessário”, “supérfluo”, “inútil”. 

    Sendo assim, cool e unnecessary NÃO são, respectivamente, antônimos de hot (l. 1) e wasteful (l. 27), no contexto em que foram usadas no texto.


    E - trendy – thrifty.


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra trendy significa “na moda”, “moderno” e a palavra thrifty pode ser traduzida como “econômico”, “próspero”, “viçoso”. 

    Sendo assim, no contexto de uso no texto, thrifty até poderia ser considerada como antônimo de wasteful (l. 27). Contudo, trendy hot (l. 1) NÃO são palavras antônimas, mas sinônimas.

Banco do Brasil

Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/Exter…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

Considering text VII, judge the items below.

Mexico population is not so large as the Brazilian one.

  • Questão Certa!

    População do México
    não é tão grande quanto a brasileira.

    O Brasil tem a maior população da América Latina e está em sexto lugar no mundo. (Brazil has the largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world.)

    Bons estudos =]
  • A reposta deve estar baseada no texto, certo?

    Onde se fala de México no texto?

  • Tive o mesmo problema Renata. O anunciado diz claramente: "Considering text VII, judge the items below" (Considerando o texto VII, julgue os itens abaixo).  Questão passível de ser anulada. 

  • Num precisa de texto pra saber que a população do México não é tão grande quanto a do Brasil. A banca errou realmente em colocar "de acordo com o texto".
  • A população do México não é tão grande quanto a brasileira. 

    "With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. "
    "Com uma estimativa de 167 milhões de habitantes, o Brasil tem a maior população da América Latina e está em sexto lugar no mundo. "
    O item está correto ao dizer que a população do México não é tão grande quanto a brasileira.
  • O texto não fala do México. Porém, o México pertence a América Latina. Lá no início, o texto afirma que a população do Brasil é a maior da América Latina, consequentemente maior que a do México.

  • De boa, a banca viajou nessa questão.


    O comentário da professora do Qconcursos:

    "With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. "

    "Com uma estimativa de 167 milhões de habitantes, o Brasil tem a maior população da América Latina e está em sexto lugar no mundo. "

    O item está correto ao dizer que a população do México não é tão grande quanto a brasileira.


    Desde quando o México percente a América Latina?

  • Questão capciosa. Envolveu uma interpretação pesada. Vejam:

    Mexico, officially the United Mexican States, is a country in the southern portion of North America.

    Latin America generally refers to territories in the Americas where the Spanish, Portuguese or French languages prevail: Mexico, most of Central and South America, and in the Caribbean, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Puerto Rico. Latin America is, therefore, defined as all those parts of the Americas that were once part of the Spanish, Portuguese and French Empires.

    Latin America largest cities(Metro areas):

    1) Mexico City (capital do México)

    Fonte: wikipedia.com

  • México faz parte da América do Norte ...

  • Segundo o senso comum, ou o significado mais empregado, os países que compõem a “América Latina” seriam os que fazem parte da América do Sul, América Central e o México.

    Fonte: infoescola

  • Inglês with Geografia


  • México é o único país da América Latina que também faz parte da América do Norte.

    O gabarito não está errado.

  • Questão de 2002. Quase 20 anos atrás...

    Se fosse nos dias de hoje, certamente seria anulada.

Banco do Brasil

Text VII – questions 38 through 40

World Bank Brazil – country brief
1 With an estimated 167 million inhabitants, Brazil has the
largest population in Latin America and ranks sixth in the world. The
majority live in the south-central area, which includes industrial cities
4 such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. 80% of the
population now lives in urban areas. Rapid growth in the urban
population has aided economic development but also created serious
7 problems for major cities.
Brazil’s “miracle years” were in the late 1960s and early 1970s
when double digit-annual growth rates were recorded and the structure
10 of the economy underwent rapid change.
In the 1980s, however, Brazil’s economic performance was
poor in comparison with its potential. Annual Gross Domestic Product
13 (GDP) growth only averaged 1.5 percent over the period from 1980
to 1993. This reflected the economy’s inability to respond to
international events in the late 1970s and the 1980s: the second oil
16 shock; increase in international real interest rates; the Latin American
external debt crisis and the ensuing cutoff of foreign credit and foreign
direct investment. This lack of responsiveness reflected the largely
19 inward-looking policy orientation that had been in place since the
Economic flexibility was further impaired by provisions of the
22 1988 Constitution, which introduced significant rigidities in budgeting
and public expenditure. An outcome of these pressures was a steady
rise in the rate of inflation, which reached monthly rates of 50% by the
25 middle of 1994.

Internet: <http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/Exter…/
abe36259ca656c4985256914005207e3?OpenDocumen> (with adaptations).

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (R.5-7) means the same as

The bigger and faster urban population grows, the less serious problems are caused.

                   Traduzindo a pergunta.

                   "O rápido crescimento na população urbana tem ajudado o crescimento econômico mas também criou prblemas para as grandes cidades" significa o mesmo que Quanto maior e mais rápido cresce a populacao urbana, problemas menos sérios são causados.

                    Tais frases são conflitantes e não significam o mesmo e portanto a questão está errada.
  • Quanto maior e mais rápido a população urbana cresce,  problemas menos graves são causados.

     "O rápido crescimento da população na zona urbana  tem ajudado no desenvolvimento econômico, mas também tem criado graves problemas para as principais cidades."
    "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities."
    O trecho traduzido das linhas 5-7, mostra o contrário do que o item diz. Portanto está errado.
  • gabarito errado

    têm mais problemas e não menos problemas


          What are the best energy sources? "Best" depends
     on many factors - how the energy is being used, where
     it is being used, what energy sources are available,
     which sources are most convenient and reliable, which
5   are easiest to use, what each costs, and the effects on
     public safety, health, and the environment. Making smart
     energy choices means understanding resources and their
     relative costs and benefits.
          Some energy sources have advantages for specific
10  uses or locations. For example, fuels from petroleum
     are well suited for transportation because they pack a
     lot of energy in a small space and are easily transported
     and stored. Small hydroelectric installations are a good
     solution for supplying power or mechanical energy close
15  to where it is used. Coal is widely used for power
     generation in many fast-developing countries - including
     China, India, and many others - because domestic
     supplies are readily available.
          Efficiency is an important factor in energy costs.
20  How efficiently can the energy be produced, delivered,
     and used? How much energy value is lost in that process,
     and how much ends up being transformed into useful
     work? Industries that produce or use energy continually
     look for ways to improve efficiency, since this is a key to
25  making their products more competitive.
          The ideal energy source - cheap, plentiful, and
     pollution-free - may prove unattainable in our lifetime,
     but that is the ultimate goal. The energy industry is
     continuing to improve its technologies and practices, to
30  produce and use energy more efficiently and cleanly.
          Energy resources are often categorized as
     renewable or nonrenewable.
          Renewable energy resources are those that can be
     replenished quickly - examples are solar power,
35  biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind power, and
     fast-reaction nuclear power. They supply about seven
     percent of energy needs in the United States; the other
     93 percent comes from nonrenewables. The two largest
     categories of renewable energy now in use in the U.S.
40  are biomass - primarily wood wastes that are used by
     the forest products industry to generate electricity and
     heat - and hydroelectricity.
          Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, oil,
     natural gas, and uranium-235, which is used to fuel
45  slow-reaction nuclear power. Projections of how long a
     nonrenewable energy resource will last depend on many
     changeable factors. These include the growth rate of
     consumption, and estimates of how much of the remaining
     resources can be economically recovered. New exploration
50  and production technologies often increase the ability of
     producers to locate and recover resources. World
     reserves of fossil energy are projected to last for many
     more decades - and, in the case of coal, for centuries.

In: http://www.classroom-energy.org/teachers/energy_tour/pg5.html

The adjective "solar" (line 34) derives from the noun "sun". Check the item in which there is the same adjective/noun relationship.

  • e-

    A questao quer substantivo com relação ao adjetivo. NESSA ORDEM. 

  • The adjective "solar" (line 34) derives from the noun "sun". Check the item in which there is the same adjective/noun relationship.

    O adjetivo "solar" (linha 34) deriva do substantivo "sol". Marque o item em que há a mesma relação adjetivo/substantivo.

    a) Quickly (ADVÉRBIO) - Quick (ADJETIVO)


    b) Producer (SUBSTANTIVO) - Product (SUBSTANTIVO)


    c) Renewable (ADJETIVO) - Nonrenewable (ADJETIVO)


    d) Consume (VERBO/SUBSTANTIVO) - Consumption (SUBSTANTIVO)


    e) Powerful (ADJETIVO) - Power (SUBSTANTIVO)


          Repliee is more than a humanoid robot ? it is an
     honest-to-goodness android, so lifelike that it seems like
     a real person. It has moist lips, glossy hair and vivid
     eyes that blink slowly. Seated on a stool with hands
 5    folded primly on its lap at the 2005 World Exposition in
     Japan's Aichi prefecture, it wore a bright pink blazer and
     gray slacks. For a mesmerizing few seconds from several
     meters away, Repliee was virtually indistinguishable from
     an ordinary woman in her 30s. In fact, it was a copy of
 10    one.
          Japan is proud of the most advanced humanoids in
     the world, which are expected to eventually be used as
     the workforce diminishes among the decreasing and aging
     population. But why build a robot with pigmented silicone
 15    skin, smooth gestures and even makeup? To Repliee's
     creator, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Director of Osaka University's
     Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, the answer is simple:
     "Android science."
          Besides the justification for making robots
 20    anthropomorphic and bipedal so they can work in human
     environments with architectural features such as stairs,
     Ishiguro believes that people respond better to very
     humanlike automatons. Androids can thus elicit the most
     natural communication. "Appearance is very important
 25    to have better interpersonal relationships with a robot,"
     says the 42-year-old Ishiguro. "Robots are information
     media, especially humanoid robots. Their main role in
     our future is to interact naturally with people."
          Mild colorblindness forced Ishiguro to abandon his
 30    aspirations of a career as an oil painter. Drawn to
     computer and robot vision instead, he built a guide robot
     for the blind as an undergraduate at the University of
     Yamanashi. A fan of the android character Data from the
     Star Trek franchise, he sees robots as the ideal vehicle
 35    to understand more about ourselves.
          To imitate human looks and behavior successfully,
     Ishiguro combines robotics with cognitive science. In turn,
     cognitive science research can use the robot to study
     human perception, communication and other faculties.
 40    This novel cross-fertilization is what Ishiguro describes
     as android science. In a 2005 paper, he and his
     collaborators explained it thus: "To make the android
     humanlike, we must investigate human activity from the
     standpoint of cognitive science, behavioral science and
 45    neuroscience, and to evaluate human activity, we need
     to implement processes that support it in the android."
          One key strategy in Ishiguro's approach is to model
     his artificial creations on real people. He began research
     four years ago with his then four-year-old daughter,
 50    casting a rudimentary android from her body, but its
     mechanisms resulted in strange, unnatural motion.
          Humanlike robots run the risk of compromising
     people's comfort zones. Because the android's
     appearance is very similar to that of a human, any subtle
 55    differences in motion and responses will make it seem
     strange. Repliee, though, is so lifelike that it has
     overcome the creepiness factor, partly because of the
     natural way it moves.
          Ishiguro wants his next android, a male, to be as
 60    authentic as possible. The model? Himself. The scientist
     thinks having a robot clone could ease his busy schedule:
     he could dispatch it to classes and meetings and then
     teleconference through it. "My question has always been,
     Why are we living, and what is human?" he says. An
 65    Ishiguro made of circuitry and silicone might soon be
     answering his own questions.

adapted from www.scientificamerican.com - May 2006

Check the only correct statement.

  • Marque a única afirmativa correta.
    A)"decreasing"- "diminuir" (linha 13) é o oposto de "diminishing " diminuir.
    B) "ideal"- "ideal" (linha 34) poderia ser substituído por "appropriate" - adequado.
    C)"collaborators"-  "colaboradores" (linha 42) e "assistants"- assistentes são antônimos.
    D)"rudimentary"-  "rudimentar" (linha 50) significa"sophisticated"-  sofisticado.
    E)"authentic"-  "autêntico" (linha 60) e "real"- real são sinônimos.
    Segundo tradução das palavras, inferimos que a opção E está correta.
  • authentic = credible, accurate, convincing, legit,real.

  • A) decreasing e diminishing significam diminuir, mas a questão fala que são palavras opostas.

    B) ideal = ideal.

    Appropriate = adequado

    Perceba que o ideal vehicle (veículo ideal) é bem mais específico do que simplesmente ser um "veículo adequado"

    C) collaborators = colaboradores

    assistants = assistentes

    D) rudimentary = rudimentar. E o sophisticated = sofisticado. Logo, são palavras opostas


    authentic = autêntico. Essa palavra tem o mesmo sentido de real. O texto diz que Ishiguro  quer um robô mais autêntico possível a ele próprio, ou seja mais real à imagem do cientista.


How to dig out from the information avalanche
Majority of workers feel overwhelmed by deluge of data,
survey finds
By Eve Tahmincioglu
updated 8:18 p.m. ET March 16, 2008
Don't expect Shaun Osher, the CEO of Core Group
Marketing in New York, to answer your e-mail right away.
He has stopped responding to e-mails every minute and
only checks his e-mail account twice a day. He also started
turning off his BlackBerry during meetings.
This tactic has made him so much more productive
that earlier this year he held a meeting with his staff of 50
and "strongly suggested" that they stop relying so heavily
on e-mail and actually start calling clients on the phone.
And, he requested his employees put cell phones and
PDAs on silent mode during meetings, as well as curtail
the common practice of cc-ing everybody when sending
out an e-mail. "There was so much redundancy, so much
unnecessary work," he explains. "One person could handle
an issue that should take two minutes, but when an email
goes out and five people get cc-ed, then everybody
responds to it and there's a snowball effect."
It's not that Osher has anything against technology. In
fact, he loves it. The problem is, last year he realized he
was inundated with so many e-mails and so much
information in general that he began to experience data
overload. "In the beginning, e-mail and all this data was a
great phenomenon, revolutionizing what we do. But the
pendulum has swung way too much to the other side," he
maintains. "We're less productive."
Osher isn't the only one out there under a data
avalanche. Thanks to technological innovations, you can
be talking to a customer on your cell phone, answering a
LinkedIn invitation on your laptop, and responding to email
on your PDA all at the same time. Besides, during
tough economic times, who will want to miss any
information when your job could be on the line if you indulge
in the luxury of being offline? Turns out, seven out of 10
office workers in the United States feel overwhelmed by
information in the workplace, and more than two in five
say they are headed for a data "breaking point," according
to a recently released Workplace Productivity Survey.
Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis U.S. Legal Markets,
says there are a host of reasons we're all on the information
brink: "exponential growth of the size of the information
'haystack,' the immensity and immediacy of digital
communications, and the fact that professionals are not
being provided with sufficient tools and training to help
them keep pace with the growing information burden."
Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes
we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and
our multitasking mentality has spawned a "not-mentallypresent"
society. "We're becoming an attention-deficit
disorder society switching back and forth like crazy,"
Kossek says. "We're connected all the time. We're
working on planes, in coffee shops, working on the
weekends. Work is very seductive, but yet we're actually
less effective."
The key to getting your head above the data flood,
according to workplace experts, is managing and reducing
the information you're bombarded with.

© 2008 MSNBC Interactive - (slightly adapted)

Which option describes accurately the meaning relationship between the pairs of words?

  • e-

    spawn - engender, produce, stem, generate



    Fonte:  Prof. Ena Loiola

    Which option describes accurately the meaning relationship between the pairs of words? = Que opção descreve com precisão o significado do relacionamento entre o par de palavras? 


    Opção A: “actually” (line 9) means rarely = “na verdade” (linha 9) significa raramente

    • actually = na verdade, na realidade, de fato 


    • Cuidado! Trata-se de um falso cognato! (falso amigo). A  palavra  “actually”  não  significa  “atualmente”  como  parece,  e  nem  também raramente. 
    • Errada



    Opção  B:  “curtail”  (line  11)  is  the  opposite  of  reduce  =  "reduzir"  (linha  11)  é  o  oposto  de reduzir. 

    • Curtail = reduzir, restringir, encurtar, abreviar = reduce = reduzir, diminuir; 


    • Não é oposto. Eles são sinônimos. 
    • Opção errada



    Opção  C:  “overwhelmed”  (line  34)  and  unaffected  are  synonymous  =  "oprimido"  (linha  34)  e não afetados são sinônimos. 


    • overwhelmed = oprimido, sobrecarregado, esmagado, soterrado, esgotado, afetado por algo;  

    • unaffected = não afetado, que não sofre efeitos; 


    • Os dois vocábulos são opostos, antônimos ao invés de sinônimos. 
    • Errada



    Opção  D:  “immediacy”  (line  41)  and  proximity  are  antonyms  =  "imediatismo"  (linha  41)  e  a proximidade são antônimos. 


    • Eles têm significados diferentes, porém não são opostos. 
    • Errada.



    Opção E: “spawned” (line 47) could be replaced by generated = “gerado” (linha 47) poderia ser substituído por gerado. 


    • Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and our multitasking mentality has spawned/generated a “not-mentally present” society.  
    • Ellen Kossek, uma professora do estado de Michigan, acha que somos menos produtivos nesta época em que se usa a tecnologia o tempo todo, e nossa mentalidade multitarefa tem gerado uma sociedade "não-mentalmente presente"


    • spawn = causar, gerar = generate = criar, gerar 


    • A assertiva traz um sinônimo do vocábulo encontrado no texto. Tanto faz usar um como o outro que não vai alterar a interpretação textual. 
    • Certa


Choose the only correct alternative to fill in the blanks:

I. Brazil is ________ Argentina.

II. Japan is _________ Bolivia.

III. The Everest is _________mountain in the world.

IV. France is not __________ Canada.

  •  O final "EST" indica superlativo de superioridede. Um ser é superior a todos os outros, assim, nos itens I, II e IV não pode ter o verbo com final "EST" porque estão comparando um país com outro. No item III o verbo termina com EST porque a montanha é a maior do munto todo.
    O final "ER" indica superlativo comparativo (compara um ser com outro).

    the largest - a maior 
    larger than - maior do que
    larger - maior 

    the richest - o mais rico
    richer than - mais riico do que
    richer - mais rico

    higher than - superior
    the highest - o mais elevado
    as higher as - tão maior quanto

    as big - tão grande
    as big as - tão grande quanto
    bigger - maior
    the biggest - o maior

  •  a) maior - o mais rico - superior a - tão grande.
      b) maior do que - mais rica do que - a mais alta - tão grande quanto.
      c) maior - o mais rico - o mais alto - maior.
      d) maior do que - mais ricos - superior - a maior.
      e) maior - mais rica - tão alto quanto - tão grande quanto.
  • I. Brazil is larger than Argentina. (Comparativo de superioridade) Adjetivos de 1 ou 2 sílabas- Adjetivo + er + than. Ex: faster than
    II. Japan is richer than Bolivia. (Comparativo de superioridade)
    III.The Everest is the highest mountain in the world. ( Superlativo) Adjetivos de 1 ou 2 sílabas- The + Adjetivo + est. Ex: The fastest
     IV. France is not as big as Canada.( comparativo de igualdade) As + adjetivo + as

    Alternativa B está correta
  •  b)Larger than - richer than - the highest - as big as.

    One should the -er ending for comparative case an adjective's length is relatively short (no more than syllables). For adjectives of longer length, it's advised to use the more..than structure. Similar thoughtprocess is applied for the superlative case, which calls for the -est ending for short-length adjective and the qualifier most otherwise. 


