

Read the text to answer question.

The legislation follows a year-on-year increase in drone incidents. 

Joana Whitehead

    New laws introduced today will restrict all drones from flying above 400 feet or within one kilometer of airport boundaries. The legislation follows a year-on-year increase of drones incidents with aircraft, with 93 reported in 2017. The measures are hoped to reduce the possibility of damage to windows and engines of planes and helicopters. 
    Further laws will require owners of drones weighing 250 grams or more to register with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The majority of drones users considered it is vital for drone pilots to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the CAA, a set of rules introduced to promote safe and responsible drone use.
Drones are here to stay, not only as a recriational pastime, but as a vital tool in many industries – from agriculture to blue-light services – so incresing public trust through safe drone flying is crucial. 

Adapted from www.independent.co.uk

The verb “to adhere”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to

  • O verbo “to adhere" “aderir", em negrito no texto, tem o significado mais próximo de
    A) acreditar na ideia de alguém.
    B) se comportar de acordo com uma regra específica.
    C) desaprovar algo ou alguém.
    D) discordar de uma ação ou proposta.
    To adhere: aderir a algo, enquadrar-se a algo. 
     The majority of drones users considered it is vital for drone pilots to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the CAA,[...] 
    Tradução: A maioria dos usuários de drones considerou que é vital que os pilotos de drones sigam as regras e diretrizes da CAA, [...] 
    O verbo "to adhere" no texto, pode ser entendido como se comportar de acordo com uma regra específica, ou seja, aderir-se a uma regra.
    Gabarito do Professor: B
  • (B)

    Further laws will require owners of drones weighing 250 grams or more to register with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The majority of drones users considered it is vital for drone pilots to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the CAA, a set of rules introduced to promote safe and responsible drone use.

    -Outras leis exigirão que os proprietários de drones pesando 250 gramas ou mais se registrem na Autoridade de Aviação Civil (CAA). A maioria dos usuários de drones considerou que é vital que os pilotos de drones sigam as regras e diretrizes da CAA, um conjunto de regras introduzidas para promover o uso seguro e responsável dos drones.

    to behave according a particular rule.

    -Comportar-se de acordo com uma regra específica.