
Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal

U.S. immigration law provides foreign nationals with a variety of visas to become lawful permanent residents (get a Green Card) through employment in the United States. These employment-based (EB) “preference immigrant” categories include:

Employment-Based Immigration: EB-1 Priority Workers

This preference is reserved for persons of extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics; outstanding researchers or university professors; and executives or managers of multinational corporations. This category is less costly and takes less time to complete than other classifications. Although this is the fastest way to get an employment-based green card, it is extremely document-heavy and the USCIS reviews this petition with a high level of scrutiny.

Employment-Based Immigration: EB-2 Advanced Workers

There are three types of EB-2 green cards:

− Professionals who hold advanced degrees

− Foreign nationals with exceptional knowledge in the sciences, arts or business

− Professionals whose work benefits the national interest of the U.S.

Applicants (with the exception of applicants applying for an exemption known as National Interest Waiver) must generally have an approved labor certification, a job offer, and their employer must have filed an Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker (Form I-140) with the USCIS.

This category has several stages that need to be successfully completed prior to green card sponsorship. This proves to be a lengthier and more rigorous process than the EB-1 green card.

Employment-Based Immigration: EB-3 Skilled/Other Workers

This preference is reserved for professionals with a bachelor’s degree (or foreign equivalent); skilled workers, including foreign nationals with at least two years of training or work experience who may or may not hold a degree; and other or unskilled workers filling a job that requires less than two years of training or experience. This category is the most common with a higher number of foreign nationals that qualify under this preference category and has a lengthy average approval waiting period of six to nine years.

(Adapted from: https://resources.envoyglobal.com/blog/employment-based-immigration-a-complete-overview) 

Segundo o texto,

  • "This category is the most common with a higher number of foreign nationals that qualify under this preference category and has a lengthy average approval waiting period of six to nine years."

  • A questão cobra interpretação de um texto sobre a lei de imigração dos EUA.

    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) ERRADO - solicitantes de visto EB-3 devem ter, no mínimo, formação superior. 
    A resposta se evidencia no seguinte trecho do parágrafo EB-3: "...including foreign nationals with at least two years of training or work experience who may or may not hold a degree; and other or unskilled workers filling a job that requires less than two years of training or experience". = ...incluindo cidadãos estrangeiros com pelo menos dois anos de treinamento ou experiência de trabalho, que podem ou não possuir um diploma; e outros trabalhadores ou não qualificados ocupando um cargo que requeira menos de dois anos de treinamento ou experiência.

    B) CORRETO - a categoria com maior número de solicitações e com maior tempo de espera é a EB-3. 
    A resposta se evidencia no seguinte trecho do parágrafo EB-3: "This category is the most common with a higher number of foreign nationals..." = Esta categoria é a mais comum com um maior número de estrangeiros.

    C) ERRADO - mesmo profissionais cuja ocupação seja de interesse nacional devem provar que têm uma oferta de emprego. 
    A resposta se evidencia no seguinte trecho do parágrafo EB-2: "Applicants (with the exception of applicants applying for an exemption known as National Interest Waiver) must generally have an approved labor certification, a job offer..." = Os candidatos (com exceção dos candidatos que se candidatam a uma isenção conhecida como Isenção de Interesse Nacional) geralmente devem ter uma certificação de trabalho aprovada, uma oferta de emprego...

    D) ERRADO - o formulário I-140 deve ser submetido diretamente ao USCIS pelo solicitante. 
    A resposta se evidencia no seguinte trecho do parágrafo EB-2: "...their employer must have filed an Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker (Form I-140) with the USCIS." = ...seu empregador deve ter preenchido uma Petição de Imigrante para Trabalhador Estrangeiro (Formulário I-140) com o USCIS .

    E) ERRADO - nenhum trabalhador com menos de dois anos de experiência em seu campo de atuação pode solicitar um visto EB-3.
    A resposta se evidencia no seguinte trecho do parágrafo EB-3: "...and unskilled workers filling a job that requires less than two years of training or experience." = ...e trabalhadores não qualificados ocupando um cargo que requeira menos de dois anos de treinamento ou experiência.

    Gabarito do professor: Letra B.