Read the book review below and answer questions 7,
8, 9 and 10.

by Robert Weale (King's College London, UK)
What exactly is human ageing? Can it be slowed down?
These questions have puzzled scientists and laymen alike
for generations, and continue to do so today. The author
addresses these thought-provoking issues by challenging
pre-conceived notions of age-perception, age-acceptance
and inter-age relations. Pertinent matters of age-related
communication are dealt with, and the reader is treated to
a grand tour of the latest theories of ageing, age-related
biological changes and age-related diseases, such as
Alzheimer's Disease. Here, the author's expertise in agerelated
eye diseases truly comes into its own.
Weale's unique work not only underlines important
genetic and avoidable risk factors but gives ample
consideration to possible consequences stemming from
different early lifestyles. Readers will re-consider their
ideas of what it means to age, and gain a better
understanding of what can and cannot slow down the
process of ageing.

Fonte: http://www.worldscibooks.com/ December, 2009.

In the book review there are many adjectives, some are single words, like old, others are compound words, like thought-provoking. Which of the alternatives below contain only adjectives from the text.

I. Pertinent, unique, ample.

II. Grand, important, early.

III. Biological, different, treated.

IV. Avoidable, ample, postponed.



1 As the evidence and knowledge of the physical effects of climate change continue to grow, the world is starting to dissect how those physical changes (e.g. water scarcity, sea-
4 level rise, increased temperatures), both current and predicted, will intersect with society and economies and the potentially significant environmental and human impacts that will result.
7 Of emerging interest are the potential impacts of climate change on the enjoyment of human rights and wellbeing. Weather and environmental degradation have, as one of
10 multiple stressors, threatened lives and livelihoods throughout history, but what makes this interaction more relevant today is the growing evidence that greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions
13 have contributed and will continue to contribute to long-term or permanent changes to our ecosystems and landscapes and will increase the frequency and severity of extreme events. This
16 amplifies existing social risks and vulnerabilities and will therefore increase the pressures faced by many disadvantaged individuals and populations in Canada and abroad.
19 On January 15 2009, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) released a study on climate change and human rights in response to UN
22 Resolution 7/23 in which signatories expressed concern “that climate change poses an immediate and far-reaching threat to people and communities around the world and has implications
25 for the full enjoyment of human rights.” Internet: (adapted)

The adjective “far-reaching"(L.23) could be correctly replaced by extensive.

  • Certo,
    far-reaching = longo alcance
    extensive = extenso
  • O adjetivo "far-reaching" (L. 23) poderia ser substituído por "extensive"
    (L.23) "...in which signatories expressed concern “that climate change poses an immediate and far-reaching threat to people and communities around the world..."

    (L. 23)"...na qual os signatários expressaram preocupação "que a mudança climática representa uma ameaça imediata e de longo alcance para as pessoas e comunidades ao redor do mundo..."

    "extensive"- extenso, amplo

    O item está correto.

Senado Federal

Read text I and answer questions 31 to 36.


Beware the power of the blog

Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them
they may be inviting some PR disasters

The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five
months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is
now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each
day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another
person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a
remarkable impact.

(from http://www.computing.co.uk/itweek/comment/ 2145491/beware-power-blog, retrieved on September 24th, 2008)

The opposite of the underlined word in “more interesting than” is

  • d) less.

    Por se tratar de uma comparação ( x adjetivo than ), usa-se less para menos e more para mais. Se fosse uma afirmação comum, o certo seria least
  • Uma pequena correção ao comentário do Mano, em relação ao 'least', que não é usado numa afirmação comum, e sim quando o caso é de superlativo de inferioridade.

    COMPARATIVO DE INFERIORIDADE: less(more) + adjetivo + than
    A silver ring is less expensive than a gold ring.
    [Um anel de prata é menos caro do que um anel de ouro.]

    SUPERLATIVO DE INFERIORIDADE: the least + adjetivo
    This lesson was the least difficult of all.
    [Essa lição foi a menos difícil de todas]

    Vale lembrar que a expressão at least significa pelo menos.


  • O oposto da palavra sublinhada em "mais interessante do que" é

    a)um mínimo.
    b) a maioria.
    c) muitos.
    d) menos.
    e) por último.
  • More - adj 1 mais. 2 adicional, extra. • adv 1 além do mais. 
    Usamos "more"para construção do comparativo de superioridade de adjetivos de 3 ou mais sílabas.

    Less - adj 1 menos. 2 menor. 3 inferior. • adv menos. • prep menos.  
    Usamos "more"para construção do comparativo de inferioridade. 
    O oposto de "more", é "less"

    Alternativa D está correta.
  •  a) least.- é o  grau superlativo de superioridade para quantidade/qualidade inferior. e.g.: The least intelligent student in the room. The least pleasant plum in the basket etc. Least (ou most) é usado quando a extensão do adjetivo passar 2 sílabas (beautiful, expensive, intricate), apesar de haver variações regionais que admitem least/most com 2 sílabas (e.g.: pretty, mundance etc).O uso correto de least é para uncountable nouns (nao-contáveis). e.g.: this plate holds the least rice. This burlap sack contains the least corn. this carton has the least milk etc, enquanto que p/ countable nouns se usa fewest. e.g. this player has scored the fewest goals this season. this school yard has the fewest trees of the neighbourhood etc. 

     b) most. é o  grau superlativo de superioridade para quantidade/qualidade superior. This student has the most impressive grades. This teacher has the most outstanding achievements etc.

     c) many.- pronome indefinido para countable nouns. e.g.: many beachballs, many books etc

     d) less.- (correto)grau superlativo de comparação de inferioridade. this tv set is less exepnsive than the previous one. 

     e)last. - último

  • Olá, pessoal!!!

    Acabei de fazer um vídeo sobre Quantificadores em inglês


  • LESS grau superlativo de comparação de inferioridade e MORE grau superlativo de comparação de superioridade


Model copes with chaos to deliver relief Computer program helps responders transport supplies in tough conditions
By Rachel Ehrenberg Science News, Web edition: Monday, February 21st, 2011
WASHINGTON — Getting blood or other perishable supplies to an area that’s been struck by an earthquake or hurricane isn’t as simple as asking what brown can do for you. But a new model quickly determines the best routes and means for delivering humanitarian aid, even in situations where bridges are out or airport tarmacs are clogged with planes.
The research, presented February 18 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, could help get supplies to areas which have experienced natural disasters or help prepare for efficient distribution of vaccines when the flu hits.
Efficient supply chains have long been a goal of manufacturers, but transport in fragile networks — where supply, demand and delivery routes may be in extremely rapid flux — requires a different approach, said Anna Nagurney of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who presented the new work. Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another to maximize profit, her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while capturing factors such as the perishability of the product and the uncertainty of supply routes. ‘You don’t know where demand is, so it’s tricky,’ said Nagurney. ‘It’s a multicriteria decision-making problem.’
By calculating the total cost associated with each link in a network, accounting for congestion and incorporating penalties for time and products that are lost, the computer model calculates the best supply chain in situations where standard routes may be disrupted.
‘Mathematical tools are essential to develop formal means to predict, and to respond to, such critical perturbations,’ said Iain Couzin of Princeton University, who uses similar computational tools to study collective animal behavior. ‘This is particularly important where response must be rapid and effective, such as during disaster scenarios … or during epidemics or breaches of national security.
’ The work can be applied to immediate, pressing situations, such as getting blood, food or medication to a disaster site, or to longer-term problems such as determining the best locations for manufacturing flu vaccines. . Retrieved April 7th, 2011.

According to Anna Nagurney, in paragraph 3 (lines 14-26), an efficient logistics system must consider the

  • Cleanest path to a minimum cost = lowest cost to....

    Sendo assim, uma eficiente logística deve considerar o menor preço.

  • De acordo com Anna Nagurney, no parágrafo 3 (linhas 14-26), um sistema de logística eficiente deve considerar 
    A) o caminho mais curto que liga dois pontos finais frágeis.
    B) apenas meios de levar mercadorias perecíveis por via terrestre.
    C) a rede mais rentável, em termos de transporte barato.
    D) menor custo para colocar as mercadorias de forma segura e em condições adequadas.
    E) a utilização de  meios de transporte padrão normalmente utilizados para produtos médicos.
    "Mais do que considerar o caminho mais curto de um lugar para outro para maximizar o lucro, seu  sistema  tem como objetivo  o caminho mais simples a um custo mínimo, enquanto capta fatores tais como como a perecibilidade do produto e a incerteza de rotas de abastecimento. "Você não sabe onde está a demanda, por isso é complicado, disse Nagurney."

    "Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another to maximize profit, her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while capturing factors such as the perishability of the product and the uncertainty of supply routes. 'You don't know where demand is, so it's tricky,' said Nagurney.
    Segundo parágrafo 3, inferimos que a alternativa D está correta.
  • d-

    Efficient supply chains have long been a goal of manufacturers, but transport in fragile networks — where supply, demand and delivery routes may be in extremely rapid flux — requires a different approach, said Anna Nagurney of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who presented the new work. Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another to maximize profit, her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while capturing factors such as the perishability of the product and the uncertainty of supply routes. ‘You don’t know where demand is, so it’s tricky,’ said Nagurney. ‘It’s a multicriteria decision-making problem.’

    A logistics system shouldn't follow a greedy algorithm pattern and just work out the shortest possible route to arrive at the desired destination. Rather, it has to take into account a number of constraints such as infrastrcuture conditions, sell-bydate of the transported goods, costs and unpredictability of the available paths. 

    O parágrafo compara uma abordagem conveniocnal (o qual verifica caminho mais curto) com o sistema proposto (caminho mais seguro e outras variaveis). 

  • Segundo parágrafo 3, inferimos que a alternativa D está correta.

    De acordo com Anna Nagurney, no parágrafo 3 (linhas 14-26), um sistema de logística eficiente deve considerar 

    A) o caminho mais curto que liga dois pontos finais frágeis.

    B) apenas meios de levar mercadorias perecíveis por via terrestre.

    C) a rede mais rentável, em termos de transporte barato.

    D) menor custo para colocar as mercadorias de forma segura e em condições adequadas.

    E) a utilização de meios de transporte padrão normalmente utilizados para produtos médicos.

    "Mais do que considerar o caminho mais curto de um lugar para outro para maximizar o lucro, seu  sistema tem como objetivo  o caminho mais simples a um custo mínimo, enquanto capta fatores tais como como a perecibilidade do produto e a incerteza de rotas de abastecimento. "Você não sabe onde está a demanda, por isso é complicado, disse Nagurney."

    "Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another to maximize profit, her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while capturing factors such as the perishability of the product and the uncertainty of supply routes. 'You don't know where demand is, so it's tricky,' said Nagurney.


Model copes with chaos to deliver relief Computer program helps responders transport supplies in tough conditions
By Rachel Ehrenberg Science News, Web edition: Monday, February 21st, 2011
WASHINGTON — Getting blood or other perishable supplies to an area that’s been struck by an earthquake or hurricane isn’t as simple as asking what brown can do for you. But a new model quickly determines the best routes and means for delivering humanitarian aid, even in situations where bridges are out or airport tarmacs are clogged with planes.
The research, presented February 18 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, could help get supplies to areas which have experienced natural disasters or help prepare for efficient distribution of vaccines when the flu hits.
Efficient supply chains have long been a goal of manufacturers, but transport in fragile networks — where supply, demand and delivery routes may be in extremely rapid flux — requires a different approach, said Anna Nagurney of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who presented the new work. Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another to maximize profit, her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while capturing factors such as the perishability of the product and the uncertainty of supply routes. ‘You don’t know where demand is, so it’s tricky,’ said Nagurney. ‘It’s a multicriteria decision-making problem.’
By calculating the total cost associated with each link in a network, accounting for congestion and incorporating penalties for time and products that are lost, the computer model calculates the best supply chain in situations where standard routes may be disrupted.
‘Mathematical tools are essential to develop formal means to predict, and to respond to, such critical perturbations,’ said Iain Couzin of Princeton University, who uses similar computational tools to study collective animal behavior. ‘This is particularly important where response must be rapid and effective, such as during disaster scenarios … or during epidemics or breaches of national security.
’ The work can be applied to immediate, pressing situations, such as getting blood, food or medication to a disaster site, or to longer-term problems such as determining the best locations for manufacturing flu vaccines. . Retrieved April 7th, 2011.

Based on the meanings in the text, the two items are antonymous in

  • tough = difícil
    complicated = complicado
    clogged = entupido
    crowded = lotado
    disrupted = interrompido
    destroyed = destruído
    breaches = violações
    violations = violações
    pressing = premente, urgente, imediato, que não pode esperar
    trivial = trivial, comum, sem muito importância ou urgência, ordinárias
  • e-

    pressing, urgent, compelling, dire, high-priority.

    trivial, secondary, unimportant, minor, low-priority


    Based on the meanings in the text, the two items are antonymous in:

    A) “…tough/DIFÍCIL/RESISTENTE/DURO…" (subtitle) – complicated/COMPLICADO/COMPLEXO

    B) “…clogged/ENTUPIDO…" (line 7) – crowded/LOTADO

    C) “…disrupted/PERTURBADO." (line 32) – destroyed/DESTRUÍDO

    D) “…breaches/VIOLAÇÕES…" (line 40) – violations/VIOLAÇÕES



What is the superlative form of the following adjectives “hot – young – bad – easy”?

  • O superlativo sempre terá st, até mesmo os irregulares. Worst, Best, Least.

  • B

  • Superlative

    The hottest – the youngest – the worst – the easiest

  • Complementado

    Worse- comparative degree

    The worst- superlative degree

    Eu acabei confundido na hora


Choose the best alternative to complete the question below:

Which animal do you like _________, tigers or lions?

  • Which animal do you like more, tigers or lions?



Some adjectives are used only in the attributive position. Which sentence exemplifies that?

  • Most adjectives can be used in two positions. When they are used before the noun they describe, they are called attributive:

    black cat

    gloomy outlook

    slow journey

    large suitcase


    When they are used after a verb such as bebecomegrowlook, or seem, they’re called predicative:

    The cat was black.

    The future looks gloomy.

    The journey seemed slow.

    They were growing tired.


    Gabarito letra A


    Fonte: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/grammar/attributive-and-predicative-adjectives


Some words ending in “ly” may belong to other parts of speech. Choose the word that can be both an adverb and an adjective.

  • Early, assim como fast, hard e late, compõem as exceções do inglês em que o adjetivo tem a mesma forma do advérbio.

    Alternativa C)


Choose the best sequence to complete the blanks.


Trump has been so __________ (1) in large part because he has managed to build a lifestyle brand around the ___________ (2) life that he lives and most people aspire to. He works ___________ (3) to cultivate the image, and he uses it to expand into new business lines and find new areas for profit.

(Adapted from http: / /vmw.forbes.com)

  • Hard: Árduo

    Hardly: Dificilmente, raramente


            Paulo César Nóbrega is one of 40 milion people living with HIV/AIDS. This is story:
       Like most young people of my generation, I started using drugs as an adolescent. By the time I was 16, I was taking cannabis, hallucinogens and injecting drugs. Soon, my addiction led me to drug trafficking. Between 1985 and 1993, I was imprisoned in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, where I was diagnosed HIV-positive.
       Initially, I was shocked. But I didn't really know what HIV or AIDS were, which is why I continued using drugs and sharing needles with other inmates. We received no guidance or preventive care.
In prison, AIDS first manifested itself through tuberculosis, an illness I suffered from three times. Although I was eventually given anti-retroviral medicines, I continued taking drugs and only restarted the treatment in earnest after abandoning drugs for good in 1999.
       At that time, I was a member of a support group in my hometown, the coastal city of São Vicente, and was close to other HIV-positive people. We soon decided to establish the Hipupiara NGO to promote a sense of unity among people living with HIV and to improve their quality of life.
       Unfortunately, I suffered a lot of prejudice for being HIV-positive, including from members of my family. I was also denied jobs. Then, in 2001, I started working as a fisherman, a job I retired from in 2005, at 50, due to poor health.
       Today, I am free of drugs and am sticking to the treatment. I work as a volunteer for Hipupiara, contacting drug users in the city and referring them to treatment and assistance services.
       Thanks to all the information I have accumulated about HIV/AIDS, I can now face and beat prejudice. People infected with HIV and drug users should not close up or avoid talking about their problems; we should help each other so that we can all lead a better life.

(Available in: < http://www.unodc.org/newsletter/200601/page005.htm...>; Acess in: Mar. 6, 2006.)

“Addiction/ better/itself/among”. The following words can be classified as:

  • Addiction/ better/itself/among =>Dependência / melhor / se / entre => SUBSTANTIVO/ADJETIVO/PRONOME/PREPOSICAO => e) Noun/adjective/pronoun/preposition.


Read the Text 2 and answer the questions from 46 to 50.
TEXT 2  
                                                  Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power

Sergei Supinsky: This storage facility near the site of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant currently houses nuclear waste. What's nuclear power's biggest advantage? It doesn't depend on fossil fuels and isn't affected by fluctuating oil and gas prices. Coal and natural gas power plants emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change. With nuclear power plants, CO2 emissions are minimal. According to the Nuclear Energy Institute, the power produced by the world's nuclear plants would normally produce 2 billion metric tons of CO2 per year if they depended on fossil fuels. In fact, a properly functioning nuclear power plant actually releases less radioactivity into the atmosphere than a coal-fired power plant. Plus, all this comes with a far lighter fuel requirement. Nuclear fission produces roughly a million times more energy per unit weight than fossil fuel alternatives. And then there are the negatives. Historically, mining and purifying uranium hasn't been a very clean process. Even transporting nuclear fuel to and from plants poses a contamination risk. And once the fuel is spent, you can't just throw it in the city dump. It's still radioactive and potentially deadly. On average, a nuclear power plant annually generates 20 metric tons of used nuclear fuel, classified as high-level radioactive waste. When you take into account every nuclear plant on Earth, the combined total climbs to roughly 2,000 metric tons a year. All of this waste emits radiation and heat, meaning that it will eventually corrode any container that holds it. It can also prove lethal to nearby life forms. As if this weren't bad enough, nuclear power plants produce a great deal of low-level radioactive waste in the form of radiated parts and equipment. Over time, spent nuclear fuel decays to safe radioactive levels, but this process takes tens of thousands of years. Even low-level radioactive waste requires centuries to reach acceptable levels. Currently, the nuclear industry lets waste cool for years before mixing it with glass and storing it in massive cooled, concrete structures. This waste has to be maintained, monitored and guarded to prevent the materials from falling into the wrong hands. All of these services and added materials cost money -- on top of the high costs required to build a plant. Disponível em: Acesso em: abr. 2011.  

The words “roughly" (line 11), “lighter" (line 10), “nearby" (line 21) and “Plus" (line 10) are used in the text as:



          Text 1
01     There, in the pasture greenery,
         Sun mottling Nature's breast,
         It was the summer wind's song
         That filled me with its crest.
05     Emotion running rampant--
         Rivers to the sea--
         I could not even fathom the flood of you and me.

         But take me in your arms again
         And do not talk of time.
10     Let flesh rub flesh to parchment--
         Pale flowers crushed--
         And grind more mortar for my soul's room . . .
         Paint mirrors for my mind.

(Michela Curtis: www.poetry.com)

According to Text 1, answer the questions below:

The words: its (in line 4), even (in line 7) and rampant (in line 5), are used in the text as:

  •  a) Pronoun, adverb, adjective.


