

                        From Nail bars to car washes: how big

                             is the UK’s slavery problem?

                                                                                                  by Annie Kelly

      Does slavery exist in the UK?

      More than 250 years since the end of the transatlantic slave trade, there are close to 41 million people still trapped in some form of slavery across the world today. Yet nobody really knows the scale and how many victims or perpetrators of this crime there are in Britain.

      The data that has been released is inconsistent. The government believes there are about 13,000 victims of slavery in the UK, while earlier this year the Global Slavery Index released a much higher estimate of 136,000.

      Statistics on slavery from the National Crime Agency note the number of people passed on to the government’s national referral mechanism (NRM), the process by which victims of slavery are identified and granted statutory support. While this data gives a good snapshot of what kinds of slavery are most prevalent and who is falling victim to exploiters, it doesn’t paint the whole picture. For every victim identified by the police, there will be many others who are not found and remain under the control of traffickers, pimps and gangmasters.

      There are also many potential victims who don’t agree to go through the mechanism because they don’t trust the authorities, or are too scared to report their traffickers. Between 1 November 2015 and 30 June 2018, the government received notifications of 3,306 potential victims of modern slavery in England and Wales who were not referred to the NRM.


      The police recorded 3,773 modern slavery offences between June 2017 and June 2018.


(Source: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/ oct/18/nail-bars-car-washes-uk-slavery-problem-anti-slavery-day. Access: 20/10/2018)

In the following excerpt: “(…) the government received notifications of 3,306 potential victims of modern slavery in England and Wales (…)”, the underlined words are, respectively: 

  • opção C

    An adjective; a noun; an adjective; a noun.

  • Velho macete da garota bonita...

  • "potential victims of modern slavery"

    An adjective; a noun; an adjective; a noun.

    GAB C

  • In the following excerpt: “(…) the government received notifications of 3,306 potential victims of modern slavery in England and Wales (…)”, the underlined words are, respectively:

    Obs.: Em inglês os adjetivos vêm antes dos substantivos


    A funny (adjetivo) girl (substantivo) Uma menina (substantivo) engraçada (adjetivo)

    potential (adjetivo) victims (substantivo) vitimas (substantivo) potenciais (adjetivo)

    modern (adjetivo) slavery (substantivo) escravidão (substantivo) moderna (adjetivo)

    adjective = adjetivo

    noun = substantivo

    (C) An adjective; a noun; an adjective; a noun.

    GAB. C

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre a classificação gramatical das palavras ou análise morfológica.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    In the following excerpt: “(…) the government received notifications of 3,306 potential victims of modern slavery in England and Wales (…)", the underlined words are, respectively:
    Tradução -No trecho a seguir: “(...) o governo recebeu notificações de 3.306 vítimas potenciais da escravidão moderna na Inglaterra e no País de Gales (...)", as palavras sublinhadas são, respectivamente:

    Analisando as palavras respectiva e morfologicamente da forma em que aparecem no trecho (e não na tradução!) teremos:

    • potenciais - adjetivo
    • vítimas - substantivo
    • moderna - adjetivo
    • escravidão - substantivo

    Considere nas alternativas que "noun" significa substantivo e "adjective" significa adjetivo:

    A) Incorreto - A noun; an adjective; a noun; an adjective. 

    B) Incorreto - An adjective; an adjective; a noun; a noun. 

    C) Correto - An adjective; a noun; an adjective; a noun. 

    D) Incorreto - A noun; a noun; an adjective; an adjective.

    E) Incorreto - An adjective; a noun; a noun; a noun.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra C.