

Read the text about a tribute to Franz Kafka for the question

Google Doodle celebrates Franz Kafka’s 130th birthday with ‘The Metamorphosis’ tribute Google has created a ‘doodle’ in tribute to Franz Kafka on the 130th anniversary of the Germanlanguage novelist’s birth.

The doodle is based on Kafka’s 1915 novella ‘The Metamorphosis’ – considered by many to be one of the most important works of fiction of the 20th Century – and shows the character Gregor Samsa walking into a room in the guise of a large insect.

In the much-celebrated work, Samsa is a travelling salesman who transforms into an insect overnight. The rest of novella focuses on his struggle to come to terms with his new existence and the burden it places on his family.

Kafka was born into an Ashkenazi Jewish family on 3 July 1883 in Prague, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

He originally trained as a lawyer but began writing short stories in his spare time - eventually coming to consider it his calling – despite only a handful of his works being published during his lifetime.

Regarded as one of the 20th Century’s most influential authors, Kafka’s works are dominated by unreliable narrators who often tell dark tales of existentialist difficulties.

Kafka’s notoriously difficult relationship with his father Hermann is believed to have strongly influenced his work – with The Metamorphosis itself thought to be based upon Kafka’s own fears of insignificance and repulsiveness to his own family.

From: HALL, John. Available at:<http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/google-doodlecelebrates-franz-kafkas-130th-birthday-with-the-metamorphosis-tribute-8685557.html>.

In the two excerpts “one of the most important works of fiction of the 20th century” and “one of the 20th Century’s most influential authors”, it can be verified superlative adjectives. It is another case of superlative adjective:

  • b-

    Comparative adjectives draw a comparison between two readily observable entities. Superlative adjectives set an element from a set apart from its peers according to some predefined criterium, often an attribute that the element in question has that distinguishes it from the rest. 


    comparative adjectives - more p/ adjetivos + 2 sílabas// -er p/ até 2 sílabas 

    superlative adjectives - most p/ adjetivos + 2 sílabas// -est p/ até 2 sílabas. best é irregular e corresponde ao adjetivo-raiz good

  • b. 

    forma superlativa de goog = the best 

  • ...THE BEST...

  • Letter b

    "is the best one"

  • A presente questão explora o conceito de adjetivos superlativos. Isso porque, após citar dois exemplos de superlativo extraídos do texto associado à questão, a banca do certame pede que o candidato assinale a alternativa que traz outro caso de adjetivo superlativo.

    Os adjetivos superlativos são usados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade. Eles são empregados em frases nas quais um elemento se destaca dentro de um grupo.

    Vejamos, pois, as alternativas.

    Alternativa A.
    ERRADA. A construção “more important than" representa o grau comparativo do adjetivo “important".

    Alternativa B.
    CORRETA. “The best" é a forma superlativa do adjetivo “good".

    Alternativa C.
    ERRADA. Nessa frase, “most" é um quantificador que indica a quantidade de “fictional stories" e não a forma superlativa de “many" e “much".

    Alternativa D.
    ERRADA. A construção “more famous than" representa o grau comparativo do adjetivo “famous".

    Alternativa E.
    ERRADA. Mais uma vez, “most" é um quantificador que indica a quantidade de “people", significando “the majority of" (a maioria das).

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra B.