        Text 2

01    Take a dive with hundreds of tropical fish, colorful coral and the world's biggest fish, the
        whale shark, at unspoilt Ningaloo Reef.
        The reef on Western Australia's mid north coast, has gained an impressive reputation as
        one of Earth's last ocean paradise.
05    It's one of the largest fringing reefs in the world and unlike many others; you can get to it
        just by stepping off the beach.
        The marine park stretches 260 kilometers from Bundegi Reef near the town of Exmouth to
        Amherst Point near Coral Bay in the south.
        It reaches nearly 20 kilometers seaward, encompassing a massive 5,000 square
10    kilometers of ocean with 500 species of tropical fish and 220 species of coral in all.
        Nothing can compare to the thrill of swimming beside a whale shark. These docile
        creatures visit the reef each year between April and June.
        Rare turtle species hatch here in late January and February. Watch this amazing natural
        phenomenon on special guided, eco-interactive trails.
15    Accommodation in the area is comfortable and ranges from camping and backpacker style
        to chalets, motels, eco-retreats and self catering apartments.
        It's not all about the water at Ningaloo - go four wheel driving to Cape Range National
        Park to see amazing red rock canyons and gorges.
        Getting there is easy - take a two hour flight north of Perth, or give yourself two days to
        drive there from the capital.

According to Text 2, answer the questions below:

What is the correct comparative of superiority form of the adjectives: comfortable, near, rare, easy.

  • o gabarito aponta para a letra c que é a comparação de superioridade. Agora, se fosse o caso de adjetivo superlativo a resposta seria a B. Cuidado para não confundir os dois.


        Text 2

01    Take a dive with hundreds of tropical fish, colorful coral and the world's biggest fish, the
        whale shark, at unspoilt Ningaloo Reef.
        The reef on Western Australia's mid north coast, has gained an impressive reputation as
        one of Earth's last ocean paradise.
05    It's one of the largest fringing reefs in the world and unlike many others; you can get to it
        just by stepping off the beach.
        The marine park stretches 260 kilometers from Bundegi Reef near the town of Exmouth to
        Amherst Point near Coral Bay in the south.
        It reaches nearly 20 kilometers seaward, encompassing a massive 5,000 square
10    kilometers of ocean with 500 species of tropical fish and 220 species of coral in all.
        Nothing can compare to the thrill of swimming beside a whale shark. These docile
        creatures visit the reef each year between April and June.
        Rare turtle species hatch here in late January and February. Watch this amazing natural
        phenomenon on special guided, eco-interactive trails.
15    Accommodation in the area is comfortable and ranges from camping and backpacker style
        to chalets, motels, eco-retreats and self catering apartments.
        It's not all about the water at Ningaloo - go four wheel driving to Cape Range National
        Park to see amazing red rock canyons and gorges.
        Getting there is easy - take a two hour flight north of Perth, or give yourself two days to
        drive there from the capital.

According to Text 2, answer the questions below:

According to the text:

...four wheel, in ... four wheel driving ... (line 17); ... two hour; in ... two hour flight ... (line 19); are:



Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

"Because he was driving so ____(1) he was________  (2) hurt in the accident . "

  • Fast é uma das exceções do inglês em que o advérbio é da mesma forma que o adjetivo. Somente com essa informação já daria pra matar a questão, haja vista quickly indicar agilidade e não velocidade.

    Alternativa C)


Choose the best alternative to complete the question below:

Which vegetable is __________ : carrots, onions or potatoes?

  • porque n e o gab c ,pra mim healthy e u m verbo grande!

  • Which vegetable is __________ : carrots, onions or potatoes?





Choose the alternativa that correctly completes the sentence: I want to travel somewhere _____________ .

  • I want to travel somewhere exciting.


                                   Safety Meeting Presentation

  Today's meeting is really about you. I can stand in front of you and talk about working safely and what procedures to follow until I'm blue in the face. But until you understand the need for working safely, until you are willing to be responsible for your safety, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
   Some of you may be familiar with OSHA - the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. The sole purpose of this agency is to keep American workers safe. Complying with OSHA regulations isn't always easy, but if we work together, we can do it. Yet, complying with regulations is not the real reason for working safely. Our real motive is simple. We care about each and every one of you and will do what is necessary to prevent you from being injured.
   However, keeping our workplace safe takes input from everyone. Management, supervisor, and all of you have to come together on this issue, or we're in trouble. For example, upper management has to approve the purchase of safe equipment. Supervisors, including myself, have to ensure that each of you knows how to use that equipment safely. Then it's up to you to follow through the task and use the equipment as you were trained. If any one part of this chain fails, accidents are going to happen and people are going to get hurt.

Responsibility Number One - Recognize Hazards
   At the core of your safety responsibilities lies the task of recognizing safety and health hazards. In order to do that, you must first understand what constitutes a hazard. Extreme hazards are often obvious. Our hopes are that you won't find too many of those around here.
   There are, however, more subtle hazards that won't jump up and bite you. As a result of your safety training and meetings like these, some things may come to mind. For example, a machine may not be easy to lock out. Common practice may be to use a tag. This is a potential hazard and should be discussed. Maybe something can be changed to make it easier to use a lock. Other subtle hazards include such things as frayed electrical cords, a loose machine guard, a cluttered aisle, or maybe something that just doesn't look right.

Responsibility Number Two - Report Hazards
    A big part of recognizing hazards is using your instincts. Nobody knows your job as well as you do, so we're counting on you to let us know about possible problems. Beyond recognizing hazards, you have to correct them or report them to someone who can. This too, is a judgement call. For example, if something spills in your work area you can probably clean it up yourself. However, if there is an unlabeled chemical container and you have no idea what it is, you should report it to your supervisor.

Additional Employee Responsibilities
   Good housekeeping is a major part of keeping your work area safe. For example, you should take a few minutes each day to ensure that aisles, hallways, and stairways in your work area are not obstructed. If boxes, equipment, or anything else is left to pile up, you have a tripping hazard on your hands. Those obstructions could keep you from exiting the building quickly and safely should you face an emergency situation.
   Also watch out for spills. These can lead to slips and falls. Flammable materials are another thing to be aware of. Make sure they are disposed of properly.
   Keep Thinking. Even if you're doing your job safely and you are avoiding hazards, there are often even better ways to work safely. If you have ideas for improving the safety of your job or that of co-workers, share them.

   Concluding Remarks
  While nothing we do can completely eliminate the threat of an incident, we can work together to improve our odds. As I said, this must be a real team effort and I'm counting on input from all of you. Let's keep communicating and continue to improve safety.

  Available at: <http://www.ncsu.edu/ehs/www99/right/training/meeting/emplores.html>.Retrieved on: April 1st, 2012. Adapted.

Based on the meanings in the text, it is clear that

  • Sobre a E:

     the probability (= how likely it is) that a particular thing will or will not happen:If you drive a car all your life, the odds are that you'll have an accident at some point.There are heavy odds against people succeeding in such a bad economic climate.What are the odds on him being (= do you think he will be) re-elected?The odds are stacked against a woman succeeding (= it is not likely that a woman will succeed) in the business.in gambling (= the activity of risking money guessing the result of something), aprobability expressed as a number:The odds against my horse winning (= that it will not win)/on my horse winning (= that it will win) are a hundred to one.The odds that the US entrant will win the race are ten to one.
  • Sole tem o mesmo significado de only, single, etc.

    Exemplo: The sole survivor of the accident was found in the water after six hours.

  • A - Sole e Only expressam ideias parecidas → Sole = único, Só; Only = só, somente - CERTO

    B - Injured e hurt são antonimos → Injured = ferido, prejudicado; Hurt= ferido, prejudicado.- ERRADO

    C- Ensure e Guarantee expressam ideais contraditórias → Ensures = garantir, assegurar; Guarantee = garantir. - ERRADO

    D- Subtle e Obvious são sinônimos → Subtle = sutil, misterioso; Obvious= óbvio, evidente - ERRADO

    E- Odds e Probabilities não tem significado equivalente → Odds = possibilidade, probabilidade; Probabilites= probabilidade, possibilidade -ERRADO

  • Com base nos significados do texto, é evidente que
    A) "sole"- exclusivo, único (linha 9) e exclusivo expressam ideias semelhantes.
    B) "ferido" (linha 15) e ferido são antônimos.
    C) "garantir" (linha 21) e garantir  expressam ideias contraditórias.
    D) "sutil" (linha 41) e óbvio são sinônimos.
    E) "probabilidades" (linha 77) e probabilidades não têm significados equivalentes.
    Podemos afirmar que "sole"- único e "only"- exclusivo, expressam ideias semelhantes. Alternativa A.


Choose the alternative that correctly shows the comparative form of the adjectives below:

Good – bad – ill – far – old

  • c) better – worse – worse – further – elder

    Good - better
    bad - worse
    ill – worse
    far – further / farther
    old - elder / older

    They're irregular comparative forms for their respective adjectives. Actually, teh novelty here is ill, which is the same as being "feeling bad", which hints ate "worse" being the most fitting comparative form. Further confers a comparative degree to far, although in the United States the preferred form is "farther". There's a difference between elder and older. Older can be used a standalone form,for instance, one might say: there have been many fishmongers here. As of late, two were of notice, one of a rather stark complexion who was about 12 years his peer's senior. The younger fishmonger set out on trip that would turn out the greatest find of his life, while the elder fishmonger decided to halt his daily sallying at the front of an expensive-looking clothes store, looking for a fitting jumpsuit.

    Bad && ill usam o mesmo grau compartivo: worse. far (distant) usa further (UK) ou farther (US). Old é older. Somente se usa elder como immediate modifier: somente antes de substantivos, nunca como complemento nominal ou predicativo do sujeito ou objeto.
  • Good

    Superlative - the best

    Comparative - better than


    Superlative - the worst

    Comparative - worse than


  • Para adjetivos de 1 ou 2 sílabas, acrescentamos er no final do adjetivo.
    Ex: new -newer
    Alguns adjetivos apresentam formas irregulares. 

    São eles: 
    Good- better
    Bad e ill - worse
    far - farther ou further

    O comparativo de superioridade de old - pode ser: older ou elder

    Portanto a alternativa C está correta. 


Can I help reduce energy consumption?

We have an important role to play right now. Energy conservation helps a lot in preserving our planet’s rich natural resources and promoting a healthy environment. Here you will find simple things that you can do to help reduce energy consumption.

·         Turn–off non-essential lights and appliances. The electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars.

·         Avoid turning on large appliances such as washers, dryers, and electric ovens during peak energy hours: from 5:00 am to 9:00 am and 4: pm to 7:00 pm.

·         Install white window curtains to reflect heat away from the house. Close them at night to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows. People who live in countries that have warm climates should do this during the day as well.

·         Turn off the lights in any room you are not using and consider installing timers, photo cells, or occupancy sensors to reduce the amount of time your lights are on.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta os antônimos da sequência de palavras: healthy – rich – large.

  •  e) unhealthy – poor – small

    Antonyms: delicate, diseased, fragile, ill, indisposed, infirm, poor, sick, sickly, unhealthy, worn

    Antonyms: affluent, rich, wealthy

    Antonyms: big, enormous, generous, huge, immense, large

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

The internet vigilantes: Anonymous hackers' group outs man, 32, 'who drove girl, 15, to suicide by spreading topless photos of her'

Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself.

Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

When she was just 12, a man in an internet chat room convinced her to flash her breasts, and a year later, he plastered a picture of the incident across Facebook.
Now in a vigilante move, Anonymous, the world's largest hacking group, has named the man allegedly responsible for the picture.

The group claims that he is a 32-year-old from British Columbia, but MailOnline has chosen not to identify him for legal reasons

As Todd's supporters set up Facebook pages warning the man to 'sleep with one eye open', the move by Anonymous sparks concerns over its abilities to create a 'trial by internet' - bypassing the justice system and casting guilt.

In a video posted to YouTube by Anonymous, a figure claims the group lists his personal information, including his date of birth and address

It explains that his username appears on websites where he 'blackmailed' and gave advice to young girls. The same username is also tied to a website with a 'jailbait' photo gallery. '[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,' the Anonymous figure says.

Referring to the possibility they might have the wrong man, they add: 'At the most this is the person who did this to Amanda Todd, and at the least it's another pedophile that enjoys taking advantage of children.'

Following Anonymous' announcement, the web moved swiftly, with groups calling for his death and warning him to 'sleep with one eye open' cropping up on Facebook.

CKNW reporters have unsuccessfully tried to speak with the man, and neighbours have described his home as 'a known party house on the weekend with lots of young women coming and going'.

But police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne Simpson, said Anonymous named the wrong address. He said he felt threatened by internet users and asked them to stay away.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police refused to confirm Anonymous have the right man but a spokesperson said they were aware that someone had been named.

'We are aware of what's being posted online and certainly following up what we feel is important to follow up,' Sergeant Peter Thiessen told The Globe and Mail, adding: '[Vigilantes] run the risk of committing a criminal offence.'

Todd's family members also said they are not sure the Anonymous report is accurate and said police have tracked down a person living in the U.S. whom they believed was involved.

The claims come weeks after Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video detailing her treatment on a stack of notecards held up to the camera.

Todd says that a year after she flashed her breasts, the man tracked her down and demanded he put on a show for him or he would expose her.

When she refused, he created a Facebook page with a list of her friends and used her naked chest as the profile photo. The picture quickly spread across the internet and among her classmates.

It led to relentless bullying online, she said, and she was diagnosed with depression and started drinking. In the video, posted September 7, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice and has been hospitalised.

After moving to a different city and school, another instance of bullying occurred after she started a romantic relationship with an older man who had a girlfriend. Once that relationship soured, she was confronted and beaten up by the man's girlfriend. She was hit in front of a crowd of screaming people who encouraged her to be left in a ditch.

Amanda does not speak in the video, and her face is not fully shown, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard which says her name.

One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life.
During a memorial for Todd on Monday, her friends said they have been aware of a man in his 30s 'stalking' their friend for years.

'There were multiple accounts with random names,' one friend told QMI Agency. 'There were Twitter accounts also used.' The Vancouver Sun reported that Amanda was a student in Grade 10 at the Coquitlam Basic Alternative Education school. The principal of the school confirmed her death and said that she had become connected with many since she transferred to the school in the middle of last year.

'It is a very sad case,' Paul McNaughton told the paper. 'I can tell you we feel we tried everything we could to help her when she came to us.'
Her death prompted a local politician to release a video of her own that pleads to put an end to bullying.
'I just heard about Amanda. I want to say to everyone who loved her, to all her family and friends, how sorry I am about her loss,' British Columbia premier Christy Clark said.
'No one deserves to be bullied. No one earns it. No one asks for it. It isn't a rite of passage. Bullying has to stop.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218532/Amanda-Todd-Anonymous-names-man-drove- teen-kill-spreading-nude-pictures.html

In the text page “One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life”, the bold underlined word is:

  • jarring- It was a jarring picture of her. jarring is being used used in teh same sense as stirring, something that elicits a poignant reaction on the target's part. Another example: You should really cling to doing what you say you will, jotting down what you plan doing might jar you into action.

    jarring é um adjetivo formado a partir de um verbo, assim como comovente, formado a partir de comover. É um processo de formação por derivação  e regressão (back-word formation); geralmente são substantivos oriundos de verbos, e consistem na supressão das desinências verbais. Exemplos: buscar - busca, morrer - morte etc.


Indique a melhor alternativa para completar a sentença:

The Eiffel Tower in France _____ that one of building in Dubai.

  • b) as high as.

    Their sentence is all screwed up. It was supposed to read: The Eiffel Tower in France is as high as that one building in Dubai.

    A melhor opção é as high as (tão alta quanto). Basta corrigir a frase para confirmar a resposta:

    The Eiffel tower in France is as high as that one building in Dubai.
    A torre Eiffel na França é tão alta quanto aquele prédio em Dubai.
  • Eu fui na alternativa "E" (que não está aparecendo nada aqui) porque todas as outras estão erradas!! kkkkkkkkkk

    mas concordo c/ a análise acima, desse modo, sim, está correta.
  • "Tu tá di brincation uit me, cara?".

    Que questão mais mal formulada em relação à língua inglesa! Faltou claramente o "is" antes de qualquer frase ou palavra. Poderia ser "is higher than" (não that, como no exercício), "is as high as" (alternativa correta), etc.

    Bons estudos!
  • não poderia ser a opção A, "higher" porque exige o acompanhamento "higher than". As outras opção, além da letra B, que é a certa, estão incorretas.

  • Anula :V

  • Realmente, faltou o "is" conforme afirmam Neumoel e Gloomy.

  • Faltou o verbo to be "is" que poderia gerar duvidas nos candidatos.

    Por isso que não dou credibilidade a bancas desconhecidas como tal.


        For taxpayer advocate, a familiar refrain
       By Michelle Singletary, Published: January 15, 2013

          It’s not nice to tell people “I told you so.” But if anybody has the right to say that, it’s Nina E. Olson, the national taxpayer advocate.
          Olson recently submitted her annual report to Congress and top on her list of things that need to be fixed is the complexity of the tax
code, which she called the most serious problem facing taxpayers.
          Let’s just look at the most recent evidence of complexity run amok. The Internal Revenue Service had to delay the tax-filing season so it
could update forms and its programming to accommodate recent changes made under the American Taxpayer Relief Act. The IRS won’t start
processing individual income tax returns until Jan. 30. Yet one thing remains unchanged − the April 15 tax deadline.
          Because of the new tax laws, the IRS also had to release updated income-tax withholding tables for 2013. These replace the tables
issued Dec. 31. Yes, let’s just keep making more work for the agency that is already overburdened. Not to mention the extra work for
employers, who have to use the revised information to correct the amount of Social Security tax withheld in 2013. And they have to make that
correction in order to withhold a larger Social Security tax of 6.2 percent on wages, following the expiration of the payroll tax cut in effect for
2011 and 2012.
          Oh, and there was the near miss with the alternative minimum tax that could have delayed the tax filing season to late March. The AMT
was created to target high-income taxpayers who were claiming so many deductions that they owed little or no income tax. Olson and many
others have complained for years that the AMT wasn’t indexed for inflation.
          “Many middle- and upper-middle-class taxpayers pay the AMT, while most wealthy taxpayers do not, and thousands of millionaires pay
..A..  income tax at all,” Olson said.
          As part of the recent “fiscal cliff” deal, the AMT is now fixed, a move that the IRS was anticipating. It had already decided to program its
systems on the assumption that an AMT patch would be passed, Olson said. Had the agency not taken the risk, the time it would have taken to
update the systems “would have brought about the most chaotic filing season in memory,” she said in her report.
          The tax code contains almost 4 million words. Since 2001, there have been about 4,680 changes, or an average of more than one
change a day. What else troubles Olson? Here’s what:
          − Nearly 60 percent of taxpayers hire paid preparers, and another 30 percent rely on commercial software to prepare their returns.
          − Many taxpayers don’t really know how their taxes are computed and what rate of tax they pay.
          − The complex code makes tax fraud  ..B.. to detect.
          − Because the code is so complicated, it creates an impression that many taxpayers are not paying their fair share. This reduces trust
              in the system and perhaps leads some people to cheat. Who wants to be the sucker in this game? So someone might not declare
              all of his income, rationalizing that millionaires get to use the convoluted code to greatly reduce their tax liability.
          − In fiscal year 2012, the IRS received around 125 million calls. But the agency answered only about two out of three calls from
people trying to reach a live person, and those taxpayers had to wait, on average, about 17 minutes to get through.
          “I hope 2013 brings about fundamental tax simplification,” Olson pleaded in her report. She urged Congress to reassess the need for
the tax breaks we know as income exclusions, exemptions, deductions and credits. It’s all these tax advantage breaks that complicate the
code. If done right, and without reducing revenue, tax rates could be substantially lowered in exchange for ending tax breaks, she said.

