

Cow Threat

Cows are walking machines. They transform materials (grass, hay, water, and feed) into finished products (milk, beef, leather, and so on).

As any factory, cows produce waste. Solid waste is eliminated through the rear end of these ‘complex machines’, and it is used as fertilizer.

The fermentation process in their four stomachs produces gas. These walking machines have two chimneys: one in the front end, and other in the rear end. Gaseous emissions through the front end chimney are called burps. Cows burp a lot. Every minute and half these burps release methane gas. Methane is dangerous to the planet because it contributes to the greenhouse effect.

The world population is growing very fast. That means there are more people eating beef. Consequently, there is more cattle – more walking machines – producing more methane gas.

This is the problem, but very few people want to change their eating habits. What about you? 

Read these sentences and, according to the text, decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ).

( ) Cows have more than one stomach.

( ) The production of methane is a serious problem.

( ) Cows eliminate gases through their front and rear ends.

( ) Burps are eliminations of gas through the rear end.

( ) Cows burp approximately 10 times in one hour.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence:

  • (A)

    True--> These walking machines have two chimneys:

    True--> Methane is dangerous to the planet because it contributes to the greenhouse effect.

    True--> These walking machines have two chimneys: one in the front end, and other in the rear end.

    False--> Gaseous emissions through the front.

    False-->Cows burp a lot. Every minute and half these burps release methane gas.(Extrapolou)

  • a-

    T- The fermentation process in their four stomachs produces gas.

    T -  Methane is dangerous to the planet because it contributes to the greenhouse effect.

    T - These walking machines have two chimneys: one in the front end, and other in the rear end.

    F - gaseous emissions through the front end chimney are called burps.

    F - Every minute and half these burps release methane gas.

  • Segue tradução do enunciado:

    Leia essas frases e, de acordo com o texto, decida se elas são verdadeiras ( T ) ou falsas ( F ).

    Analisando as frases:

    ( ) Cows have more than one stomach = As vacas têm mais de um estômago.

    Verdadeiro, de acordo com o seguinte trecho do texto:

    The fermentation process in their four stomachs produces gas. 

    O processo de fermentação em seus quatro estômagos produz gás.

    ( ) The production of methane is a serious problem = A produção de metano é um problema sério.

    Verdadeiro, Methane is dangerous to the planet because it contributes to the greenhouse effect.

    O metano é perigoso para o planeta porque contribui para o efeito estufa.

    ( ) Cows eliminate gases through their front and rear ends = As vacas eliminam gases através de suas extremidades dianteiras e traseiras.

    Verdadeiro, These walking machines have two chimneys: one in the front end, and other in the rear end. 

    Estas máquinas de andar têm duas chaminés: uma na extremidade dianteira e outra na extremidade traseira.

    ( ) Burps are eliminations of gas through the rear end = Arrotos são eliminações de gás pela extremidade traseira.

    Falso, Gaseous emissions through the front end chimney are called burps.

    As emissões gasosas através da chaminé dianteira são chamadas de arrotos.

    ( ) Cows burp approximately 10 times in one hour = As vacas arrotam aproximadamente 10 vezes em uma hora.

    Falso,  Every minute and half these burps release methane gas.

    A cada minuto e meio esses arrotos liberam gás metano.

    Portanto, a sequência correta é T- T -T- F - F

    Gabarito: A