(Adapted from http://js.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/for-taxpayer-advocate-a-familiar-refrain/2013/01/15/a10327ce-5f59-

A alternativa que, no contexto, preenche adequadamente a lacuna  ..B..  é

  • This part of the text shows the negative side of the current system used by IRS. So, of all the the options that can fill in B, 'harder' is the only word with a negative conotation.

  •  e) harder.  

    All the conundrum brought about by the baffling way that the tax system spins is spellt out in the ease with which tax bamboozlers can act. This makes tax frauds harder to be detected.

  • A  alternativa que, no contexto, preenche  adequadamente a lacuna ..B .. é
    A) legal
    B) mais fácil.
    C) possível.
    D) desnecessária.
    E) mais difícil.
     Many taxpayers don't really know how their taxes are computed and what rate of tax they pay.
              − The complex code makes tax fraud  ..B.. to detect.
    Muitos contribuintes realmente não sabem como os impostos são calculados e qual a taxa de imposto que pagam.- O código complexo torna a fraude fiscal mais difícil de se detectar.
    Harder - mais difícil  (comparativo de superioridade)
    Alternativa E.
  • harder -> Mais duro; Mais dificil

    easier -> Mais fácil


    The complex code makes tax fraud harder to detect. (O código complexo faz com que a fraude fiscal se torne mais difícil para detectar. LETRA E

  • Mais alguem achou que o texto falava de Taxi?

  • Pelo contexto percebe-se que é relacionado com uma situação difícil de realizar

    comparativo de superioridade harder

    gab e


Facebook Announces Its Third Pillar “Graph Search” That Gives You Answers, Not Links Like Google

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

       Today at Facebook’s press event, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, announced its latest product, called Graph Search.
       Zuckerberg made it very clear that this is not web search, but completely different.
       He explained the difference between web search and Graph Search. “Web search is designed to take any open-ended query and give
you links that might have answers.” Linking things together based on things that you’re interested in is a “very hard technical problem,”
according to Zuckerberg.
       Graph Search is designed to take a precise query and give you an answer, rather than links that might provide the answer.” For
example, you could ask Graph Search “Who are my friends that live in San Francisco?”
       Zuckerberg says that Graph Search is in “very early beta.” People, photos, places and interests are the focus for the first iteration of the
       Facebook Graph Search is completely personalized. Tom Stocky of the search team explains he gets unique results for a search of
“friends who like Star Wars and Harry Potter.” Then, “If anyone else does this search they get a completely different set of results.  ...C...
someone had the same set of friends as me, the results would be different [because we have different relationships with our friends].”
       You can also use Graph Search for recruiting. Stocky says if he was looking for people to join the team at Facebook, he could search
for NASA Ames employees who are friends with people at Facebook. “If I wanted to reach out and recruit them, I could see who their friends
are at Facebook. To refine them I can look for people who wrote they are “founders.”
       Photos is another big part of Graph Search. Results are sorted by engagement so you see the ones with the most likes and comments
at the top. For example, Lars Rasmussen, Facebook engineer, searched for “photos of my friends taken at National Parks.” He got a gorgeous
page of photos from Yosemite, Machu Pichu, and other parks.
(Adapted from http://techcrunch.com/2013/01/15/facebook-announces-its-third-pillar-graph-search/)

No texto, “latest” significa

    •  d) mais recente.
    Latest, most recent, most latter-day, top notch, 
  • Analisando a questão:

    "latest" - é o superlativo de "late", e significa: o mais moderno, o último.

    No texto podemos traduzir "latest" como "o mais recente". Alternativa D. 

    "Today at Facebook's press event, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, announced its latest product, called Graph Search."
    "Hoje, na coletiva de imprensa do Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO do Facebook, anunciou seu mais recente
     produto, chamado Graph Search". 


  • Essa nem precisava ler o texto, só conhecer um pouco de vocabulário. Em provas que tenham inglês, não leia o texto antes, leia primeiro a questão e as alternativas, depois leia o texto se necessário, para economizar tempo.

  • Comentários: Perceba como é fundamental a resolução de provas anteriores: a palavra latest significa

    mais recente, mais moderno, último, atual. Para o candidato que conhecia a tradução, ficou fácil encontrar

    a resposta analisando o contexto. Mas, para os que não conheciam, as outras alternativas poderiam gerar


    Today at Facebook’s press event, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, announced its latest product,

    called Graph Search.

    Hoje, em um evento de imprensa do Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Diretor-Presidente do Facebook,

    anunciou o seu mais recente produto, chamado Pesquisa por Gráfico.

    Gabarito: D

  • Latest= O mais recente

    gab d


                                                     Generation Y
                                                                                     By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980's and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today's workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation. Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.

Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.

Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.

Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a solid learning curve

Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.

Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Font: http://legalcareers.about.com/od/practicetips/a/Ge...

The word meaningful (5th paragraph) is:

  • Trata-se de um adjetivo, pois caracteriza o substantivo "work" (trabalho)

    ... wants meaningfull work...


    ... quer um trabalho significativo (ou com significado)...

    Gabarito: Letra D
  • d) An adjective.

    Most adjectives can be employed in two positions: either before the noun (attributively, as in a black cat, a gloomy outlook) or afterwards, normally separated by a verb of state (predicatively, as in the cat is black, the outlook seemed gloomy). A few adjectives, usually denoting status, exceptionally stand immediately after the noun (postpositive, as in the body politic, the president elect).
  • d) An adjective.

    Most adjectives can be employed in two positions: either before the noun (attributively, as in a black cat, a gloomy outlook) or afterwards, normally separated by a verb of state (predicatively, as in the cat is black, the outlook seemed gloomy). A few adjectives, usually denoting status, exceptionally stand immediately after the noun (postpositive, as in the body politic, the president elect).
  • d) An adjective.

    Most adjectives can be employed in two positions: either before the noun (attributively, as in a black cat, a gloomy outlook) or afterwards, normally separated by a verb of state (predicatively, as in the cat is black, the outlook seemed gloomy). A few adjectives, usually denoting status, exceptionally stand immediately after the noun (postpositive, as in the body politic, the president elect).
  • d) An adjective.

    Most adjectives can be employed in two positions: either before the noun (attributively, as in a black cat, a gloomy outlook) or afterwards, normally separated by a verb of state (predicatively, as in the cat is black, the outlook seemed gloomy). A few adjectives, usually denoting status, exceptionally stand immediately after the noun (postpositive, as in the body politic, the president elect).


          The aging process affects us all at different rates. Some people of fifty-three, like the esteemed author, look a mere thirty-five, with sparkling brown eyes, a handsome gait and the virility of a steam train. Others, like the author’s friend Colin, look like little middle-aged men at twenty-one with middle-aged outlooks of set ways and planned futures. In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter, being fired with the insatiable drive of ambition for either an independent and distinguished career in a still male-dominated world, or a home and seven children by the time they are thirty followed by an independent and distinguished career as a Cheltenham councillor or a public relations agent for Jonathan Cape, in later life.
         No such luck for Charles Charlesworth, who was born on the 14th of March, 1829, in Stafford. At the age of four Charles had a beard and was sexually active.
         In the final three years of his life his skin wrinkled, he developed varicose veins, shortness of breath, grey hair, senile dementia and incontinence. Some time in his seventh year he fainted and never gained consciousness
         The coroner returned a verdict of natural causes due to old age.

Hugh Cory. Advanced writing with english in use. Oxford University Press, p. 34.

According to the text above, 

t is rather common for women to look older than they really are.

  • De acordo com o texto:

    ...Others, like the author’s friend Colin, look like little middle-aged men at twenty-one with middle-aged outlooks of set ways and planned futures...

    O amigo do autor aos vinte e um parece um homem de meia idade. [ou seja, parece mais velho do que é]

    In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter...

    Nas mulheres a condição anterior é comum, mas as mulheres raramente sofrem com este último...

    Ou seja, raramente as mulheres parecem mais velhas do que elas realmente são.

    [...to look older than they really are. ]

  • Será que alguém recorreu dessa questão e obteve sucesso?

  • O uso de former-latter é semelhante ao do aquilo-isto.

    'Former' refere-se ao que foi dito primeiro (parecerem mais jovens do que são) e 'latter' refere-se ao que foi dito por último (parecerem mais velhos do que são). Então ele afirma que "In women the former condition (parecerem mais jovens do que são) is common but women rarely suffer from the latter (parecerem mais velhas do que são)".

    O item afirma que "it is rather common for women to look older than they really are", sendo que ocorre na verdade o oposto (as mulheres parecem mais novas). Por isso, é ERRADO mesmo.

  • Questão ERRADA.

    De acordo com o texto, a condição anterior (igual a do autor que é mais velho e parece jovem) é comum para as mulheres, mas a segunda condição (igual ao amigo Colin, que é jovem, mas parece de meia idade) é menos comum. A frase que sustenta a resposta é: "In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter". Lendo o texto é possível identificar o referente da condição anterior, que é o caso do autor, e da condição posterior, que é o caso do "estimado amigo Colin"

    Sucesso a todos.

  • Extrapolou, o texto não abarcou isso.

  • it is rather common for women to look older than they really are.

    é bastante comum para as mulheres parecerem mais velhas que elas realmente são.

    O texto diz o contrário.

  • O item diz que: " É  bastante comum para as mulheres  parecerem mais velhas do que realmente são.

    Nas linhas 6 e 7 podemos ler o contrário:
    " ...In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter.."

     "... Nas mulheres a condição anterior é comum(quando diz que algumas pessoas com 53 anos, parecem que têm 35) mas mulheres raramente sofrem da outra condição ( onde diz que outros parecem estar na  meia idade aos 25) "

    Portanto o item está errado

  • Some people of fifty-three, like the esteemed author, look a mere thirty-five (FORMER CONDITION) , with sparkling brown eyes, a handsome gait and the virility of a steam train. Others, like the author’s friend Colin, look like little middle-aged men at twenty-one (LATTER CONDITION) with middle-aged outlooks of set ways and planned futures. In women the former condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter (...).

    Questão inteligente e que não merece qualquer censura.


The correct opposites for the words “hot” and “waste” are respectively:

  • O enunciado perguntou: "Os opostos corretos para as palavras "quente" e "desperdício" são, respectivamente:".
    Assim, o gabarito é a letra A, que, segundo o dicionário Michaelis, significam:

    Compartilhe esta página:

    n 1 frio, temperatura baixa. 2 tempo frio. 3 sensação de frio, calafrio.

    adj 1 proveitoso, profícuo, conveniente, benéfico. 2 aproveitável, útil. 3 slcompetente, hábil.

  • a-

    cold - hot

    waste - an unusable or unwanted substance or material

    useful - that can be put to use, something that confers some advantage

  • Questão de conhecimento de vocabulário, para resolver era preciso conhecer as palavras trazidas no enunciado e também palavras com significados opostos.

    Segue tradução:

    Os opostos corretos para as palavras "quente" e "desperdício" são, respectivamente:

    A) Correta - frio - útil

    B) Incorreta - congelar - lazer

    C) Incorreta - gelo - íngreme

    D) Incorreta - quente - resolver

    Gabarito: A


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Text 2:

English for Adults & Seniors!

Learning a language isn’t only for the young! It’s for everyone and if you are an older learner,maybe 40+ to 70+ then joining an English Language Course in an environment with people in similar age groups is a greatway to do it.

When you join a course at one of the International Schools you will find that approximately more than 20% of our students are aged 30 to 44 and a further 32% are aged 45 to 75 - sometimes older. You aremore than likely to find yourself in a class with people of a similar age;

Some mature students choose Business English courses for their working needs but many more join standard General English courses or the Intensive English Mini-Group courses. Courses like these help you to combine your language course with a holiday and you can make your own afternoon programme or join social programmes which are designed to have a variety of different activities suitable for all the age groups at the school. The programme changes every week and you can see samples of all the different activities on the social programme pages or on Facebook pages.

Mature learners will feel safe joining one of the International Schools. You will find others of a similar age in your class at all times of year

The International School ( I S ) accommodation is also suitable for older clients - you can choose froma homestay with a private bathroom, an apartment, but most convenient of all is Club IS Hotel which is opposite the school. Club IS is for mature individuals who are studying at the school. Classes are always organised according to level and according to age groups.

(Adapted from: < http: www.tisenglish.co.uk /courses-for-adults- seniors>)

The capitalized words in “When you JOIN a course at one of the INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS” can be classified, respectively, as:

  • As palavras maiúsculas em "Quando você se inscrever em um curso em uma ESCOLA INTERNACIONAL" podem ser classificadas, respectivamente, como:


Read the text below to answer the questions 11-15.

NASA Researchers Studying Advanced Nuclear Rocket Technologies

January 9, 2013

By using an innovative test facility at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., researchers are able to use non-nuclear materials to simulate nuclear thermal rocket fuels - ones capable of propelling bold new exploration missions to the Red Planet and beyond. The Nuclear Cryogenic Propulsion Stage team is tackling a three-year project to demonstrate the viability of nuclear propulsion system technologies. A nuclear rocket engine uses a nuclear reactor to heat hydrogen to very high temperatures, which expands through a nozzle to generate thrust. Nuclear rocket engines generate higher thrust and are more than twice as efficient as conventional chemical rocket engines.

The team recently used Marshall’s Nuclear Thermal Rocket Element Environmental Simulator, or NTREES, to perform realistic, non-nuclear testing of various materials for nuclear thermal rocket fuel elements. In an actual reactor, the fuel elements would contain uranium, but no radioactive materials are used during the NTREES tests. Among the fuel options are a graphite composite and a “cermet” composite - a blend of ceramics and metals. Both materials were investigated in previous NASA and U.S. Department of Energy research efforts.

Nuclear-powered rocket concepts are not new; the United States conducted studies and significant ground testing from 1955 to 1973 to determine the viability of nuclear propulsion systems, but ceased testing when plans for a crewed Mars mission were deferred.

The NTREES facility is designed to test fuel elements and materials in hot flowing hydrogen, reaching pressures up to 1,000 pounds per square inch and temperatures of nearly 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit - conditions that simulate space-based nuclear propulsion systems to provide baseline data critical to the research team.

“This is vital testing, helping us reduce risks and costs associated with advanced propulsion technologies and ensuring excellent performance and results as we progress toward further system development and testing,” said Mike Houts, project manager for nuclear systems at Marshall.

A first-generation nuclear cryogenic propulsion system could propel human explorers to Mars more efficiently than conventional spacecraft, reducing crews’ exposure to harmful space radiation and other effects of long-term space missions. It could also transport heavy cargo and science payloads. Further development and use of a first-generation nuclear system could also provide the foundation for developing extremely advanced propulsion technologies and systems in the future - ones that could take human crews even farther into the solar system.

Building on previous, successful research and using the NTREES facility, NASA can safely and thoroughly test simulated nuclear fuel elements of various sizes, providing important test data to support the design of a future Nuclear Cryogenic Propulsion Stage. A nuclear cryogenic upper stage - its liquid- hydrogen propellant chilled to super-cold temperatures for launch - would be designed to be safe during all mission phases and would not be started until the spacecraft had reached a safe orbit and was ready to begin its journey to a distant destination. Prior to startup in a safe orbit, the nuclear system would be cold, with no fission products generated from nuclear operations, and with radiation below significant levels.

“The information we gain using this test facility will permit engineers to design rugged, efficient fuel elements and nuclear propulsion systems,” said NASA researcher Bill Emrich, who manages the NTREES facility at Marshall. “It’s our hope that it will enable us to develop a reliable, cost-effective nuclear rocket engine in the not-too-distant future."

The Nuclear Cryogenic Propulsion Stage project is part of the Advanced Exploration Systems program, which is managed by NASA’s Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate and includes participation by the U.S. Department of Energy. The program, which focuses on crew safety and mission operations in deep space, seeks to pioneer new approaches for rapidly developing prototype systems, demonstrating key capabilities and validating operational concepts for future vehicle development and human missions beyond Earth orbit.

Marshall researchers are partnering on the project with NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio; NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston; Idaho National Laboratory in Idaho Falls; Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, N.M.; and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tenn.

The Marshall Center leads development of the Space Launch System for NASA. The Science & Technology Office at Marshall strives to apply advanced concepts and capabilities to the research, development and management of a broad spectrum of NASA programs, projects and activities that fall at the very intersection of science and exploration, where every discovery and achievement furthers scientific knowledge and understanding, and supports the agency’s ambitious mission to expand humanity’s reach across the solar system. The NTREES test facility is just one of numerous cutting-edge space propulsion and science research facilities housed in the state-of- the-art Propulsion Research & Development Laboratory at Marshall, contributing to development of the Space Launch System and a variety of other NASA programs and missions.

Available in: http://www.nasa.gov

Read the following sentence taken from the text.

“Nuclear rocket engines generate higher thrust and are more than twice as efficient as conventional chemical rocket engines.”

It is correct to affirm that the adjectives in bold and underlined are, respectively,

  • higher - indica superioridade, as efficient as -> tão eficiente quanto(comparativo de igualdade).

  • Letra E


  • e-

    Comparative of supeiority compara 2 entidades, 1 superior a outra em relação ao adjetivo do contexto.

    comparative of equality usa a fórmula: as adjective as. e.g.: The next-to-last student and his friend are as adept at maths as the remainder of the students.


Mark the alternative with the incorrect adjective:

  • Gabarito: A.


    The movie was so boring that I stopped seeing it.

  • A questão requer o conhecimento de adjetivos com significados ativos e passivos.

    Os adjetivos terminados em –ed têm um significado passivo, indicando que o substantivo que está sendo modificado está recebendo a ação. Ex: I'm interested in this book. (Estou interessada nesse livro.)
    Adjetivos que terminam em –ing têm um significado ativo, indicando que o substantivo que está sendo modificado está realizando a ação. Ex: That book is interesting. (Esse livro é interessante.)
     A) O filme estava tão entediado que eu parei de vê-lo. A alternativa requer um adjetivo ativo  (-ing). O correto seria "boring" (entediante).
    B) Estou preocupado com as condições de saúde dele. Significado passivo, (-ed). Correto.
    C) A maneira como ela resolveu o problema foi absolutamente surpreendente. Significado ativo (-ing). Correto.
    D) Jane ficou assustada enquanto ouvia a história. Significado passivo, (-ed). Correto.
    E) O trabalho de Julia é entediante.   Significado ativo (-ing). Correto.
    Gabarito do Professor: A 


Read the paragraphs below and choose the alternative that fills in correctly and respectively the blanks with the comparative of equality, the comparative of superiority or the superlative of the given adjectives in parentheses.

                                      This is how stars die

        5,000 light years away in Centaurus, a large constellation in the southern sky, is the Boomerang Nebula, a cloud of gas being expelled from a dying star.

        This cloud is one of _________ (bizarre) 1 and ___________ (mysterious) 2 objects in the universe. Here, within the gas streaming outwards, astronomers have found that the temperature drops ___________ (low) 3 nearly absolute zero.

         It is, ___________ (far) 4 anyone knows, the coldest place in the universe.

         It may also prove to be quite important. Because this ____________ (frigid) 5 place, and objects like it, albeit a tad ___________ (warm) 6– may help astronomers unravel a host of cosmic conundrums, from the violent yet spectacular deaths of stars and the formation of galaxies to cosmic explosions and the origin of life itself.

         Death of stars, birth of life

         In many respects the Boomerang Nebula is unremarkable. All stars have to die some day. When ___________ (small) 7 stars end, those about eight times _____________ (massive) 8 our own sun, they produce a similar display of gas and dust.

display of gas and dust.

  • Dava pra matar a questão nos 2 primeiros espaços, o "est" não encaixava no primeiro, nem no segundo, o "than" se usa no comparativo.


                        Gravity, review: “heartachingly tender”

            Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts adrift in
                  space, Alfonso Cuarón’s astonishing thriller is one of the films of
                                           the year, says Robbie Collin

      Watch an astronaut drifting through space for long enough and eventually you notice how much they look like a newborn baby. The oxygen helmet makes their head bigger, rounder and cuter; their hands grasp eagerly at whatever happens to be passing; their limbs are made fat and their movements simple by the spacesuit’s cuddly bulk. They tumble head-over-heels like tripping toddlers or simply bob there in amniotic suspension. Even the lifeline that keeps them tethered to their ship has a pulsing, umbilical aspect.
      Gravity, the new Alfonso Cuarón picture, is a heart- achingly tender film about the miracle of motherhood, and the billion-to-one odds against any of us being here, astronauts or not. It’s also a totally absorbing, often overpowering spectacle - a $100 million 3D action movie in which Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play two Hollywood-handsome spacefarers, fighting for their lives 375 miles above the Earth’s crust.
      A series of captions over the opening titles reminds us that this is a dead zone: no oxygen or air pressure, and nothing to carry sound. “Life in space is impossible,” the final message tells us, as the cinema shakes with Steven Price’s resonant score, and then suddenly falls quiet.
      For Dr. Ryan Stone (Bullock), a mission specialist in orbit for the first time, the lack of noise is welcome. She’s a medical engineer called up by NASA to install new software on to the Hubble Telescope, but also a mother in mourning for her four- year-old daughter, whom she lost in a senseless accident, and the silence enfolds her like a comfort blanket.

                                                            Available in: http://www.telegraph.co.uk

Considering the text, read the sentence below and choose the alternative that presents the grammar function of the underlined words, respectively.

“The oxygen helmet makes their1 head bigger2 , rounder and cuter; their hands3 grasp eagerly at whatever happens to be passing; their limbs are made fat and their movements simple by the spacesuit’s cuddly bulk.”

  • possessive pronouns:








    big - adjective - superlative

    hands - noun

    resposta : E

  • A questão está erradíssima!!! Houve um enorme equívoco da banca, pois "their" NUNCA será um "Possessive Pronoum".

    Todos os "Possessive Pronoum" terminam com "s", com exceção do "mine".

    O  "Possessive Pronoum" NUNCA estará antes de um substantivo ("head"). Na verdade os pronomes possessivos devem ser usados com o intuito de substituir o substantivo na frase.

    "Their" é um exemplo de " "Possessive Adjective".

    Tire suas dúvidas em:



  • e-

    possessive pronoun modifying the noun head in order to establish possession relationship with the textual entities shown in the passage


    bigger is the comparative form of big, which bestows a degree of superiority in a direct comparison between 2 beings in a sentence.


    noun is a particle which, along with the main verb, makes up the most important structure in a sentence. It's a word that functions to name a specific entity of collective thereof. 

  • Claro que seria, possessivo adjetivo, com s é possessivo subst


                                                     Generation Y
                                                                                     By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980's and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today's workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation. Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.

Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.

Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.

Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a solid learning curve

Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.

Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Font: http://legalcareers.about.com/od/practicetips/a/Ge...

The word meaningful (5th paragraph) is:


    A palavra significativa (5º parágrafo) é:

      A) Um advérbio.   B) Um verbo.   C) Um substantivo.   D) Um adjetivo.   E) Um pronome.

  • meaning= significado

    meaningful = significativo



On the hunt for a good read? Try a new romance

Dark Deeds by Anne Marie Becker. Book 4, Mindhunters. Walking away from sexy Detective Diego Sandoval ................... one of ................... things security specialist Becca Haney ever had to do, but when he’s assigned to help keep her safe from a human trafficking ring and an admirer ................... only as “the Fan,”, he’s determined to stay by her side and learn about the woman behind the passion – scars and all.

                                                                                                                                    USA TODAY




                             Brazil turns to drones to protect Amazon
                  By Joe Leahy in Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso. April 21,2014.

       Brazilian municipalities are turning to drones as they prepare to implement a tough new law designed to save the Amazon from total deforestation.
      Municipal authorities in the Amazon region
, ...........1 ............. of which covers double the size of Scotland, are looking to use drones to map properties and monitor whether farmers and others are maintaining the minimum of forest cover required under the new forest code.
     “With the acquisition of a drone, we would have a better result, we would have a panoramic view of how this process of recuperation is progressing," said Gercilene Meira, a specialist with the state   environmental secretariat in the municipality of Alta Floresta, in Mato Grosso state. “We have done some tests using balloons but it was not sufficient."
      Passed in 2012, Brazil's forest code was hailed as a breakthrough in the country's efforts to protect the Amazon while maintaining its emergence as an agricultural power. It is already one of ...........2 ............. exporters of sugar, coffee, soya beans and beef.
      The law requires farmers in the Amazon to preserve up to 80 per cent of the forest on their land as well as protect springs and rivers. Those who violated previous restrictions on deforestation are required
to recuperate parts of the lost vegetation on their lands.
      The need for the new law was highlighted last year, when deforestation of the Amazon increased for the first time in several years.

                                                                                                                             Adapted from Financial Times

Circle the letter that correctly completes the blanks 1 and 2 with the right degree of the adjectives.




                    Gabriel García Márquez was a Literary Giant
                               With a Passion for Journalism

                      By Karla Zabludovsky Friday, April 18,2014

      The late Gabriel García Márquez holds a special place in the hearts of journalists.
      Like Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway — or contemporaries like Pete Hamill and Tom Wolfe — García Márquez, a titan of 20th century literature, honed his writing skills as a reporter
before he became a celebrated novelist.
      Even as his literary star rose, García Márquez, known colloquially across Latin America as Gabo, spoke proudly, tenderly and frequently about journalism.
      “Those who are self-taught are avid and quick, and during those bygone times, we were that to a great extent in order to keep paving the way for the best profession in the world… as we ourselves called
it," said García Márquez during a speech about journalism at the 52nd Assembly of the Inter American Press Association in 1996.

                                                                                                                                             Newsweek Magazine

The underlined words in the passage are



Read the text below.

                                      What is hunger?

      Acute hunger or starvation are often highlighted on TV screens: hungry mothers too weak to breastfeed their children in drought-hit Ethiopia, refugees in war-torn Syria queuing for food rations, helicopters airlifting high energy biscuits to earthquake victims in Haiti or Pakistan.

      These situations are the result of high profile crises like war or natural disasters, which starve a population of food. Yet emergencies account for less than eight percent of hunger's victims.

      Daily undernourishment is a less visible form of hunger – but it affects many more people, from the shanty towns of Jakarta in Indonesia and the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh to the mountain villages of Bolivia and Nepal. In these places, hunger is much more than an empty stomach.

      For weeks, even months, its victims must live on significantly less than the recommended 2,100 kilocalories that the average person needs to lead a healthy life.

      The body compensates for the lack of energy by slowing down its physical and mental activities. A hungry mind cannot concentrate, a hungry body does not take initiative, a hungry child loses all desire to play and study.

      Hunger also weakens the immune system. Deprived of the right nutrition, hungry children are especially vulnerable and  become too weak to fight off disease and may die from common infections like measles and diarrhea. Each year, almost 7 million children die before reaching the age of five; malnutrition is a key factor in over a third of these deaths

                            (Source: Levels and Trends in Child Mortality, IGME, 2012 in http://www.wfp.org).

Read the following extract, taken from the text, to answer question .

“[_] hungry children are especially vulnerable [...]”.

“Hungry” and “vulnerable” are adjectives. Choose the alternative that contains only words of the same grammatical class.

  • Gabarito: B

    A) Demonstrative Pronouns

    B) Adjectives

    C) Articles

    D) Modals Verbs

    E) Verbs

  • Hungry - com fome

    vulnerable - vulnerável

    Angry - irritado

    short - baixo

    thin - magro


Choose the alternative that presents the antonym of the word enough.

  • - LETRA B -

    n o bastante, o suficiente. adj bastante, suficiente. two is (are) enough! / dois bastam! it is enough for me to know / basta-me saber. adv suficientemente, adequadamente. enough of that! / basta! I have had enough of it estou farto disto. be kind enough to help me / faça o favor de ajudar-me. he works well enough / ele trabalha satisfatoriamente. you know well enough what I mean! / você bem entende o que eu quero dizer! interj basta! chega! enough and to spare mais do que o suficiente.

    Fonte: http://michaelis.uol.com.br/moderno/ingles/index.php?lingua=ingles-portugues&palavra=enough

    Go ahead!

  • Só para visializar.

    a) ample = amplo
    b) insufficient = insuficiente
    c) plenty = abundância
    d) abundant = abundante
    e) rodent = roedor

  • b-

    O antônimo foi formado com prefixo indicando negação: insufficient


    ample, abundant & plentiful sao sinonimos de sufficient consoante thesaurus.com. 

  • Pay attention with the command of question. The question required the ANTONYM and not SYNONYM, so the right answer is letter b
    Insufficient - insuficiente
    Enough - bastante/suficiente

  • Questão básica de conhecimento de vocabulário e antônimos (significado contrário):

    Choose the alternative that presents the antonym of the word “enough”.

    Escolha a alternativa que apresenta o antônimo da palavra “suficiente”.

    A) Incorreta - Amplo.

    B) Correta - Insuficiente.

    C) Incorreta - Bastante.

    D) Incorreta - Abundante.

    E) Incorreta - Roedor.

    Gabarito: B


Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below:

My car wasn‟t big enough, so, I needed a ________ one. My new car is______ and __________ than the one I had. It is _________ car in the world.

  • A

  • Na forma comparativa e usado o sufixo er para adjetivos curtos e o most para os adjetivos longos


Based on the text below, answer question.

                                                 The Future of Libraries Has Little to Do with Books

On a Monday morning between Christmas and New Year's Eve in Paris, the line for modern art museum Centre Georges Pompidou winds around the block. But the patrons waiting in the cold aren't there to catch a glimpse of a Magritte —they're young locais queueing for access through the museum’s back door to another attraction: the public library.
In a digital age that has left book publishers reeling, libraries in the world's major cities seem poised for a comeback, though it1s one that has very little to do with books. The Independent Library Report — published in December by the U.K.'s Department for Culture, Media, and Sport — found that libraries across the nation are reinventing themseives by increasingly becoming "vibrant and attractive community hubs", focusing on the "need to create digital literacy, and in an ideal world, digital fluency.”
Taking into account the proliferation of freelancing, the gig economy, and remote working (also known as 'technomadism'), the rise of library as community hub begins to make sense. Cities are increasingly attracting location independent workers, and those workers need space and amenities that expensive and unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of.
Furthermore, when one considers that the most vulnerable and underserved city dwellers are also those who generally do not have access to the Internet, the need for a free and publicly connected space becomes even clearer.
According to a 2013 Pew poli, 90 percent in the U.S. said their community would be negatively impacted if their local library closed. But if libraries are going to survive the digital age, they need to be more about helping patrons filter vast quantities of digital Information rather than access to analog materiais. Good news carne for U.S. libraries in November, when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a 62 percent increase in spending on high-speed Internet for schools and public libraries.
When it comes to this need for connectivity, Britainfs library report stated a "Wi-Fi connection should be delivered in a comfortable, retail standard environment with the usual amenities of coffee, sofas and etc." The report suggested that libraries focus less on loaning physical books and more on widening access via loaning of e-books, which the report noted was up by 80 percent in Britain from 2013.
Also in 2013, the first bookless public library in the United States opened in San Antonio, Texas. The cityTs BiblioTech offers an all-digital, cloud-based collection of more than 10,000 e-books, plus e-readers available for checkout. Located in San Antonio’s underserved South Side, the BiblioTech provides an important digital hub in a city with a population that still struggles to connect to wireless Internet, Last month saw the opening of Canada's Halifax Central Library, designed by a world-leading Danish design firm. With its auditorium, meeting space for entrepreneurs, multiple cafes, adult literacy classes and gaming facilities, actual books seemed like an afterthought.

(Abridged from http://magazine.good.is/articles/public-libraries-reimagined).

The word "unreliable" in " [...] those workers need space and amenities that expensive and unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of." is the opposite of.

  • A palavra "unreliable" em "[...] os trabalhadores precisam de espaço e comodidades que as cafeterias caras e não  confiáveis  simplesmente não podem oferecer o suficiente." é o oposto.
    A) confiável.
    B) independente.
    C) dependente.
    D) insuficiente.
    E) caro.
    "reliable"- significa confiável. E o prefixo "un" forma o oposto de alguns adjetivos.
    certain (certo)- uncertain (incerto)
    common (comum) - uncomun (incomum)
    Portanto, "unreliable"(não confiável)  é o oposto de "reliable"- confiável  e "dependable"- (confiável, fidedigno)
    Alternativa A


  • unreliable = inseguro, instável, não confiável.

    dependable = seguro, estável, confiável

  • Cai na pegadinha kkkkkkkk.Os famosos falso cognatos!


                                  Unclean Water Kills Half a Million Newborns a Year

In 18 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, access to water in health care facilities is as ________ 20 percent. Access to water in larger hospitais is typically ________ than it is in smaller, primary health clinics, where most people receive their care, the report finds.

(Adapted from http://www.newsweek.com).

Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

  • Tenho um bizu aos senhores!

    Quando temos SuperlaTive, a palavra termina em


    Ex.: Most, Tallest, funniest

    Quando não temos ST só pode ser comparativo né ?

    Sendo de Igualdade:

    As ...... As



    Taller,Smaller + Than


    less + .......+ Than

    Visto isso....

    Como ele coloca o as antes do espaço, ele quer um comparativo de IGUALDADE, sendo assim a palavra LOW tem de vir acompanhada de as

    só pode ser A

  • essa foi dada as + adj + as


Are social networking sites addictive?

1With the increasing popularity of wireless devices like smartphones — devices that can move lots of data very quickly — users have access to their social networks 24 hours a day. Most social networking sites have developed applications for your mobile phone, so logging on is always convenient. Social networks also tap into our human desire to stay connected with others. Besides, the rush of nostalgia as you connect with your former grade-school classmate on Facebook can be quite heady and exciting.

2But what's the main reason we find these sites so addictive? Plain old narcissism. We broadcast our personalities online whenever we publish a thought, photo, YouTube video or answer one of those “25 Things About Me" memes. We put that information out there so people will respond and connect to us. And being part of a social network is sort of like having your own entourage that follows you everywhere, commenting on and applauding everything you do. It's very seductive.

3In 2008, researchers at the University of Georgia studied the correlation between narcissism and Facebook users. Unsurprisingly, they found that the more “friends" and wall posts a user had, the more narcissistic he or she was. They noted that narcissistic people use Facebook in a selfpromoting way, rather than in a connective way. It may be an obvious theory, but it also suggests that social networks bring out the narcissist in all of us.

4Social networks are also a voyeuristic experience for many users. Following exchanges on Twitter or posts on Facebook and MySpace are akin to eavesdropping on someone else's conversation. It's entertaining and allows you to feel like a “fly on the wall" in someone else's life.

5Social networking sites also publicly list your “friends" or “followers" — giving you instant status. How many people do you know online who spend all their time trying to get more friends, more followers, more testimonials? We work hard in real life to elevate our statuses, make friends and search out boosters for our self-esteem. Online social networking provides this to us, and we don't even have to change out of our sweatshirts to get it.

(adapted from http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet/socialnetworking/information/social-networking-sites-addictive2.htm)


addictive: viciante; tap into: explorar/tirar proveito; broadcast: anunciar; entourage: comitiva/séquito; akin to eavesdropping: parecido com bisbilhotar; booster: aquilo que impulsiona; sweatshirts: camisetas

According to the text, the difference between real life and online social networking is:

  • Segundo o texto, a diferença entre a vida real e as redes sociais online é:
    A) É muito mais difícil elevar nossos status na vida real do que nas redes sociais.
    B) É mais fácil aumentar nossa auto-estima na vida real do que nas redes sociais.
    C) É mais difícil fazer amigos nas redes sociais do que na vida real.
    D) É igualmente difícil aumentar nossa auto-estima na vida real, assim como nas redes sociais.
     No último parágrafo lemos que é mais fácil aumentar nossos status nas redes sociais do que na vida real, conforme tradução abaixo. As outras alternativas apontam o contrário.
    We work hard in real life to elevate our statuses, make friends and search out boosters for our self-esteem. Online social networking provides this to us, and we don't even have to change out of our sweatshirts to get it. 
    Tradução: Trabalhamos duro na vida real para elevar nossos status, fazer amigos e buscar reforços para nossa auto-estima. As redes sociais on-line fornecem isso para nós, e nem precisamos trocar nossos agasalhos de moleton para obtê-lo.
    Gabarito do Professor: A


Everyone keeps data. Big organizations spend millions to look after their payroll, customer and transaction data. The penalties for getting it wrong are severe: businesses may collapse, shareholders and customers lose money, and for many organizations (airlines, health boards, energy companies), it is not exaggerating to say that even personal safety may be put at risk. And then there are the lawsuits. The problems in successfully designing, installing, and maintaining such large databases are the subject of numerous books on data management and software engineering. However, many small databases are used within large organizations and also for small businesses, clubs, and private concerns. When these go wrong, it doesn't make the front page of the papers; but the costs, often hidden, can be just as serious.

 Where do we find these smaller electronic databases? Sports clubs will have membership information and match results; small businesses might maintain their own customer data. Within large organizations, there will also be a number of small projects to maintain data information that isn't easily or conveniently managed by the large system-wide databases. Researchers may keep their own experiment and survey results; groups will want to manage their own rosters or keep track of equipment; departments may keep their own detailed accounts and submit just a summary to the organization's financial software.

Most of these small databases are set up by end users. These are people whose main job is something other than that of a Computer professional. They will typically be scientists, administrators, technicians, accountants, or teachers, and many will have only modest skills when it comes to spreadsheet or database software. 

The resulting databases often do not live up to expectations. Time and energy is expended to set up a few tables in a database product such as Microsoft Access, or in setting up a spreadsheet in a product such as Excel. Even more time is spent collecting and keying in data. But invariably (often within a short time frame) there is a problem producing what seems to be a quite simple report or query. Often this is because the way the tables have been set up makes the required result very awkward, if not impossible, to achieve. 

A database that does not fulfill expectations becomes a costly exercise in more ways than one. We clearly have the cost of the time and effort expended on setting up an unsatisfactory application. However, a much more serious problem is the unability to make the best use of valuable data. This is especially so for research data. Scientific and social researchers may spend considerable money and many years designing experiments, hiring assistants and collecting and analyzing data, but often very little thought goes into storing it in an appropriately designed database. Unfortunately, some quite simple mistakes in design can mean that much of the potential information is lost. The immediate objective may be satisfied, but unforeseen uses of the data may be seriously compromised. Next year's grant opportunities are lost.

The word awkward, in the fourth paragraph:

  • B) é um adjetivo, que significa que algo é difícil de lidar.


    been set up makes the required result very awkward, if not impossible, to achieve.

    Sido configurado torna o resultado necessário muito difícil, se não impossível, para alcançar.



    Alguns exemplos do uso de "awkward" -> https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/awkward



  • b-

    awkward - clumsy, crooked, discordant, something difficult to deal with

  • Comentários:

    Letra A – Errada. A palavra “awkward” não é um verbo.

    Letra B – Certa. A palavra “awkward” (difícil; complicado; inconveniente) é um adjetivo que expressa alguma coisa difícil de lidar/tratar.

    The resulting databases often do not live up to expectations. Time and energy is expended to set up a few tables in a database product such as Microsoft Access, or in setting up a spreadsheet in a product such as Excel. Even more time is spent collecting and keying in data. But invariably (often within a short time frame) there is a problem producing what seems to be a quite simple report or query. Often this is because the way the tables have been set up makes the required result very awkward, if not impossible, to achieve.

    Os bancos de dados resultantes muitas vezes não correspondem às expectativas. Tempo e energia são gastos para configurar algumas tabelas em um produto de banco de dados, como o Microsoft Access, ou na configuração de uma planilha em um produto como o Excel. Ainda mais tempo é gasto coletando e digitando dados. Mas, invariavelmente (muitas vezes dentro de um curto período de tempo), há um problema para produzir o que parece ser um simples relatório ou consulta. Muitas vezes isso ocorre porque a forma como as tabelas foram criadas torna o resultado exigido muito difícil, se não impossível, de alcançar.

    Letra C – Errada. O termo “awkward” não é um substantivo, mas sim um adjetivo que, no caso do texto, está definindo o resultado exigido (required result).

    Letra D – Errada. O adjetivo “awkward” significa algo difícil de lidar e não algo sem importância.

    Letra E – Errada. A palavra “awkward” não é um verbo, tampouco significa que algo é útil.

    Gabarito: B


Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words:

She was the ____________ woman I ever met. Besides, she was ____________ intelligent and creative. Also, she received the ___________ recognition of her time for _________ the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.

  • Gabarito: A


    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.


    Bons estudos!

  • The answer right is letter a

    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.  

    Ela foi a mulher mais bonita que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa. Ela também recebeu o maior reconhecimento de seu tempo, sendo a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

  • Questão sobre os adjetivos superlativos, que são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). Eles são empregados em frases nas quais o sujeito é comparado a um grupo de objetos.

    Substantivo (sujeito) + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + substantivo (objeto).

    O grupo com o qual se realiza a comparação pode ser omitido, caso esteja claro pelo contexto (último exemplo abaixo).


    Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.

    Seu cão correu o mais rápido de qualquer cão na corrida.

    Segue tradução do enunciado:

    Preencha as lacunas com as palavras mais apropriadas:

    Ela era a mulher ____________ que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era ____________ inteligente e criativa. Além disso, ela recebeu o ___________ reconhecimento de seu tempo _________ a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional.

    As palavras que preencheriam as lacunas seriam:

    Mais bonita - nessa caso usamos os superlativo porque a frase está comparando a mulher com um grupo (todas as outras que ele já conheceu) = prettiest

    Extremamente = extremely

    Maior = aqui também usamos o superlativo, pois o prêmio é o maior do seu tempo, não apenas o maior. Ou seja, está sendo comparado com todos os outros do seu tempo = biggest

    por ser = tradução correta é for being. For be = para ser

    Portanto, a alternativa correta é: Prettiest – extremely – biggest – being.

    Gabarito: A


Select the correct alternative according to the extract below.

Pan Pacific is a five stars hotel in Yokohama. It has 485 rooms, 25 floors and it’s 100km far from the airport. If you want to save money during your stay in the Japanese city, you may want to stay at the Grand Hotel. With 31 floors, it offers 600 rooms and is 106 km from the airport.



Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words:

She was the ____________ woman I ever met. Besides, she was ____________ intelligent and creative. Also, she received the ___________ recognition of her time for _________ the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.

  • Gabarito: C


    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.


    Bons estudos!

  • The answer right is letter c

    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.  

    Ela foi a mulher mais bonita que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa. Ela também recebeu o maior reconhecimento de seu tempo, sendo a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

  • Questão sobre os adjetivos superlativos, que são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). Eles são empregados em frases nas quais o sujeito é comparado a um grupo de objetos.

    Substantivo (sujeito) + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + substantivo (objeto).

    O grupo com o qual se realiza a comparação pode ser omitido, caso esteja claro pelo contexto (último exemplo abaixo).


    Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.

    Seu cão correu o mais rápido de qualquer cão na corrida.

    Segue tradução do enunciado:

    Preencha as lacunas com as palavras mais apropriadas:

    Ela era a mulher ____________ que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era ____________ inteligente e criativa. Além disso, ela recebeu o ___________ reconhecimento de seu tempo _________ a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional.

    As palavras que preencheriam as lacunas seriam:

    Mais bonita - nessa caso usamos os superlativo porque a frase está comparando a mulher com um grupo (todas as outras que ele já conheceu) = prettiest

    Extremamente = extremely

    Maior = aqui também usamos o superlativo, pois o prêmio é o maior do seu tempo, não apenas o maior. Ou seja, está sendo comparado com todos os outros do seu tempo = biggest

    por ser = tradução correta é for being. For be = para ser

    Portanto, a alternativa correta é: Prettiest – extremely – biggest – being.

    Gabarito: C


 Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words:

She was the ____________ woman I ever met. Besides, she was ____________ intelligent and creative. Also, she received the ___________ recognition of her time for _________ the first pianist of her country to receive an international award. 

  • Gabarito: D


    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.


    Bons estudos!

  • d-
    superlative para pretty e´ prettiest. regra do y: substitui y por -iest. Extremely , como adverbio, modifica adjetivo (intelligent & creative). Outro caso de superlativo devido ao the. superlative de big- biggest. Infinitivo apos preposição exige -ing ending: for being

  • The answer right is letter d

    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.  

    Ela foi a mulher mais bonita que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa. Ela também recebeu o maior reconhecimento de seu tempo, sendo a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

  • Questão sobre os adjetivos superlativos, que são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). Eles são empregados em frases nas quais o sujeito é comparado a um grupo de objetos.

    Substantivo (sujeito) + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + substantivo (objeto).

    O grupo com o qual se realiza a comparação pode ser omitido, caso esteja claro pelo contexto (último exemplo abaixo).


    Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.

    Seu cão correu o mais rápido de qualquer cão na corrida.

    Segue tradução do enunciado:

    Preencha as lacunas com as palavras mais apropriadas:

    Ela era a mulher ____________ que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era ____________ inteligente e criativa. Além disso, ela recebeu o ___________ reconhecimento de seu tempo _________ a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional.

    As palavras que preencheriam as lacunas seriam:

    Mais bonita - nessa caso usamos os superlativo porque a frase está comparando a mulher com um grupo (todas as outras que ele já conheceu) = prettiest

    Extremamente = extremely

    Maior = aqui também usamos o superlativo, pois o prêmio é o maior do seu tempo, não apenas o maior. Ou seja, está sendo comparado com todos os outros do seu tempo = biggest

    por ser = tradução correta é for being. For be = para ser

    Portanto, a alternativa correta é: Prettiest – extremely – biggest – being.

    Gabarito: D


 Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words:

She was the ____________ woman I ever met. Besides, she was ____________ intelligent and creative. Also, she received the ___________ recognition of her time for _________ the first pianist of her country to receive an international award. 

  • Gabarito: e


    Ela é a mulher mais linda que eu já vi. Ademais, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa.Ainda, ela recebeu o reconhecimento de seu tempo por ser a maior pianista do seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

    Por que é "being" e não "be"? Porque é antecedido por preposição "for"

  • e-

    sufixo -est designa grau superlativo de superioridade. sufixo -ly denota adverbio. verbo apos preposicao é sempre na forma -ing.

  • The answer right is letter e

    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.  

    Ela foi a mulher mais bonita que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa. Ela também recebeu o maior reconhecimento de seu tempo, sendo a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

  • Questão sobre os adjetivos superlativos, que são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). Eles são empregados em frases nas quais o sujeito é comparado a um grupo de objetos.

    Substantivo (sujeito) + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + substantivo (objeto).

    O grupo com o qual se realiza a comparação pode ser omitido, caso esteja claro pelo contexto (último exemplo abaixo).


    Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.

    Seu cão correu o mais rápido de qualquer cão na corrida.

    Segue tradução do enunciado:

    Preencha as lacunas com as palavras mais apropriadas:

    Ela era a mulher ____________ que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era ____________ inteligente e criativa. Além disso, ela recebeu o ___________ reconhecimento de seu tempo _________ a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional.

    As palavras que preencheriam as lacunas seriam:

    Mais bonita - nessa caso usamos os superlativo porque a frase está comparando a mulher com um grupo (todas as outras que ele já conheceu) = prettiest

    Extremamente = extremely

    Maior = aqui também usamos o superlativo, pois o prêmio é o maior do seu tempo, não apenas o maior. Ou seja, está sendo comparado com todos os outros do seu tempo = biggest

    por ser = tradução correta é for being. For be = para ser

    Portanto, a alternativa correta é: Prettiest – extremely – biggest – being.

    Gabarito: E


Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words:

She was the ____________ woman I ever met. Besides, she was ____________ intelligent and creative. Also, she received the ___________ recognition of her time for _________ the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.

  • Gabarito: b


    Ela é a mulher mais linda que eu já vi. Ademais, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa.Ainda, ela recebeu o reconhecimento de seu tempo por ser a maior pianista do seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

    Por que é "being" e não "be"? Porque é antecedido por preposição "for"

  • The answer right is letter b

    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.  

    Ela foi a mulher mais bonita que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa. Ela também recebeu o maior reconhecimento de seu tempo, sendo a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

  • Questão sobre os adjetivos superlativos, que são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). Eles são empregados em frases nas quais o sujeito é comparado a um grupo de objetos.

    Substantivo (sujeito) + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + substantivo (objeto).

    O grupo com o qual se realiza a comparação pode ser omitido, caso esteja claro pelo contexto (último exemplo abaixo).


    Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.

    Seu cão correu o mais rápido de qualquer cão na corrida.

    Segue tradução do enunciado:

    Preencha as lacunas com as palavras mais apropriadas:

    Ela era a mulher ____________ que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era ____________ inteligente e criativa. Além disso, ela recebeu o ___________ reconhecimento de seu tempo _________ a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional.

    As palavras que preencheriam as lacunas seriam:

    Mais bonita - nessa caso usamos os superlativo porque a frase está comparando a mulher com um grupo (todas as outras que ele já conheceu) = prettiest

    Extremamente = extremely

    Maior = aqui também usamos o superlativo, pois o prêmio é o maior do seu tempo, não apenas o maior. Ou seja, está sendo comparado com todos os outros do seu tempo = biggest

    por ser = tradução correta é for being. For be = para ser

    Portanto, a alternativa correta é: Prettiest – extremely – biggest – being.

    Gabarito: B

  • b-

    Superlative adjectives describe a noun at the upper or lower bounds of a quality (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). They are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a set of objects. They are usually formed by noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object). Short regular adjectives are are followed by 'the most', while one-syllable adjectives add -est at their end


Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

Rio de Janeiro doesn' t get (1)____ Petrópolis.

  • Comprativo de igualdade => as + adj + as

    Comprativo de desigualdade => not so/as + adj. + as

    Com isso restam as alternativas A) e C). Rain é um substantivo incontável (não é possível contar uma chuva, duas chuvas), portanto só admite o uso do quantificador MUCH.

    Alternativa C)

  • Eu também! =(


What is the correct way to complete the text below?

"American Field Service, one of (1) ____ Exchange programs, said it saw a 6 percent increase in the number of families willing to host students next year."

  • não seria "eldest"?



  • superlativo de superioridade com até 2 sílabas tem estrutura THE...-EST


Choose the alternative that correctly shows the comparative form of the adjectives below.

far - good – bad – easy - old

  • C


  • Você tem que ir pra uma prova de inglês sabendo esses


    good: better than

    bad: worse than

    far: farther than


    Good: the best

    bad: the worst

    far: the farthest



                           NATO ships, helicopters hunt down 7 pirates

      NAIROBI, Kenya - NATO warships and helicopters pursued Somali pirates for seven hours after they attacked a Norwegian tanker, NATO spokesmen said Sunday, and the high-speed chase only ended when warning shots were fired at the pirates' skiff. Seven pirates attempted to attack the Norwegian-flagged MV Front Ardenne late Saturday but fled after crew took evasive maneuvers and alerted warships in the area, said Portuguese Lt. Cmdr. Alexandre Santos Fernandes, aboard a warship in the Gulf of Aden, and Cmdr. Chris Davies, of NATais maritime headquarters in England.

      "How the attack was thwarted is unclear, it appears to have been the actions of the tanker," Davies said. Fernandes said no shots were fired at the tanker.

      Davies said the pirates sailed into the path of the Canadian warship Winnipeg, which was escorting a World Food Program delivery ship through the Gulf of Aden. The American ship USS Halyburton was also in the area and joined the chase. 

      "There was a lengthy pursuit, over seven hours," Davies said. The pirates hurled weapons into the dark seas as the Canadian and U.S. warships closed in. The ships are part of NATais anti-piracy mission.

      "The skiff abandoned the scene and tried to escape to Somali territory," Fernandes said. "It was heading toward Bossaso but we managed to track them. Warning shots have been made after several attempts to stop the vessel."

      Both ships deployed helicopters, and naval officers hailed the pirates over loudspeakers and finally fired warning shots to stop them, Fernandes said, but not before the pirates had dumped most of their weapons overboard. NATO forces boarded the skiff, where they found a rocketpropelled grenade, and interrogated, disarmed and released the pirates.

      The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did not attack Canadian citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory.

      "When a ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national authorities," Fernandes said. "It stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue." 

      The pirates' release underscores the difficulties navies have in fighting rampant piracy off the coast of lawless Somalia. Most of the time, foreign navies simply disarm and release the pirates they catch due to legal complications and logistical difficulties in transporting pirates and witnesses to court.

      Pirates have attacked more than 80 boats this year alone, four times the number assaulted in 2003, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based International Maritime Bureau. They now hold at least 18 ships - including a Belgian tanker seized Saturday with 10 crew aboard - and over 310 crew hostage, according to an Associated Press count.

                                                                                 (Adapted from: www.ap.org, 04/19/09) 

In the sentence "There was a 1engthy pursuit, over seven hours", there is a word formed by the suffix "y". In which option below the word is formed by the same suffix?

  • lengthy - adj


    lately - adv

    mostly - adv

    fury - subst

    ally - subst

    healthy - adj (resposta)


Choose the option that completes the gaps below, respectively.

I. She tried her __________ to ignore what he’d said.

II. We are no __________ an agreement than we were six months ago.

III. His wife’s bound to find it out ________ or ________.

IV. The more l scold her, the ________ she behaves.




Japan’s shipyards remain intact after quake

Japan’s major shipyards escaped the full impact of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that struck the northeastern coast of the country with full force. An official at the Japan Ship Exporters’ Association said the devastating natural disaster “will have no impact on future export ship orders at all”. Although several small shipyards in the quake-hit areas were affected, major Japanese shipyards that build large vessels for exports are concentrated in western Japan and remain intact, the official said. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding sustained “slight material damages” in the company’s Kasai Center and Chiba Works but did not consider such slight damages would cause serious impact on operations. “The rotational schedule of interruption of power supply due to the earthquake may affect our operation at our works and subsidiaries. However, the degree of the impact is not known now,” the company said in a statement. Japanese export ship orders rose for the 15th consecutive month in February o a year-on-year basis. Japanese shipbuilders received orders for 277 export vessels – 259 bulk carriers, 10 oil tankers and eight general cargo vessels – in the April-February period.

                        (Adapted from: www.australianmerchantnavy.com, March 2011)


Tsnunami Debris Expected on U.S. Shores in 3 Years

The powerful tsunami triggered by the 9.0 Japanese earthquake destroyed coastal towns near Sendai, washing such things as houses and cars into the ocean. Projections of where this debris might head have been made at the international Pacific Research Center, university of Hawaii at Manoa. What their model predicts about the tsunami debris is that they first spread out eastward from the Japan Coast in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. In a year, the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument will see pieces washing up on its shores; in two years, the remaining Hawaiian islands will see some effects; in three years, the plume will reach the US West Coast, dumping debris on Californian beaches and the beaches of British Columbia, Alaska, and Baja California. The debris will then drift into the famous floating junk yard, the North Pacific Garbage Patch, where it will wander around and break into smaller and smaller pieces. In five years, Hawaii shores can expect to see another barrage of debris that is stronger and longer-lasting than the first one. Much of the debris leaving the North Pacific Garbage Patch ends up on Hawaii’s reefs and beaches. These model projections will help to guide clean-up and tracking operations.

                                                 (Adapted from: www.geog.ucsb.edu, April 2011)

Choose the word that completes the idea of the following statement correctly:

“Michael is a _______ smoker. He smokes three packs of cigarettes a day.”


  • Pra mim era a letra C

  • mas chain smoker é um termo pra fumante compulsivo...


What is the correct way to complete the text below?

Learning a second language is not _______ learning a first language. It is _________.

  • as = comparação real like = comparação figurada
  • C


What is the correct way to complete the text below?

If you are visualizing many paradisiacal swims in clear blue waters, then the Croatian islands are calling your name. Most of the residents of Croatian islands have their own small boats to travei between islands and the coast - it's ____ __________ way to get around.

(Adapted from http://www.travelchannel.com)

  • É o Jeito mais fácil To get around

    mais fácil nesse caso é de superioridade, ou seja , diz que não tem jeito mais fácil que esse

    GAB D

  • pq precisa ter o the?

  • Trata-se de um adjetivo superlativo de superioridade com até 2 sílabas, ou seja, sua estrutura é THE...-EST. (Gab D)


Choose the alternative so as to have the passage completed correctly.

Many people believe that pilots earn a lot of money. But the real fact is _____ the airline is, _____ pilots’ salary is. Smaller budget airlines can not afford to pay their pilots that much.

  • Tradução: Muitas pessoas acreditam que os pilotos ganham muito dinheiro. Mas o fato real é que quanto  maior  a companhia aérea , mais alto é o salário dos pilotos. 
    O comparativo correlativo é uma construção emparelhada. Cada parte é sintaticamente igual. Uma vírgula separa as duas cláusulas.
    The larger the paycheck, the greater the perchasse. Quanto maior for o salário, maior será a aquisição.
    The higher they rise, the harder they fall. Quanto mais alto eles sobem, mais duramente caem.

    Desta forma, a sentença ficará assim:  But the real fact is the larger the airline is, the higher pilots' salary is. Alternativa D

  • Comparativo de proporcionalidade.

    The + comparative...,the + comparative

    Alternativa D)


    The+comparativo, the+comparativo

  • Está errado esse gabarito ! o (The) é usado para Superlativo de Superioridade para adjetivos curtos. the+adj+est


                                         Did you know?

                ... some interesting facts about African Wildlife

Four of the five fastest land animals live in Africa – the cheetah (70mph), wildebeest, lion and Thomson’s gazelle (all about 50 mph).


Having a wingspan of only 1/2”, the smallest butterfly in the world is found in South Africa. It is known as the Dwarf Blue Butterfly.


Madagascar is the home of the world’s _________ as well as the _______ chameleons!


The African elephant is the largest living land mammal.

An elephant can weigh up to 6-7 tons and has no natural enemies for he is not a predator and there is no other animal large enough to challenge him.

Did you know elephants drink up to 160 liters of water per day?

An African elephant possesses such “manual” dexterity in his/her trunk tip that he/she can actually turn the pages of a book with it.


The only place are found is in Lake Tanganyika.


Did you know that the tongue of a giraffe can be ______________ 45 cm? Giraffes are 6 ft tall when they are born.


South Africa has a penguin colony, which thrives thanks to the cold Antarctic currents on the west coast near the Cape.

Adapted from Google/ The African Guide


Dexterity – the ability to perform a difficult action quickly with the hands.

Trunk – an elephant’s nose.  

Choose the alternative containing the right adjectives to fill in the blanks, respectively.



Spades take up leaves

No better than spoons,

And bags full of leaves

Are light as balloons.

I make a great noise

Of rustling all day

Like rabbit and deer

Running away.


rustle - rastelar 

In “ ... bags full of leaves are light as balloons”, the underlined word gives the idea of



Police and Human Rights – Manual for Police Training
How can respecting human rights help the police?
Respect for human rights by law enforcement agencies actually enhances the effectiveness of those agencies. Where human rights are systematically respected, police officers have developed professionalism in their approaches to solving and preventing crime and maintaining public order. In this sense, respect for human rights by police is, in addition to being a moral, legal and ethical imperative, also a practical requirement for law enforcement. When the police are seen to respect, uphold and defend human rights:
• Public confidence is built and community cooperation fostered.
• Legal prosecutions are successful in court.
• Police are seen as part of the community, performing a valuable social function.
• The fair administration of justice is served, and, consequently, confidence in the system.
• An example is set for respect for the law by others in the society.
• Police are able to be closer to the community, and, therefore, in a position to prevent and solve crimes through proactive policing.
• Support is elicited from the media, from the international community, and from higher authorities.
• A contribution is made to the peaceful resolution of conflicts and complaints.
An effective police service is one that serves as the first line of defense in the protection of human rights. Its members carry out their work in a way, which does not rely upon fear and raw power but, on the contrary, is based on regard for the law, honor, and professionalism.
What role does training play in protecting human rights?
The effective training of police in human rights is an essential element in the global efforts to promote and protect human rights in every country. In order to protect human rights, the police must first know and understand them. Furthermore, police officers must be familiar with the various international guidelines and bodies of principles – such as the Code of Conduct for law enforcement officials and the principles on the use of force and firearms – and be able to use them as tools in their everyday work. They must understand the fact that international human rights standards concerning their work were developed to provide invaluable guidance for the performance of their crucial functions in a democratic society. However, police officers in the line of duty should know not only what the rules are, but also how to do their job effectively within the confines of those rules.
Doesn’t concern for human rights hinder effective police work?
Most people have heard the argument that respect for human rights is somehow opposed to effective law enforcement. And effective law enforcement means to capture the criminal. And to secure his conviction, it is necessary to “bend the rules” a little. A tendency to use overwhelming force in controlling demonstrations, physical pressure to extract information from detainees, or excessive force to secure an arrest can be observed now and then. In this way of thinking, law enforcement is a war against crime, and human rights are merely obstacles thrown in the path of the police by lawyers and NGOs. In fact, violations of human rights .... police only make the already challenging task of law enforcement _____________ . When the law enforcer ..... the lawbreaker, the result is an assault on human dignity, on the law itself and on all institutions of public authority. 
(G. Kalajdziev, et al. www.humanrights.dk. Adaptado.)

Assinale a alternativa que complete corretamente a respectiva lacuna,no último período do texto.

  • Peguei da prova a questão

    In fact, violations of human rights ––– 78––– police only make the already challenging task of law enforcement ––– 79––– .

    A questão aborda sobre como a policia deixa mais díficil a aplicação dos direitos humanos, que já são desafiadoras, e para isso utiliza o grau comparativo de superioridade ( comparative degree), sendo ''difficult um adjetivo considerado longo, sua estrutura então tem de ser :




  • 1 - In fact, violations of human rights .... police only make the already challenging task of law enforcement MORE DIFFICULT

    2 - Na verdade, as violações dos direitos humanos .... a polícia apenas torna a tarefa já desafiadora de aplicação da lei mais difícil


                     How to prepare well for an interview

It’s important to be well prepared for a job interview and practice the best answers to possible questions an interviewer could ask. It is common for the interviewer to ask why you are unemployed, why you want to work in that company, what you know about it and what salary you are looking for. Some interviewers can ask questions about current affairs in Brazil and the world (so it is always good to be well informed).

                                                               (Adapted from Maganews Mar 2011)


current affairs – assuntos atuais 

All the words below, in the text, are adjectives, except:

  • Well está atuando como advérbio de preparado, intensificando.

  • GAB:A

    Well está atuando como advérbio de preparado, intensificando.

  • Não sei se está certo, mas analisei como se fosse em português.

    -> Na frase "It’s important to be well prepared..." to be é nosso verbo principal (verbo estar), well está funcionando como adjunto adverbial, dando uma "intensificada" no objeto prepared, logo será nossa resposta.


    Espero ter ajudado!

    *Qualquer erro no meu comentário podem me corrigir, afinal sou estudante também =)


The right foot is more ticklish than the left one. It is not related to laterality but in scientific experiments most people report that their right foot is more ticklish.

                                                                                (Adapted from Speak up)


ticklish – ter cócegas

laterality – lateralidade 

The underlined words, in the text, give us an idea of

  • Gab. D Comparison.

    more ticklish than

    Mais cócegas do que.


    More + Adjetivo + Than


The right foot is more ticklish than the left one. It is not related to laterality but in scientific experiments most people report that their right foot is more ticklish.

                                                                                (Adapted from Speak up)


ticklish – ter cócegas

laterality – lateralidade 

In “The right foot is more ticklish than the left one”, the word, in bold type, is

  • LETRA C) "one" no contexto, está retomando a palavra "foot", fazendo papel de pronome.

  • BIZU pra quem estiver com dúvida

    O One está depois da palavra que se refere,ou seja , "foot".

    Advérbio começa com A de Antes

    Pronome começa com P de pós, ou seja, posposto ao que se refere.

    Nesse caso está posposto, então PRONOME!


                                  A Bunch of Butterflies

Priests don’t like confetti, it makes a mess.

The bride and groom rarely like rice, because it hurts. So the latest thing at weddings, at least in America, is butterflies.

What could be nicer than having a bunch of butterflies released into the air around the marriage couple? Companies are now springing up in the US to meet the new demand, but animal rights groups are concerned. How are the butterflies caught, how are they transported to the wedding and what happens to them afterwards?

The wedding party thinks the butterflies fly away, but often the insect cannot survive in their new environment and die.


spring up – surgir 

In “ What could be nicer than having a bunch of butterflies ...”, the underlined words give the idea of

  • Nicer than = Melhor do que = Comparação

    Acrescenta o "r" no adjetivo + than(do que).


Mother to small son: “Be sure to wash your arms before you put on your new shirt.”

Small son: “Should I wash for long or short sleeves?” 

The underlined word, in the anecdote, is a(n)

  • Gab: D


Mother to small son: “Be sure to wash your arms before you put on your new shirt.”

Small son: “Should I wash for long or short sleeves?” 

In “Mother to small son:”, the opposite of the underlined word is

  • small- pequeno

    big- grande.

    Letra a


As a politician, Churchill was a ___________ orator.



A different and somewhat _____ approach than changing all the rules may work when a product fails to comply but still satisfies the purpose of the regulations. In these cases, minor adjustments may save a lot of the work done before.



                                                          TEXTO I


      Far from diminishing the human element in the learning process, the advent of computer technology as an integral part of language learning provides an opportunity to reflect upon and implement principles that enhance the learner’s status and expand the teacher’s role.

      Most teachers would probably agree on how:

•        Respecting learners` particular needs and learning habits increases their learning potential;

•        Learner self-esteem and involvement foster learning efficiency; and

•        The best use of a teacher’s time is not to teach vocabulary and grammar or provide listening practice, but to foster speech production and live interaction.

      Now, paradoxically, the use of computer technology can enable precisely these features to be developed by providing the means to create a learning environment in which each learner or learning group can select speed, level and content to suit their specific learning needs and styles.

      ‘Guided freedom would be a feature of intelligent CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning), where the program would make suggestions, but the learner would make the choices.’ (Warschauer & Healey 1998)

      At the same time, the teacher’s role expands beyond being a provider and assessor of knowledge and know-how (i.e. someone in front of the class) to being also a coordinator of media and a tutor (i.e. someone who is also in the midst of his/her learners).

      Teachers become freer to use their time more efficiently by devoting their time to:

•           Facilitating communicative oral activities;

•           Assisting those learners who need their support most; and

•           Discussing effective learning strategies.

      Experience shows how the proper use of technological tools can be an extraordinary means of generating peer discussion, knowledge exchange, curiosity, motivation and relaxation: all prerequisites of effective learning.

      These values are inherent in the content-based, blended-learning English for Aviation Safety courseware designed by AES. The flexibility, availability and depth of relevant informational content of its web-based training mean that learners come to the classroom for the Intensive Speaking Seminars ready to use their time to the full in communicative interaction, putting into practice the skills, knowledge and know-how they have acquired at their own pace.

      Especially for pilots and controllers, learning English is not primarily about learning a language; it is learning how to perform certain essential functions in English in a timely and efficient manner.

Philip Shawcross is Director of Training Curriculum at AES.

                * ICAO Document 9835: Manual on the Implementation of the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements 

The words

diminishing , sentence 1, paragraph 1;

learning habits, sentence 2, paragraph 2;

listening, sentence 4, paragraph 2;

learning how to perform, sentence 2, paragraph 9.

are grammatically and respectively used as

  • Depois de preposições o verbo deve receber -ing. Letra A)

  • Infinitivo sem (to) nao pode gente


                                                     TEXT II

                                      LANGUAGE TEACHING

Languages are taught and learned in various places, some in informal settings, others in formal contexts, such as classrooms. It is common knowledge that regardless of the method used, second language learners achieve mastery of the target language to varying degrees. Although 10 individuals may be in the same language class for a year, their eventual proficiency level and profile will be different from one another. This is the result of a combination of the factors briefly mentioned above, compounded with the pedagogical methods that the learner has encountered. Generally speaking, it can be stated that most individuals learn to communicate basic information through a conversation in the target language in the first few years of active language study (provided that there are opportunities to use the language to create personal meaning). It is important to note that mere exposure or contact with the target language in most cases is not sufficient to result in productive language skills.


Although, regardless, through and varying are respectively presented in this text as

  • Although é uma conjunção e indica contraste.

    Varying é um termo que está modificando degrees, o que modifica um noun é um adjective.

    Alternativa B)


                                                     TEXT II

                                      LANGUAGE TEACHING

Languages are taught and learned in various places, some in informal settings, others in formal contexts, such as classrooms. It is common knowledge that regardless of the method used, second language learners achieve mastery of the target language to varying degrees. Although 10 individuals may be in the same language class for a year, their eventual proficiency level and profile will be different from one another. This is the result of a combination of the factors briefly mentioned above, compounded with the pedagogical methods that the learner has encountered. Generally speaking, it can be stated that most individuals learn to communicate basic information through a conversation in the target language in the first few years of active language study (provided that there are opportunities to use the language to create personal meaning). It is important to note that mere exposure or contact with the target language in most cases is not sufficient to result in productive language skills.


The words: briefly (sentence 04) – classrooms (sentence 01) – eventual (sentence 03) – generally (sentence 05) – mere (sentence 06) are, in these specific sentences, grammatically and respectfully classified as:



                                                        Text 3

                                   Xerox and the Icarus Paradox

                                                                                                             Schilling, Melissa A.

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, Fourth Edition

      According to Greek mythology, when King Minos imprisoned the crafstman Daedalus and his son Icarus, Daedalus built wings of wax and feathers so that he and his son could fly to their escape. Icarus was so enthralled by his wings and drawn to the light of the sun that despite his father's warning, he flew too high. The sun melted his wings, crashing Icarus to death in the sea. This was the inspiration for the now well-known Icarus Paradox – that which you excel at can ultimately be your undoing. Success can engender overconfidence, carelessness, and an unquestioning adherence to one's way of doing things.

      For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, Xerox had such a stranglehold on the photocopier market that it did not pay much attention when new Japanese competition began to infiltrate the market for smaller, inexpensive copiers. Xerox management did not believe competitors would ever be able to produce machines comparable to Xerox's quality and cost. However, Xerox was dangerously wrong. By the mid-1970s, Xerox was losing market share to the Japanese at an alarming rate. When Canon introduced a copier that sold for less than Xerox's manufacturing costs, Xerox knew it was in trouble and had to engage in a major benchmarking and restructuring effort to turn the company around.

The antonym of "engender" in the sentence: "Success can engender overconfidence (...)" is:

  • A) trazer
    B) ativar
    C) devolver
    D) impedir, esconder
    E) acender
    Success can engender overconfidence, carelessness, and an unquestioning adherence to one's way of doing things.
    Tradução: O sucesso pode gerar excesso de confiança, falta de cuidado, e uma adesão inquestionável à sua maneira de fazer as coisas.
    O antônimo de "engender" (gerar, causar) é "hinder" ( impedir, esconder)
    Alternativa D


                                                        Text 3

                                     Xerox and the Icarus Paradox

                                                                                                                 Schilling, Melissa A.

        Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition,  

                                                                                                                         Fourth Edition

      According to Greek mythology, when King Minos imprisoned the crafstman Daedalus and his son Icarus, Daedalus built wings of wax and feathers so that he and his son could fly to their escape. Icarus was so enthralled by his wings and drawn to the light of the sun that despite his father's warning, he flew too high. The sun melted his wings, crashing Icarus to death in the sea. This was the inspiration for the now well-known Icarus Paradox – that which you excel at can ultimately be your undoing. Success can engender overconfidence, carelessness, and an unquestioning adherence to one's way of doing things.

      For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, Xerox had such a stranglehold on the photocopier market that it did not pay much attention when new Japanese competition began to infiltrate the market for smaller, inexpensive copiers. Xerox management did not believe competitors would ever be able to produce machines comparable to Xerox's quality and cost. However, Xerox was dangerously wrong. By the mid-1970s, Xerox was losing market share to the Japanese at an alarming rate. When Canon introduced a copier that sold for less than Xerox's manufacturing costs, Xerox knew it was in trouble and had to engage in a major benchmarking and restructuring effort to turn the company around.

The antonym of "engender" in the sentence: "Success can engender overconfidence (...)" is:

  • engender - engendrar, formar, gerar

    bring about - provocar

    trigger - desencadear

    turn in - ligar

    hinder - atrapalhar

    kindle - acender


Para a questão, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente.

As a politician, Churchill was a ____________ orator.

  • Se você for traduzir as palavras vai ver que a melhor que se encaixa no contexto é ´´persuasive´´


Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words: She was the ____________ woman I ever met. Besides, she was ____________ intelligent and creative. Also, she received the ___________ recognition of her time for _________ the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.

  • Gabarito: D


    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.


    Bons estudos!

  • The answer right is letter d

    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.  

    Ela foi a mulher mais bonita que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa. Ela também recebeu o maior reconhecimento de seu tempo, sendo a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

  • Questão sobre os adjetivos superlativos, que são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). Eles são empregados em frases nas quais o sujeito é comparado a um grupo de objetos.

    Substantivo (sujeito) + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + substantivo (objeto).

    O grupo com o qual se realiza a comparação pode ser omitido, caso esteja claro pelo contexto (último exemplo abaixo).


    Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.

    Seu cão correu o mais rápido de qualquer cão na corrida.

    Segue tradução do enunciado:

    Preencha as lacunas com as palavras mais apropriadas:

    Ela era a mulher ____________ que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era ____________ inteligente e criativa. Além disso, ela recebeu o ___________ reconhecimento de seu tempo _________ a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional.

    As palavras que preencheriam as lacunas seriam:

    Mais bonita - nessa caso usamos os superlativo porque a frase está comparando a mulher com um grupo (todas as outras que ele já conheceu) = prettiest

    Extremamente = extremely

    Maior = aqui também usamos o superlativo, pois o prêmio é o maior do seu tempo, não apenas o maior. Ou seja, está sendo comparado com todos os outros do seu tempo = biggest

    por ser = tradução correta é for being. For be = para ser

    Portanto, a alternativa correta é: Prettiest – extremely – biggest – being.

    Gabarito: D


Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are related to our first language are __________ . Learning a completely different writing system is a huge challenge, but that does not necessarily make a language __________ another. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is one language that is ______ language in the world.

(Adapted from www.usingenglish.com)

  • Qual a maneira correta de completar o parágrafo abaixo?
    Tradução: Nenhuma língua é fácil de aprender bem, embora as línguas que estão relacionadas com a nossa primeira língua sejam mais fáceis. Aprender um sistema de escrita completamente diferente é um grande desafio, mas isso não faz necessariamente um idioma mais difícil do que outro. No final, é impossível dizer que há uma língua que é a língua mais difícil do mundo.
    A  primeira lacuna foi preenchida com o comparativo de superioridade  do adjetivo "easy" ( easier).
    A segunda foi preenchida com o comparativo de superioridade do adjetivo "difficult"( more difficult than)
    A última foi preenchida com o superlativo do adjetivo "hard" ( the hardest)

    Alternativa D.

  • Comparativo/ Comparativo/ Superlativo

    Gabarito: D

  • Comparativo de superioridade com até 2 sílabas/ Comparativo de superioridade com mais de 2 sílabas/ Superlativo de superioridade com até duas sílabas D


Read the text and answer question.


    There was a nice little girl which name was April. 

    One day, she asked her parents why she was called April. They answered that it was because she was born in April. The little girl liked her name and the month April too. Her parents made her a party, all her friends celebrated with her, and she received a lot of presents.

    One day her mother became pregnant and April had a little brother. Her brother was born in February and everybody came and suggested names for the new baby.

    April didn’t understand what the problem was. If the baby was born in February, the correct name should be February.

The underlined word in the text is

  • Little é um adjetivo pois qualifica girl, funciona da mesma maneira que em português. Letra "A"

  • Análise das alternativas:

    Letters B, C and D are not correct because the underlined word is not a pronoun, a noun or a verb.

    As alternativas B, C e D não estão corretas pois a palavra sublinhada não é um pronome, substantivo ou verbo.

    Gabarito do professor: Letra A

    Letter A is correct because the underlined word little is an adjective and  it is qualifying the noun girl.

    A letra A está correta pois a palavra sublinhada (little - pequena) é um adjetivo e está qualificando o substantivo girl (garota).

  • verdade

Prefeitura de Teresina - PI

The ING ending word is used as an adjective in the sentence

  • -e

    The -ing form can either a noun or an adjectival role, functioning as a non-finite verb or simple noun or adjective. As a non-finite verb in the noun case, it is called a gerund while it's termed present participle in the adjectival or adverbial case. In short, gerunds engender noun phrases while participles are associated to adjectival/adverbial phrases. 


    The -ing ending can also modify a noun when derived from a verb form. e.g.: rise -> rising as in rising tensions. The logical implication vis-a-vis the proposed answer choice is that the weekend was marked by its relaxing features, allowing the persona to derive benefits from it. 

  • Letter e

    Relaxing is adjective in this case.
    Relaxing - relaxante
    My weekend was relaxing, just perfect
    Meu final de semana foi relaxante...

Prefeitura de Teresina - PI

What is English as a Lingua Franca
What students need most from their language classes affects how we teach. But to what extent do we consider students' needs when it comes to pronunciation? How often do we stop to consider the needs of students who are learning English to mainly communicate with other non-native speakers? In this situation, English is used as a Lingua Franca ( henceforth ELF) - a common language between people who do not share the same native language. So their needs are quite different to students who go to the UK, for example, and want to integrate within that culture and so may want to sound as much like a native speaker as possible. The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with. This does not necessarily mean sounding like a native speaker.
Source: adapted from https://www.britishcouncil.org/voicesmagazine/how-teach-english-lingua-franca-elf. Access: March 24th , 2016.  

The same type of underlined comparative of the excerpt taken from the text 05 "The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with." (lines 16 to 18), is:

  • -c

    A construção é as + adjective + as. As opções erradas contêm adverbios ou adjetivos em grau comparativo

  • Que questão nada haver

  • The answer right is letter c:
    The same type underlined comparative of the excerpt taken from the text 5 is: 

    as intelligible as
    as audible as

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre comparativos.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    The same type of underlined comparative of the excerpt taken from the text 05 "The priority for students using ELF, on the other hand, is to be as intelligible as possible to the people they are communicating with." (lines 16 to 18), is: 
    - O mesmo tipo de comparativo sublinhado do excerto retirado do texto 05 "A prioridade para os alunos que usam ELF, por outro lado, é ser tão inteligível quanto possível para as pessoas com quem estão se comunicando." (linhas 16 a 18), é:

    O comparativo em negrito no enunciado é o comparativo de igualdade. Vamos relembrar:
    O grau comparativo de igualdade em inglês é formado com  as ________ as. Entre as ________ as devemos colocar um adjetivo ou um advérbio. Veja exemplos:

    • as expensive as (tão caro quanto)
    • as cheap as (tão barato quanto)
    • as quickly as (tão rapidamente quanto)
    • as wonderful as (tão maravilhoso quanto)
    • as clean as (tão limpo quanto)

    As alternativas erradas não foram traduzidas pois apresentam um Inglês incorreto. Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) Incorreto - She will be there as earlier as possible. 
    Alternativa errada pois a palavra entre "as_____as" já é um comparativo.

    B) Incorreto - Her home is as biggest as White House.
    Alternativa errada pois a palavra entre "as_____as" é um superlativo. 

    C) Correto - Is this radio as audible as the other one?
    Tradução - Este rádio é tão audível quanto o outro?
    Embora "audível" em Português soe estranho neste contexto, é um adjetivo e está usado corretamente.

    D) Incorreto - This game can be as so enjoyable as a day out.  
    Alternativa errada pois há duas palavras entre "as_____as".

    E) Incorreto - Luis come here as frequentlier as Mary.
    Alternativa errada pois a palavra entre "as_____as" não existe na língua inglesa.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra C.


Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words:

She was the ____________ woman I ever met. Besides, she was ____________ intelligent and creative. Also, she received the ___________ recognition of her time for _________ the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.

  • Gabarito: B


    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.


    Bons estudos!

  • The answer right is letter b

    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.  

    Ela foi a mulher mais bonita que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa. Ela também recebeu o maior reconhecimento de seu tempo, sendo a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

  • Questão sobre os adjetivos superlativos, que são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). Eles são empregados em frases nas quais o sujeito é comparado a um grupo de objetos.

    Substantivo (sujeito) + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + substantivo (objeto).

    O grupo com o qual se realiza a comparação pode ser omitido, caso esteja claro pelo contexto (último exemplo abaixo).


    Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.

    Seu cão correu o mais rápido de qualquer cão na corrida.

    Segue tradução do enunciado:

    Preencha as lacunas com as palavras mais apropriadas:

    Ela era a mulher ____________ que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era ____________ inteligente e criativa. Além disso, ela recebeu o ___________ reconhecimento de seu tempo _________ a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional.

    As palavras que preencheriam as lacunas seriam:

    Mais bonita - nessa caso usamos os superlativo porque a frase está comparando a mulher com um grupo (todas as outras que ele já conheceu) = prettiest

    Extremamente = extremely

    Maior = aqui também usamos o superlativo, pois o prêmio é o maior do seu tempo, não apenas o maior. Ou seja, está sendo comparado com todos os outros do seu tempo = biggest

    por ser = tradução correta é for being. For be = para ser

    Portanto, a alternativa correta é: Prettiest – extremely – biggest – being.

    Gabarito: B


Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words:

She was the ____________ woman I ever met. Besides, she was ____________ intelligent and creative. Also, she received the ___________ recognition of her time for _________ the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.

  • Gabarito: D


    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.


    Bons estudos!

  • The answer right is letter d

    She was the prettiest woman I ever met. Besides, she was extremely intelligent and creative. Also, she received the biggest recognition of her time for being the first pianist of her country to receive an international award.  

    Ela foi a mulher mais bonita que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era extremamente inteligente e criativa. Ela também recebeu o maior reconhecimento de seu tempo, sendo a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional. (Tradução livre)

  • Uma coisa que eu não entendo. Por que tem que ser com ing?

  • Questão sobre os adjetivos superlativos, que são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). Eles são empregados em frases nas quais o sujeito é comparado a um grupo de objetos.

    Substantivo (sujeito) + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + substantivo (objeto).

    O grupo com o qual se realiza a comparação pode ser omitido, caso esteja claro pelo contexto (último exemplo abaixo).


    Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.

    Seu cão correu o mais rápido de qualquer cão na corrida.

    Segue tradução do enunciado:

    Preencha as lacunas com as palavras mais apropriadas:

    Ela era a mulher ____________ que eu já conheci. Além disso, ela era ____________ inteligente e criativa. Além disso, ela recebeu o ___________ reconhecimento de seu tempo _________ a primeira pianista de seu país a receber um prêmio internacional.

    As palavras que preencheriam as lacunas seriam:

    Mais bonita - nessa caso usamos os superlativo porque a frase está comparando a mulher com um grupo (todas as outras que ele já conheceu) = prettiest

    Extremamente = extremely

    Maior = aqui também usamos o superlativo, pois o prêmio é o maior do seu tempo, não apenas o maior. Ou seja, está sendo comparado com todos os outros do seu tempo = biggest

    por ser = tradução correta é for being. For be = para ser

    Portanto, a alternativa correta é: Prettiest – extremely – biggest – being.

    Gabarito: D


Complete the blank spaces and check the correct sequence.

This car is so ________.

I’m ________ sorry for this.

She feels _____ about that experience.

  • Alternativa: a) Fast – terribly – bad. 

    Bons estudos!

  • a-

    A 1° opção exige um predicativo do sujeito, o que deveser um adjetivo para modificá-lo: fast. A forma fastly é agramatical e, portanto, inexistente. A 2° opção descreve um adjetivo, o qual deve ser adverbio: terribly. 3° novamente exige predicativo do sujeito porque há uma qualificação dele através de um verbo que exprime estado. Logo, 'bad' é a única opção coerente. 

  • letra- A


  • Fastly não existe. Assim como lowly também não.
  • The answer correct is letter a
    To find the correct sentence, you should be follow the sense of traduction.
    There are others ways to find the correct sense, nevertheless this way is more fast. 


Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.

_________________ place I’ve ever visited was the Netherlands.

  • O superlativo de far faz parte de uma das exceções do inglês, os irregulares. Existem dois comparativos:

    Farthest => Distância literal.

    Furthest => Sentido conotativo.

    Alternativa C)


In terms of comparative adjectives, the following alternative that does NOT contain an irregular form is:

  • Normal                   Comparativo                         Superlativo

    Fast - Rápido      Faster - mais rápido        the fastest - o mais rápido      (Foi obedecida a regra do +er para o comparativo e +est para o superlativo)

    Far - longe          Further - mais longe         the furthest - o mais distante (contain the irregular form)

    Bad - ruim/mau    Worse - pior                    the worst - "o pior" (contain the irregular form)

    Old - velho           Elder - mais velho           the eldest - o mais velho (contain the irregular form)

    Good - bom          better - melhor                the best - o melhor (contain the irregular form)

  • Em termos de adjetivos comparativos, a seguinte alternativa que não contém uma forma irregular é:

    A) faster - comparativo regular de "fast"
    B) further - comparativo irregular de "far"
    C) worse - comparativo irregular de "bad"
    D) elder - adjetivo em sua forma normal
    E) better - comparativo irregular de "good"

    Gabarito: A.

  • -faster

    Adjective irregular forms signal a comparative/superlative degree that doesn't follow the usual pattern of adding the -er/est ending to the stem word when it's short and more/most when its length surpasses the 2-syllable mark. The single form of the given adjectives are:

    faster - fast

    further - far

     worse - bad/ill

     elder - old (older == + comum)

     better - good/well

  • Alternativa A

    Fast - Faster

    Far- Further




  • faster - de fast
    further - far
    worse - bad
    elder - adjetivo em sua forma normal
    better - good


Read the text about a tribute to Franz Kafka for the question

Google Doodle celebrates Franz Kafka’s 130th birthday with ‘The Metamorphosis’ tribute Google has created a ‘doodle’ in tribute to Franz Kafka on the 130th anniversary of the Germanlanguage novelist’s birth.

The doodle is based on Kafka’s 1915 novella ‘The Metamorphosis’ – considered by many to be one of the most important works of fiction of the 20th Century – and shows the character Gregor Samsa walking into a room in the guise of a large insect.

In the much-celebrated work, Samsa is a travelling salesman who transforms into an insect overnight. The rest of novella focuses on his struggle to come to terms with his new existence and the burden it places on his family.

Kafka was born into an Ashkenazi Jewish family on 3 July 1883 in Prague, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

He originally trained as a lawyer but began writing short stories in his spare time - eventually coming to consider it his calling – despite only a handful of his works being published during his lifetime.

Regarded as one of the 20th Century’s most influential authors, Kafka’s works are dominated by unreliable narrators who often tell dark tales of existentialist difficulties.

Kafka’s notoriously difficult relationship with his father Hermann is believed to have strongly influenced his work – with The Metamorphosis itself thought to be based upon Kafka’s own fears of insignificance and repulsiveness to his own family.

From: HALL, John. Available at:<http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/google-doodlecelebrates-franz-kafkas-130th-birthday-with-the-metamorphosis-tribute-8685557.html>.

About -ING words, in the second paragraph, “walking” can be classified as a verb, whereas, in the third one, “travelling” is an adjective. Which pair of -ING words from the fifth paragraph does NOT contain verb?

  • Letra D:

    Calling: vocação (substantivo)

    During: durante (preposição)

  • d-

    -ing is a suffix used for a variety of meanings when attached to a verb. It can be used as a present participle and gerund. It is also a useful verb inflection for independent nouns and adjectives. It's invariably used as a non-finite verb or as a single noun or adjective. The -ing form can also be applied to engender adverbial uses.

    O afixo -ing é usado para substantivar o verbo, semelhante ao verbo na forma infinitiva: e.g.: o caminhar, o nadar, o visualizar etc. Esse também é um caso de derivação imprópria, o que ocorre quando a mesma palavra altera sua classe gramatical. During, como o colega observou, é preposição.

  • He originally trained as a lawyer but began writing (verb) short stories in his spare time - eventually coming (verb) to consider it his calling (noun) – despite only a handful of his works being published during (preposition) his lifetime.


Read the text about a tribute to Franz Kafka for the question

Google Doodle celebrates Franz Kafka’s 130th birthday with ‘The Metamorphosis’ tribute Google has created a ‘doodle’ in tribute to Franz Kafka on the 130th anniversary of the Germanlanguage novelist’s birth.

The doodle is based on Kafka’s 1915 novella ‘The Metamorphosis’ – considered by many to be one of the most important works of fiction of the 20th Century – and shows the character Gregor Samsa walking into a room in the guise of a large insect.

In the much-celebrated work, Samsa is a travelling salesman who transforms into an insect overnight. The rest of novella focuses on his struggle to come to terms with his new existence and the burden it places on his family.

Kafka was born into an Ashkenazi Jewish family on 3 July 1883 in Prague, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

He originally trained as a lawyer but began writing short stories in his spare time - eventually coming to consider it his calling – despite only a handful of his works being published during his lifetime.

Regarded as one of the 20th Century’s most influential authors, Kafka’s works are dominated by unreliable narrators who often tell dark tales of existentialist difficulties.

Kafka’s notoriously difficult relationship with his father Hermann is believed to have strongly influenced his work – with The Metamorphosis itself thought to be based upon Kafka’s own fears of insignificance and repulsiveness to his own family.

From: HALL, John. Available at:<http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/google-doodlecelebrates-franz-kafkas-130th-birthday-with-the-metamorphosis-tribute-8685557.html>.

In the two excerpts “one of the most important works of fiction of the 20th century” and “one of the 20th Century’s most influential authors”, it can be verified superlative adjectives. It is another case of superlative adjective:

  • b-

    Comparative adjectives draw a comparison between two readily observable entities. Superlative adjectives set an element from a set apart from its peers according to some predefined criterium, often an attribute that the element in question has that distinguishes it from the rest. 


    comparative adjectives - more p/ adjetivos + 2 sílabas// -er p/ até 2 sílabas 

    superlative adjectives - most p/ adjetivos + 2 sílabas// -est p/ até 2 sílabas. best é irregular e corresponde ao adjetivo-raiz good

  • b. 

    forma superlativa de goog = the best 

  • ...THE BEST...

  • Letter b

    "is the best one"

  • A presente questão explora o conceito de adjetivos superlativos. Isso porque, após citar dois exemplos de superlativo extraídos do texto associado à questão, a banca do certame pede que o candidato assinale a alternativa que traz outro caso de adjetivo superlativo.

    Os adjetivos superlativos são usados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade. Eles são empregados em frases nas quais um elemento se destaca dentro de um grupo.

    Vejamos, pois, as alternativas.

    Alternativa A.
    ERRADA. A construção “more important than" representa o grau comparativo do adjetivo “important".

    Alternativa B.
    CORRETA. “The best" é a forma superlativa do adjetivo “good".

    Alternativa C.
    ERRADA. Nessa frase, “most" é um quantificador que indica a quantidade de “fictional stories" e não a forma superlativa de “many" e “much".

    Alternativa D.
    ERRADA. A construção “more famous than" representa o grau comparativo do adjetivo “famous".

    Alternativa E.
    ERRADA. Mais uma vez, “most" é um quantificador que indica a quantidade de “people", significando “the majority of" (a maioria das).

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra B.


Read the text and answer the question.

                  Life stress may lead to cognitive developmental delays in children

According to a new study, children living in harsh or unstable environments are more likely to experience learning and cognitive delays by age 4.

Researchers examined the cortisol levels and cognitive delays of 201 children from low-income families in the northeastern United States. It was found that those kids with higher levels of cortisol experienced harsh or insensitive caregiving.

"We discovered that exposure to specific forms of family adversity when children were 2 years old predicted their cortisol profile, which in turn was linked with notable differences in children´s cognitive functioning at age 4," the researchers say.

Disponível em: <http://www.shortnews.com/start.cfm?id=100733> . Acesso em: 16/06/15.

According to the research, we can state that:

I. Children who are more stressed may have cognitive delay.

II. Children who are stresser may have developmental delays.

III. Children from more rich families were evaluated in this research.

IV. Children from richer families were evaluated in this research.

V. Children from poorer families were evaluated in this research. 



Read TEXT 3 and answer question.  

TEXT 3  


Michael Scherer

Back-to-school night this year in Mr. G’s sixth-grade classroom felt a bit like an inquisition.

Teacher Matthew Gudenius, a boyish, 36-year-old computer whiz who runs his class like a preteen tech startup, had prepared 26 PowerPoint slides filled with facts and footnotes to deflect the concerns of parents. But time was short, the worries were many, and it didn’t take long for the venting to begin.

“I like a paper book. I don’t like an e-book,” one father told him, as about 30 adults squeezed into a room for 22 students. Another dad said he could no longer help his son with homework because all the assignments were online. “I’m now kind of taking out of the routine.”, he complained. Rushing to finish, Gudenius passed a slide about the debate over teaching cursive, mumbling, “We don’t care about handwriting.” In a flash a mother objected: “Yeah, we do.”

At issue was far more than penmanship. The future of K-12 education is arriving fast, and it looks a lot like Mr. G’s classroom in the northern foothills of California’s wine country. Last year, President Obama announced a federal effort to get a laptop, tablet or smartphone into the hands of every student in every school in the U.S. and to pipe in enough bandwidth to get all 49.8 million American kids online simultaneously by 2017. Bulky textbooks will be replaced by flat screens. Worksheets will be stored in the cloud, not clunky Trapper Keepers. The Dewey decimal system will give way to Google. “This one is a big, big deal,” says Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.

It’s a deal Gudenius has been working to realize for years. He doesn’t just teach a computer on every student’s desk; he also tries to do it without any paper at all, saving, by his own estimate, 46,800 sheets a year, or about four trees. The paperless learning environment, while not the goals of most fledgling programs, represents the ultimate result of technology transforming classroom.

Gudenius started teaching as a computer-lab instructor, seeing students for just a few hours each month. That much time is still the norm for most kids. American schools have about 3.6 students for every classroom computing device, according to Education Market Research, and only 1 in 5 school buildings has the wiring to get all students online at once. But Gudenius always saw computers as a tool, not a subject. “We don’t have a paper-and-pencil lab, he says. When you are learning to be a mechanic, you don’t go to a wrench lab.”

Ask his students if they prefer the digital to the tree-based technology and everyone will say yes. It is not unusual for kids to groan when the bell rings because they don’t want to leave their work, which is often done in ways that were impossible just a few years ago. Instead of telling his students to show their work when they do an algebra equation, Gudenius asks them to create and narrate a video about the process, which can then be shown in class. History lessons are enlivened by brief videos that run on individual tablets. And spelling, grammar and vocabulary exercises have the feel of a game, with each student working at his own speed, until Gudenius – who tracks the kids’ progress on a smartphone – gives commands like “Spin it” to let the kids know to flip the screens of their devices around so that he can see their work and begin the next lesson.

Source: TIME- How to Eat Now. Education: The Paperless Classroom is Coming, p. 36-37; October 20, 2014 

Synonyms and antonyms can play a very important role in alerting the reader to a change in the direction of the passage. In the sentence “for many of my students a tablet or a laptop screen is almost as quaint as a paper book”, the antonym for quaint is

  • b-

    All the answer choices broach concepts related to something being quaint, which means something of ancient qualities still retaining a curious aspect. Something run-of-the-mill would hardly be regarded as "quaint".

    obs.: wise is mentioned an archaic meaning for quaint.

    'quaint' significa antigo mas não de modo ofensivo. Seria algo clássico e ao mesmo tempo fora do comum. 


    Quaint means pitoresco, synonyms: unusual, funny, curious
    nevertheless, antonym is: conventional (convencional)

  • A questão cobra conhecimento de vocabulário, especificamente sobre antônimos.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    Synonyms and antonyms can play a very important role in alerting the reader to a change in the direction of the passage. In the sentence “for many of my students a tablet or a laptop screen is almost as quaint as a paper book", the antonym for quaint is....
    - Sinônimos e antônimos podem desempenhar um papel muito importante para alertar o leitor sobre uma mudança na direção da passagem. Na frase "para muitos dos meus alunos, a tela de um tablet ou laptop é quase tão pitoresca quanto um livro de papel", o antônimo de pitoresca é...

    "Quaint" significa pitoresco. Algo que é pitoresco é original, diferente, exótico, curioso, inusitado, singular. Portanto, o antônimo de pitoresco seria normal, habitual, usual, convencional, trivial, corriqueiro, frequente, regular.

    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) Incorreto - wise. = sábio

    B) Correto - conventional.  = convencional

    C) Incorreto - original.  = original

    D) Incorreto - obsolete.  = obsoleto

    E) Incorreto - unusual. = não usual

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra B.